Fenech against Enemalta’s refusal to publish oil procurement history

Finance Minister orders Enemalta to publish the names of companies awarded oil procurement tenders over the years.

Finance Minister Tonio Fenech picture here with Enemalta executive chairman Louis Giordimaina.
Finance Minister Tonio Fenech picture here with Enemalta executive chairman Louis Giordimaina.

The Finance Minister has issued a curt statement in which he disassociated himself from a decision by Enemalta refusing to publish the names of companies awarded oil procurement tenders over the years following a request made by a local newspaper.

"The minister was not informed of Enemalta's decision to refuse providing the information," the Ministry said in a statement.

"The minister disassociates himself from this decision and has also instructed Enemalta to provide the requested information, as long as it is not being specifically held by the Police due to the ongoing investigation."

Following MaltaToday's revelations of the oil corruption scandal, The Times asked Enemalta to publish the names of the companies awarded the tenders. However, Enemalta refused, insisting that the information could be prejudicial.

Mhux li tghid int Tonio. Li jghidu tal-klikka jghodd. U issa ma tarax li se jinkixfu dawn in-nies . Lanqas jekk jerga jitla Gonzipn ma jinkixfu . Kollox jibqa ghaddej qiesu ma gara xejn. Bhal hafna kazijiet ohrajn. U ahna it-taxpayers inhallsu ghal din il-korruzzjoni sfaccata. Dan kollu tqanzih sabiex tidher helu u tipprova tatti ix-xemx bl-arbiel dear Tonio.
How is it possible that the Ministry would not have records of the companies from whom €1 million a day of oil had been purchased by Malta? In which case, why would not the Ministry publish the information itself? Who does Tonio Fenech thinks he can fool by saying he disassociates himself from all this alleged fraud?
oh! my goodness. So he Tonio still thinks that we are "ċwieĊ". What a loggerhead. I believe that Tonio requires to change the Coach. His moves are too predictable. How come a government entity refuses to publish what is required to publish. This is a governmnet entity i.e public
MFEI could have published the figures themselves or they could have asked that sleepy regulator, the MRA to obtain these figures and either publish or pass on to the Ministry to publish. This is just pussy footing. I am sure these figures are available and traceable and could easily be asked for by both the authorities I mentioned. The Maltese would not give a fig who publishes this info. All the Maltese want is their money back, with interest.
"However, Enemalta refused, insisting that the information could be prejudicial." Maybe they meant that it might show corruption and expose those who did wrong. Enemalta is owned by the government and run by the government, so what is the problem? Is the government protecting some wrongdoings? Enemalta is actually owned outright by the people of Malta since it is owned and operated by the government, same as Air Malta and the handling of our Public Transport namely Arriva. Why is the government pointing fingers at everybody else but themselves? Does the government have something to hide? A court order cam remedy all this, since the government does not have the cahunas to make it happen. Do it Minister Tonio Fenech or you are going to call "CWIEC' like you did once before. First Air Malta and now this?Own up to your responsibilities.
Luke Camilleri
Kellu il-pressjoni miskin BIEX JIKXEF KOLLOX! U jaqbel li issa taparsi qieghed jikxef kollox , ha jidher naqra helu ....l'elezzjoni mhux fil boghod u ghandhu x'jitlef! Hu u l_Gvern tieghu innominaw il-Bord tal-Enemalta, ic-Chairman ta' l'Enemalta, id-Diretturi ta' L'Enemalta.... u bazuzli ohra fit-tmexxija ta' l'Enemalta....
Wasn't it Enemalta that acted as an adjunct of the PN by paying for the KPMG "report"? Now it is disobeying party/minister orders? Oh, sorry, the minister was "not informed". You're trying to look good, aren't you Tonio? Well, sorry, but this is having the opposite effect!