Businessman guilty of corruption was Presidency benefactor

Businessman found guilty of corruption was benefactor to the Presidency, and sports a plaque at San Anton Palace.

Anthony Cassar
Anthony Cassar

A Tarxien businessman sports his name on a plaque at the San Anton Palace's Kitchen Garden, that describes him as a benefactor of the Republic's presidency.

According to weekly newspaper Illum, the same businessman was found guilty of bribery earlier this week by the Court of Criminal Appeal.

Illum reports that Anthony Cassar, chairman of Cassar Shipyards, is the sponsor of a large birdcage that was built in the Kitchen Garden of the San Anton Palace garden.

Cassar was also a special guest of President George Abela for a special dinner which was held in honour of his family as thanks for the sponsorship.

However Cassar, who has been summoned to the Police HQ several times over the past few days for interrogation related to the ongoing Enemalta scandal, earlier this week had his conviction confirmed by the Appeals Court, which declared that he bribed the former Freeport Operations Manager Ronald Galea.

Read more in the Sunday issue of Illum.

So Much corruption. I give up on this administration.
Worrying article that raises a couple of questions. 1: How did Mr Cassar become a beneficiary to the presidency? Did he volunteer or was he approached by one of the President's closest aides? If the latter, then what is the connection or relation between this member of the President's staff and Mr Cassar? 2: How many times was Mr Cassar asked for donations and to what amounts? Is Mr Cassar also a beneficiary to MCCF? If in the affirmative, what sums are we talking about? 3: Is it in the national interest that our Head of State is exposed to such practices? I hope that these questions do not fall on deaf ears.