Updated | Gonzi stands by Gatt on political responsibility in oil procurement case

Prime Minister says nobody should jump to conclusions on minister’s responsibility before investigations are concluded.

Lawrence Gonzi has stood by Austin Gatt's (left) denials - Photo: Mariza Dunham Gaspar/Mediatoday
Lawrence Gonzi has stood by Austin Gatt's (left) denials - Photo: Mariza Dunham Gaspar/Mediatoday

Updated with Austin Gatt statement

Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi has defended transport minister Austin Gatt over the possible connection he might have in the allegations of kickbacks paid by commodities firm Trafigura to Enemalta officials, after his Cabinet approved a presidential pardon for oil trader George Farrugia to turn State's witness.

Asked by MaltaToday whether Gatt should take political responsibility after having been interrogated by police in connection with an investigation on the alleged kickbacks, Gonzi said that "nobody should jump to any conclusions".

"Austin never spoke about oil tenders in meetings he had with this person, and that's his statement," Gonzi said of the meetings the minister is believed to have had with George Farrugia, revealed in email correspondence between Farrugia and Trafigura representatives that was published in the Sunday Times.

"I said I would fight corruption tooth and nail and this presidential pardon confirms my commitment. We gave investigators the strongest tool possible so that they can solve this case."

George Farrugia, a director of Aikon Ltd, is at the centre of allegations that Trafigura regularly paid commissions to former MOBC chief executive Frank Sammut, through payments in a Swiss bank account for Sammut that were first revealed by MaltaToday.

But Gonzi has refused to answer whether Austin Gatt was either present for the Cabinet meeting he held late on Friday evening to issue the pardon, or whether he had met the minister since the latest disclosure of the Trafigura emails.

Gonzi also refused to draw comparisons between the resignation of minister Chris Said over allegations of perjury, and Austin Gatt's current link to Farrugia.

"Political responsibility should be taken after investigations are fully carried out. We should not jump to any conclusions," Gonzi said.

Said had resigned his ministerial role after being accused of perjury in a civil case, and was reinstated to his position after he was cleared of the charges.

"The cases are different and there is no comparison," Gonzi said.

Earlier today, Labour leader Joseph Muscat said Gonzi was aware of much more information on the allegations of kickbacks.

"We would like to know what led to the decision to issue the pardon if the Prime Minister can explain... the emails published by the Sunday Times could be referring to Austin Gatt," Muscat said of the correspondence that alludes to meetings with 'Aust' and 'A.G'.

"I will not speculate but everyone knows how to read. If the foreign company asks about a meeting with the minister I don't think it has anything to do with his constituency," Muscat said, referring to early denials by Gatt in which he said that any politician 'worth their salt' would have meet George Farrugia, formerly a member of the Farrugia family business John's Group of Companies.

"Gatt and Gonzi must explain what's going on. Only after investigations are concluded can one examine whether giving this pardon was the right decision. But on Gatt, Gonzi's replies so far have been weak and he should clarify."

Austin Gatt statement

In comments he released at 12pm, referring to Labour leader Joseph Muscat's statements, Austin Gatt said he had nothing to add to his previous statements.

"I reiterate that I never, ever discussed the business of tenders for oil by Enemalta with George Farrugia or had any conversation with him that remotely touched on such subjects. This applies to the period referred to in the Sunday Times story of yesterday, some 8 to 10 years ago, or any period before or since."


Birds of the same feather , flock together . No need for further explanation .
L-ewwel nies prosit tar-ritratt ghax veru ferħanin qedghin, x'aħlew ta wiċċ anġeliku għandhom!! Ħeqq A.G.***AUSTIN GONZI, bħall ma qal xi ħadd qabli. U ajma mhux taħsbu li kollox ippjanat għandhom u kollox lest biex ħadd ma jeħel xej? Kemm ħsibtuhom ċwieċ lil ta gonżipn? MELA DAWK ĊWIEĊ MALTIN???
Austin GATT for the new pope.hahaha.
It is dangerous for Gonzi to say he defends AG in this matter. If it results that AG is involved, then Gonzi will have to shoulder the responsibility and call it a day in politics - a rather unceremonious exit, whether he is PM or not. That is, if he has the decency to do it.
Franco Debono said there was something "fishy" between them.6
Valuri Ewropej fejn tidhol l-accountabality ukoll! Domna sena 'hanging on mas-siggu notwithstanding li the government had lost it majority and its plot': u issa wara li domna nisimghu 5 snin shah li l-gholi tal-kontijiet taz-zejt gej minn barra u ma tistax tikkontrollah...sirna nafu li parti minnu kien gej minn Malta! U xejn qisu xejn hadd responsabli ghalkemm itghabbejana bi fjask wara l-iehor? X'valuri ewropej dawn?
These are all excuses. Let us assume that Austin Gatt has not touched any commisssions, he wasw the minister to allow 10% commission on oil to the detriment of the paying public. 10% on iol means Euro 36,000000 per year. This money could have reduced the hight electricity tariffs
I wonder what would have Barroso said had a similar scandal happened in the EU! One weight two measure GonziPN?
AG could also mean…….Ara gejja, Ara Gejja, din id-daqqa min taghielek?
J.D, A.G. = Two weights and two measures. May L.G.A.G. sink as one.
Anette B Cassar
U ejja. A.G. = Anglu Gabriel
"Lawrence Gonzi has stood by Austin Gatt's denials??? And really what choice does Lawrence Gonzi have? He stood by him when he realized that the Arriva transaction was a fiasco as a matter of fact he, Lawrence Gonzi took over the responsibilities while AG went into hiding. AG could be anybody, maybe Attorney General, maybe Angolina Gollie, oooops that starts with a J not a G. Those two Letters could mean anybody but what about AG and Aust in the same email? What a coincidence, don't you think? I have my suspicions but those are only suspicions. For now it is a matter of He said, He said and I doubt that the truth will ever come out. I think that Mr Farrugia has a lot more to say now that he is granted a full Presidential pardon. I wonder how many more people are involved in this bribery scandal. Could it be that there is a politician or two on the take list? I am sure that Maltatoday will keep us up to date on this matter.
Issa nistennew u naraw biex ha johrog dan George Farrugia hux se johrog ta' c*c bhal ma hareg xi hadd hafi, dak li kien inghata l-mahfra Presidenzjali waqt laqgha taht xi pont, ghax bil-mahfra presidenzjoni li kien inghata hadd ma nstab hati hliex wiehed li miskin (ghax hekk trid tghidlu ghax fi-Guri hareg li dan kien rieqed waqt li graw l-affarijiet)u wehel ma nafx kemm il-sena ghal xejn. Nisperaw li din id-darba l-mahfra nghatat bil-kundizzjni li lil min jikxef jinstab hati din id-darba.
ghalhekk mela il prim ministru taghna qal-IVA HA NIVVOTA BIL QALB KONTRA IL MOZZJONI KONTRA L-GHOLI TAD -DAWL U L-ILMA!!!-
Let's put 2 and 2 together. Total is 4!!
Gatt u Farrugia minkejja li ltaqghu qatt ma tkellmu fuq ix-xiri taz-zejt. Jien nahseb li kienu jghidu xi kurunella u gakolatorja flimkien. Xi hlew!
Let me 'Guess what initial A.G. are' my guess issssssssssss AUSTIN.GONZI
I don't know whether Gonzi is the captian of the ship or Gatt but from the article above it seems that both of them are prepared to sink together. Gonzi doesn't seem prepared to depart from Gatt and is always defending him even till the last moment. By doing so Dr. Gonzi you are not doing any good to the PN party, more and more followers are departing and staying away from the PN because this is not the party that they knew so well. No it seems that what the PL and many people were saying is very right.
.... sew qed jghid gonzipn .... AG tista' tfisser, per ezempju, amabile genovese, atanasio galea, amerigo gruppetta, arthur gondolier, artemio gasan, aristide gruber ..... qed tara li hemm hafna u hafna varjazzjonijiet ta' AG .....
If I remember correctly, Dr. Gonzi had asked John Dalli to resign from minister because he had said that he couldn't have a minister serving when he is under investigation ! Isn't Austin Gatt under investigation now ???