OLAF report could jeopardise case against John Dalli

Court request to exhibit OLAF report into John Dalli investigation could derail Police case against former EU Commissioner.

John Dalli
John Dalli

Magistrate Anthony Vella's order to the Attorney General and the Police to exhibit the OLAF report pertaining to the investigations which led to the resignation last October of the former European Commissioner could jeopardise the case against John Dalli.

Sunday newspaper Illum reports that the Police were intent on arraigning Dalli in the first week of January, however this was postponed due to Dalli's poor health.

During Thursday's court sitting Inspector Angelo Gafa said ongoing investigations had to be put on hold because of events which were not under Police control.

The court's request for the exhibit of the OLAF report, could jeopordise the Police's case against Dalli and despite tough resistance, the Police have no other option but to exhibit the report at the next sitting.

Dalli was accused by OLAF of having been aware of the bribe but did nothing to report the alleged wrongdoing, leading to his resignation after being asked to step down by Commission president José Barroso.

Read the full report on today's edition of Illum

This is a shame of PN that instead of defending one of the pillars of the party is trying to harm Dalli. Veru juzak u jarmijk il PN
So it follows that the report could exonerate John Dalli, after all. If so, would arraigning Dalli by the Malta Police have been democratic? Do the Police have a hidden agenda?
It's patently obvious that the police want to hide the fact that they DON'T have a solid case against Dalli.
Why should the report jeopardise the Dalli case? Does the police have a water tight case or is it simply trying to arraign John Dalli in order to serve somebody elses agenda? Dalli still has a following that would further damage gonzipn at the polls, is arraigning him now a tatic to stop the haemmorrhage as the case will surely not be decided by 9th March?
Luke Camilleri
JUST DO IT - just publish it - There's Malta's reputation at stake and Gonzi's CHOICE of canditates as MEPs, MPs, EU Commissioners....and GONZI'S CHOICE ON WHO TO BACK!