WasteServ contributes €4,800 to Nature Trust’s Education Programme
WasteServ has presented Nature Trust Malta with a cheque for €4,825, an annual contribution which this year took place at the Visitor Centre at the Sant'Antnin Family Park, due to be opened on February 24th.
This annual sponsorship sum is used by Nature Trust to retain their membership of the Foundation for Environmental Education (FEE), a programme for promoting sustainable development through environmental education.
Through being the member organisation of FEE in Malta, Nature Trust can participate in its programmes such as Ekoskola, Young Reporter for the Environment, Learning About Forests, Green Key and Blue Flag and use its materials to continue educating children in Malta about sustainability, the environment and the importance of preserving it.
The cheque was presented to Nature Trust President Vince Attard by WasteServ Chairman Perit Ben Farrugia who stated that "WasteServ has been contributing to the Ekoskola educational programme for the past seven years. Our participation and contribution happens to be very much in keeping with our mission statement to educate and promote waste reduction and recycling".
The presentation was held at the completed Sant'Antnin Family Park Visitor Centre. The park is in its final stages and is due to be inaugurated on the 24th February, followed by a full week of entertainment, activities and visits for schools.
The open week also features the highlight of a free live concert featuring Ira Losco & Band, George Curmi Pusè & Band and comedy duo Ġorġ u Pawlu.
For more information about Nature Trust visit their website www.naturetrustmalta.org, for more information about WasteServ and the Sant'Antnin Family Park visit www.wasteservmalta.com, www.facebook.com/wasteserv or contact Customer Care on Freephone 8007 2200.