Police should investigate Enemalta officials who received gifts – minister

Oil trader gave gifts to officials in energy corporation.

Finance minister Tonio Fenech
Finance minister Tonio Fenech

Oil trader George Farrugia told police investigators he gave Enemalta officials an individual gift shortly after finance minister Tonio Fenech took responsibility of the state utility in 2010.

In a comment to MaltaToday, Fenech insisted that the police should investigate any such allegations by Farrugia - who has been granted a presidential pardon to turn State's evidence - that individuals at Enemalta had received gifts from the trader.

There is no smoking gun that these gifts were connected to any corrupt practices.

Fenech has told this newspaper that he is "unaware of such information".

"Obviously, it is the Police Commissioner's duty to investigate such allegations and take all the necessary steps," Fenech said, reiterating government's commitment to fight corruption.

"We always went to the police whenever we had such information. If this allegation turns out to be true, then it is the police's duty to investigate and take the necessary steps," Fenech said.

Yesterday, Fenech said anybody at Enemalta who may have received gifts from oil trader George Farrugia "would have been part of the process of corruption" and that the police should step in to take the steps necessary.

On Sunday, MaltaToday was told that Farrugia could provide information that gifts, financial transactions and payments were made to third parties, as part of his modus operandi when he acted as a representative for oil giants Trafigura and Total. The testimony would widen the scope of the investigation being carried out by the police.

Was the Minister feeling the heat from the police investigation when he made this statement or did he know what was coming??
Tonio it is time to say good bye
Tonio it is time to say good bye
Should ministers who receive gifts be investigated Minister Fenech?
Shouldn't one having his Villa refurbished for free considered a gift Mr Tonio Fenech? Wouldn't a free flight on a private jet, hotel accomodation for two and free football match tickets considered as gifts Mr Tonio Fenech?
Tgħid dwar dawn il-kazijiet ma taf xejn bħall ma kontx taf dwar Borg Headley . Miskin kemm hu bezzul dal-povru Ministru . Izda qed niftakar , għaliex ma lqajtx li-sfida li għamillek ċertu wieħed kunjomu Magro biex tagħmillu libell . Mela bzajt li jinkixfu xi affarijiet li nistgħu jkunu ta' dannu għalik ? Issa trid lill pulizija tieħu passi kontra min irċieva ir-rigali ? Għallxejn tipprova turina kemm int qaddis , kullhadd għandu moħħ biex jaħseb avolja int mingħalik li il-Maltin ċwieċ , Sur Ministru .
Priscilla Darmenia
Why is it always a politician who has to tell the police to investigate? Is it not that our police force competent to initiate investigations under their own steam, even on politicians and members of parliament?