Updated | Fault at Marsa power station causes explosion

Fault at distribution centre causes explosion and leads to power cut to 55% of the island.

Black smoke coming out of the Marsa power station.
Black smoke coming out of the Marsa power station.

At around 3:30pm, during reinforcing works being done at the Marsa South Distribution Centre, a fault occurred which led to an explosion in the distribution switchgear.

In a statement, Enemalta said that no one was injured during this incident but this caused the two units at Marsa Power Station - turbine 6 and turbine 7 - together with the Steam Units and Gas Turbine at Delimara Power Station to trip.

"The only generating units that didn't suffer a trip were the diesel engines at the Delimara extension," Enemalta said.

As a result of this, 55% of the island suffered a power cut.

Currently Enemalta engineers are starting up the various units and have already started restoring supply.

Investigations will be held to determine the cause of the explosion.

Black smoke is good for our health, our next tourist progect and marina will be in marsa where all residents will be able to enjoy clean fresh power station to purufy our lungs. All residents will be urged that this will be a no smoking area since we do no wish to polllute our clean air.
"FUTUR FIS-SOD" nofqu il-miljuni fuq miljuni ghal power stationm inhalsu eluf ta ewros f'kontijiet u nispiccaw bla DAWL. Proset Dr Gobon tat-toqba. "FINANZI FIS-SOD", u daqt nigu bhal Grecja "JUNK". Insomma Gvern tal-jubk ghandba ghaliex ma hawn xejn sura, la il-finanzi, la il-power station, la s-sahha ghaliex biex taghmel appuntament trid kwazi tkun qed tmut,la toroq ghaliex hawn hofor daqs qabar (tas-sliema) la pinnoli mill-ispizerija ta l-ghazla tieghek u lanqas tieghu. L-Unika haga li hawn huwa Joseph Muscat li kisser pajjiz u Gonzi qed jipprova jirrangah ghall festi Kmandati. L-ewwel bedas siehbu Eddie weghdi, li qal li Malta kella tinharaq bid-dawl u tereq fl-ilma, din veru ghaliex meta taghmel ix-xita ikun hawn disastru. Proset gonzzzzzzz/
Luke Camilleri
ISSA HERGIN IL-PARTICELLI MIC-CUMNIJA! Ghada miftuha l'istedina ta' Tonio fenech biex immorru naraw jekk humiex hergin particelli mic-cmieni tal-power station???? Ha jghatina xi torch ghax tliet kwarti ta' Malta fid-dlam..... jew sejjer hu HA JKUN HANDS ON?
Joseph, please don't cause more trouble by now exploding our power stations. More seriously, does this mean that the only turbines left working were those of Phase 2B? As far as i know, they are the only diesel engines at Delimara.
You see, miskin, Tonju was bang on about explosions.
kollu tort ta JOSEPH MUSCAT, ilu jilab mad dawl.
Where is the black smoke? I guess that tonight on Xarabank the PM will try to make us believe that the black smoke is good for our health but we must avoid staying near somebody who is smoking. Do not forget that the PM had told us that he increased the excise on cigarettes so that people will smoke less and that he was taking care of our health. Can you be more stupid than voting PN in March?
please Joseph turn on the lights please because i have to watch xarabank tonight
Taghmlux ghageb ghax mar darba id-dawl. :P
Nahseb ghandkom zball. Possibbli mhux tort ta' Joseph Muscat? Forsi mar jistad u laqat l-interconnector?