Prime Minister calls for police investigation into corruption case revealed by MaltaToday

Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi asks Police Commissioner John Rizzo to investigate MaltaToday corruption revelations on Enemalta’s oil purchasing.

Police Commissioner John Rizzo was asked to investigate Enemalta corruption
Police Commissioner John Rizzo was asked to investigate Enemalta corruption "in shortest time possible".

The Prime Minister has asked Police Commissioner John Rizzo to investigate MaltaToday's revelations on kickbacks paid for Enemalta's multi-million oil purchases.

A brief press statement issued by the Office of the Prime Minister on Sunday morning said the Prime Minister requested Rizzo to "investigate and take all necessary action in the shortest time possible."

MaltaToday on Sunday reported that the kickbacks, received by Enemalta procurement committee member Frank Sammut, were deposited into his Swiss Bank account on a regular basis by Trafigura, a Dutch commodities company.

Trafigura supplied oil to Enemalta and the payments to Sammut's account made specific reference to the Enemalta contract numbers for the purchase of oil.

MaltaToday managing editor Saviour Balzan said he was ready to cooperate with police investigations which have already started.

Joseph MELI
I would seriously recommend to Frank Sammut to run for Parliament as he would be a shoe-in given that that this is obviously a pre-election smear campaign, a la JPO and Mistra-gate (yeah right!)and another piece of advice Mr SAMMUT-turn on the water-works when speaking in public as it works like a charm for the sympathy vote.
Although this Frank Sammut was on the oil procurement committee of Enemalta, it appears that he was not a corporation employee but a Ministry official of Austin Gatt. And if it is true, it is no wonder, as the Malta Today article says, that Austin Gatt changed the oil procurement policy as soon as he took over Enemalta.
Simon Busuttil said "people should put their hands in their pockets and feel the difference the PN made". Yes Simon. You are totally right. Ask Frank Sammut and Joe Mizzi. They did very well on commissions under the leadership of Lawrence Gonzi and The Bully himself. What about myself? Ask my utility bill!!
Din mhux xi bicca bhal tal-gwardjani lokali
OH NO not another bribery scandal! When is all this going to stop? Many thought that it was a big scandal when Tonio Fenech took a Freebie ride on a friends private plane to go watch a football game. That was peanuts compared to what is being uncovered right now. It seems that a lot of people in authority are taking advantage of their position and making it pay off. It seems there is no shame in taking bribes. This will bring us down further on the corruption scene and for a good reason. Honestly I think that bribes were always a part of life in Malta but now people in authority seem to be getting bolder and because of the big monies they are willing to take the chance. I wonder if the new parliament will be willing to discus this problem since it effects the whole country?
lol about time after all these years. And we pay taxes.......
I suggest that this investigation will be conducted by OLAF , and I am certain that they will come to the conclusion that both The Prim Minister and Dr.Austin Gatt were aware of what was going on .
X' ser jaghmel il-Kummissarju tal-Pulizija issa li faqqghet din il-bomba ta korruzzjoni massiva fix-xiri taz-zejt jekk isib li minn dawn is-sommom kbar seta kien hemm kick-backs lill-ufficjali kbar ta' GONZIPN u lill-kampanja elettorali tagghom. Jew sa l-elezzjoni kollox jinzamm taht l-imhadda ghal konvenjenza? Prosit lill-MaltaToday tax-xoghol investigattiv li jaghmlu. Hekk ghandhom ikunu il-gurnalisti. Is-sommom involuti fix-xiri taz-zejt huma enormi u taghti sahha enormi lill-dawk l-ufficjali li jitpoggew f' din il-kariga u sahha aktar enormi lil min poggiehom hemm. Missu ilhom jigu investigati dawn in-nies u mhux wara li jinqabdu. U min jaf s' hemm iktar!!! Fejn kien Gonzi u Tonio Fenech biex jassiguraw trasparenza u mhux jiftahar li kien kburi li jivvota fil-parlament ghal zidiet fil-kontijiet tad-dawl u l-ilma li jhallashom il-poplu.
The PM had no other option but to instruct the police commissioner to investigate further. I hope the police will not drag their feet.
Allura dan il-bravu Gonzi qatt ma nduna li qed nixtru z-zejt bil-gholi?
Zack Depasquale
So does the Commisioner has to wait for orders from above to take any action? No wonder certain people such as trash bloggers can get away with murder.Regarding Enemalta, what was the management doing all these years? What about internal auditing department does it function at Enemalta? Who was supposed to watch over the people who were purchasing fuel supplies? Who are the people making these purchases and on what grounds were they chosen for this task? We the tax payers want answers.We are fed up paying for corruption,any persons whoever they may be as I dont believe that this was only a one man operation, should be thrown in jail and may they rot in jail for bringing Maltese families on their knees.
With Rizzo as commissioner, don't hold your breath anything will really be done.
No wonder we were paying through our noses for the electricity bills. Not only we were paying for the price of oil and the generation of electricity but also for extras. Wonder if there are those in the higher echelons of the country's administrations who are involved. Time will tell. It is a wonder if this is true that government did not notice these going ons especially when oil prices decreased and we were still buying at higher prices. Was it a coincidence or was it one-eye closed?
.... lest naghmel imhatra li issa dan l-ufficjal jiftah kawza ghal libell .... u allura nibdew nisimghu li l-kaz hu sub judice u hadd ma jkun irid jitkellem ..... drajniha issa l-istorja .... u l-kaz quddiem il-qorti jinqata' ...... xi hames snin ohra .... mhux tajjeb hekk ....
Seriously? Not that I am surprised but there again I would have thought that with Enemalta haemorrhaging money they way it has been for decades and the utility bills issued being such a hot political topic there would be more transparency and less room for such practices (assuming the alleged kickbacks are proven). This country needs to drop from the world corruption table as otherwise it will remain a country were only the chosen few continue to prosper, albeit at the detriment of the people. Generally speaking, as long as our governments keep taking decisions on the interest of this or that person and not in the clear as crystal interest of the nation we will NEVER move forward! If it is discovered that the decision to opt for HFO was implemented because of personal interest than I afraid to say, given the nature of the way this has hit the common citizen, we need a change from the ground up, no one excluded!