‘Swieqi residents feel abandoned by the central government’ – Muscat

During a press conference held this afternoon, opposition leader Joseph Muscat promised to address the concerns of Swieqi residents in relation to the proximity of entertainment zone.

Joseph Muscat said that Swieqi residents are fed up with the disruption caused by the overspill occurring from the “entertainment zone” of Paceville.

“Reports of petty crime are all too common in this area. The PL is also concerned with reports of violence against the elderly. If in government, we will introduce harsher penalties for such crimes. Persons with a disability will also be afforded better protection, in order to give them peace of mind.”

“Swieqi residents feel abandoned by the central government, and are unhappy with the dynamics and tensions inherent in living so close to an entertainment zone. Residents should not be prisoners in their own homes," Muscat said.

Joseph Muscat also pledged to increase the police presence in Swieqi. A head start was had on this as four police officers were required to manage traffic, as Muscat’s podium was set up in the middle of the road.

Muscat confirmed that the PL's child care proposal has been fully costed. It involves a net outlay of 3.1 million in the first year and will produce a net return in the 5th year.

Muscat was questioned on whether Prime Minister Gonzi and Austin Gatt, the minister responsible for Enemalta at the time should be held politically responsible for the corruption scandal.

“The police should investigate. This is just the tip of the iceberg. Now we know why the Nationalists panicked about converting from oil to gas.”


Logical, what I did is state a fact.
jomic...it's always the Labour's fault isn't it? Well, you should also know it will also be the fault of Labour that the nationalists will lose the coming election! teehee...
In Swieqi we need more police surveillance to control the theft and vandalism which happens on a regular basis. Virtually all security cameras have been removed after they were vandalized, the excuse given was that there is no funds available to replace them.
The only time my empty gas cyclinders got stolen from my front garden on two separate occassions was when there were labour activities held at Luxol grounds.