Media.Link facing court action over €500,000 debt
Media.Link, the PN's news and communications wing is facing court action over unpaid debts of nearly €500,000 accumulated over a three year period.
The PN's media organisation Media.Link Communications is facing court action over a €500,000 debt racked up with a private printing company.
Despite the PN's attacks on the PL over its funding for this electoral campaign, the PN's general secretary Paul Borg Olivier declined to comment about this case.
The debt has been accumulated over a period of three years with the company Europrint Ltd. This company has provided services to Media.Link in the form of publications and the printing of promotional material.
Europrint started providing its service to Media.Link back in 2006 up until mid 2009. To this day Europrint Ltd has not received a single cent for its troubles.
Read more in today's edition of illum.

I tend to be quite naive in these matters. I would tend to believe PBO, when hand on heart he declares that the PN has full VAT receipts for all services given, eh sorry I retract that, I meant provided to the whole party circus, even say transport services and perhaps oil to run their engines!!!! Of course VAT receipts are only issued on settlement, and bartering is one mode of settling debts!!!! Then again, suppliers might even decide voluntarily to donate all these many thousands of euros worth of provided services. Who's their master to make them, eh sorry slipped again, stop them!

Lovely. So where are all the money collected in their campaigns going? They collected that much in one day. Where are people's donations going, can someone enlighten me?

At least it shows that P.N. really depends on the ftit tal-hafna and not donations from kuntratturi 'too close to PL' as Dr Anglu Faruugia stated and that finanzi fis-sod relate to the country and that P.N. does not dip in the country's coffers to support it's financies.......maybe that is what the writers' of the comments will expect the PL to do once in power.

Luke Camilleri •
Ahjar immur jibda jghamel il-figolli Peter Darmanin....u Joe Saliba jghamel round iehor ta' door to door fuq il-lista tieghu , il-JS list!

' Finanzi fis-sod' !! Onmce the election is over they will find ways and means of paying this debt - the state and the party are one!

That's strange!? Why did you not try some barter?