Updated | Prime Minister distances himself from former Enemalta chairperson

Gonzi: ‘It is with profound disappointment that I have learned about the arraignment of Tancred Tabone’

Tancred Tabone
Tancred Tabone

Updated with Labour statement at 4:40pm

Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi has distanced himself from former Enemalta chairman Tancred Tabone, who has been charged with multiple counts of corruption in fuel procurement, saying that the businessman was already chairman of the state utility when he became prime minister in 2004.

MORE Court arraigment of Tancred Tabone and Frank Sammut

Gonzi said that after Tabone's role as Enemalta chairman expired in June 2005, his membership of public boards was restricted to positions nominated by the Chamber of Commerce, which he represented on the Malta Council for Economic and Social Development, and Malta Enterprise board.

"It is with profound disappointment that I have learned about the arraignment of Mr Tancred Tabone, a prominent member of the business community, in connection with events that allegedly took place while he was responsible for safeguarding the public interest on the board of a public corporation," Gonzi said in a statement.

"The fact that these events appear to have taken place some nine years ago and that Tabone's appointment as chairman of Enemalta Corporation had not been renewed in 2005 is no comfort to me at all."

Gonzi's statement was met with cynicism by the Labour Party, which said the prime minister was trying to absolve himself of any political responsibility by saying that Tabone had been appointed before his time. "Gonzi's statement is no consolation for the public that is the victim of the scandal of corruption in the procurement of oil at Enemalta... what is the prime minister really saying with this statement? What did he know nine years ago to say that he had not reappointed Tabone in 2005?"

Gonzi, who recommended the presidential pardon to the Trafigura agent George Farrugia to turn State's evidence, said he could not accept government appointees betray the public's trust.

"Notwithstanding the good work that might be done by an individual in his private capacity... I cannot accept any appointees, let alone leaders in our community, betray the trust that has been placed in them.

"In such situations they undermine the confidence of the general public not only in public institutions in general, and in the management of certain public sector entities in particular, but also in the private sector - which must remain the pillar for growth and proper management of resources in this open economy of ours." 

Tabone was charged with former MOBC chief executive and Enemalta consultant Frank Sammut, believed to have received kickbacks from Trafigura for the supply of oil to Enemalta.

Sammut role as chief executive was terminated in August 2003, but he was reappointed on a one-year consultancy by Tabone, which was then not renewed on instructions by then energy minister Austin Gatt.

Sammut was a member of the Enemalta Board between 1987 and 1990 and, according to Enemalta's records, a member of its fuel procurement committee between 1987 and 1998. Sammut was also appointed MOBC chief in August 2000 when Tabone served as chairman (1999-2005). 

"It is not for me to disclose the details of the case against Tabone and Sammut. That is a matter for the police. I have done everything in my power to facilitate the investigation of all allegations, including issuing an amnesty to whoever was prepared to collaborate and give evidence in court that will expose all wrongdoing. I ask the media and members of the public to await the outcome of proceedings and to allow justice to take its course in the interest of all," Gonzi said.

The prime minister also said that he would continue to hunt down "any elements of corruption or trading in influence... Any individual, whether he or she is an officer or employee of the public administration or deals with such persons, will have to answer for his or her actions - as others, some high profile and others less so, have already done during past Nationalist administrations."

What about rita schembri of the OPM audit office? is there anything to say about this one, i think an ivestiagtion started some weeks ago...what happened...under the carpet or gone with the wind?
What about rita schembri of the OPM audit office? is there anything to say about this one, i think an ivestiagtion started some weeks ago...what happened...under the carpet or gone with the wind?
Il-haruf sagrifikali il qorti u l kugin nadif daqs tazza!
..... l-istatement ta' gonzipn dwar tancred tabone hu l-aktar statement oxxen, viljakk, pastaz, moqziez, mahmug u tad-dardir li qatt hareg minn prim ministru malti ..... ghajb lil min kitbu, ghajb lil min ghamlu tieghu u ghajb lil min qed juzah biex minghalih jurina li hu xi vergni, li hu dritt daqs xemgha, li hu bla htija ....... goznipn imissu jisthi quddiem il-poplu malti li kellu l-ardir, l-arroganza u l-arja li johrog statement bhal dak .... il-pastazata tas-seklu .......
Family members of politicians should not be appointed to sensitive positions in the same ministry. Otherwise you are asking for terouble.
Joseph Pellicano
wenz, il veru par idejn sodi, il huta min rasa tibda tinten.saqsi lil AG FUQ tancred tabone ghax tal familja.
Luke Camilleri
U XI JGHID IL-kugin AUST.... jew il-kugin l'iehor ta' AUST , Loo Bondi?????
As everybody can see,we need to pass the Whistle blower act urgently, even before the Election.
Can our Prime Minister name just one case where he hunted down "elements of corruption or trading in influence" and not later award them with a Presidential pardon.
gonzi said he could not accept government appointees betray the public's trust??? Not including Alex Tranter, obviously.
"is no comfort to me at all." Stembah il-Gonz! Warbullu ghax he is in Safari mode! Nor is the laissez faire employed within the whole public sector agreeable to the Maltese taxpayer. Corruption is only one side of this ugly, sordid story. It is unbelievable that the public sector still accounts for 35/40% of the working population after 25 years of the PN in government. It must be the prayers of a certain, ultra special Archbishop currently based in heaven or hell (take your pick) that has stopped the Maltese from going mad.
And what are you doing to those that accept bribes and hefty gifts from rich developers? What are you doing to erase the corruption and nepotism we have in our courts? You have managed to reward the prime suspect by granting him a Presidential Pardon while your friends are left out there to hang? Dr Gonzi I think you had better sit down because win or loose this saga is in it's early stages and you will suffer a lot of other disappointments in the coming months or according to Malta standards in the coming years. Remember the little incident at the Milan Airport where an Air Malta employee decided to delay a scheduled flight to accommodate a fellow employee and his family traveling on a FREEBIE Pass? I understand that after all this time that case is still under investigation. I mention that, because Air Malta is the sole property of the Government and maybe that is why you authorized FREE Tickets to those living abroad and they want to come and vote locally in person. The buck stops here you said.
Il-prim ministru qed jiddispjacih u tilef il-fiducja fin-nies li hatar huwa stess. Ahseb u ara l-poplu hux jiddispjacih li tellgha lil GonziPN fil-gvern. U jrid li nergu nafdawh 5 snin ohra. U zgurrrrrr...
I used to see Tancred Tabone drinking in the annual reception held by PN for benefactors.
Has Dr. Austin Gatt who appointed the guy distanced himself from his own cousin? One wonders...