OPM announces... halt of selection process for two prison officers
OPM says 'administrative action' compromises selection process.
The Office of the Prime Minister has announced that a selection process for a corrective supervisor and senior correctional officer at the Corradino Correctional Facility had to be stopped, after an administrative action had allegedly compromised the selection process.
"Although the process itself was just and impartial, according to the Public Service Commission rules, it could not be vitiated by any doubts there might be," the OPM said in a statement.
"Administrative steps have been taken to resume the selection process the earliest possible."
How pathetic for this country to still keep finding corruption everywhere. There is very little doubt that our whole Judicial System is corrupt as a matter of fact the whole country rates as the number one most corrupt country in the EU. Why is that and what is this administration doing to rid of some of the corruption? More corruption, preferential treatment and more nepotism in our government? It is becoming so obvious that anything touched or has to do with the government is somehow tainted. Why is that? Which Party is willing to promise to rid of this corruption and make Malta proud. It is never too late to turn over a new leaf.
..... bhas-soltu gonzipn qed jittrattana ta' hmir, cwiec maltin u imbecilli .....
naqraw li l-process ta' ghazla kellu jieqaf "after an administrative action had allegedly compromised the selection process ...." - nistghu nkunu nafu verament x'kienet din l-azzjoni amministrattiva? .... la ma kellhomx il-kuragg u s-sens komun li jghidulna ezatt x'sar, hadd ma jzommni milli nemmen u nahseb li saret xi balbuljata .... li gara xi haga li biha forsi z-zwiemel favoriti ma baqghux izommu l-vantagg li kellhom .... jew dottor gowdwin grima tal-azzjoni kattolika jew pawlu attard dawl il-gnus ghandhom ikunu irgiel u jghidu ezatt x'gara mhux joqoghdu jinhbew wara d-duhhan biex ma jghidux il-verita ..... bilfors allura temmen li HEMM XI BALBULJATA FIN-NOFS GHAX KIEKU KIENU JGHIDU EZATT X'GARA ... imma gonzipn u l-klikka ta' hazen is-serjeta lanqas biss jafu fejn toqghod .....
Imma kif ma tghamlux wahda sewwa? Mur emminhom li kollox kien dritt u sewwa. Kredibilita zero.
Will OPM halt also the process in the case of promotion within the diplomatic service?