[WATCH] Oil trader invoices were taken to PM in 2011, no denial from Gonzi

Prime Minister does not deny having been approached by member of Malta Security Services in summer of 2011 with invoices and documents on oil trader George Farrugia and Aikon Ltd.

Lawrence Gonzi did not deny having been approached in the summer of 2011 with details of the Aikon allegations.
Lawrence Gonzi did not deny having been approached in the summer of 2011 with details of the Aikon allegations.

A member of the Malta Security Services had informed Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi in the summer of 2011 of the invoices and documents pertaining to oil trader George Farrugia's activities, after having been accused by his family of siphoning some €6 million in commissions on oil imports from family business Powerplan.

MaltaToday today asked Gonzi about the fact that a member of the MSS had come personally to him in the summer of 2011 to inform him of Farrugia's activities and his company Aikon Ltd with the related invoices: Gonzi had told the officer to report the allegation to the Commissioner of Police, without taking any further ownership of the matter.

Asked about this in an impromptu question and answer session with the press at the University of Malta, the prime minister did not deny having been informed of the Farrugia invoices: 

"I have always insisted publicly, that whenever I had any information, I would always refer it directly to the Commissioner of Police, because it is the duty of all constitutional authorities to take responsibility for such investigations, and they have the power that the law gives them to make these investigations. And that's what I did as my duty was.

"Any report, whatever it was or wherever it came from, was passed on to the authorities [to investigate]," Gonzi said.

Gonzi refused to elaborate any further when asked about what he knew on the case concerning Aikon Ltd, the oil trading company Farrugia used to import fuel from Trafigura and Total, and who is now suspecting of having devised a kickbacks system for Enemalta officials. He took no further questions.

But last week, finance minister Tonio Fenech revealed that a tax investigation by the Tax Compliance Unit in Aikon Ltd, launched in August 2011, had originated from the MSS and then passed on to his secretariat. The documents were given to the TCU, and not the economic crimes unit.

The tax investigation is believed to have focused on under-declaration of taxation, although Fenech had also said the TCU failed to connect Aikon Ltd to oil trader George Farrugia.

News of the tax investigation was broken by The Times two weeks ago, but Fenech has denied having known of the case or that it involved oil trader George Farrugia, who has turned State's evidence on the payment of kickbacks from Trafigura to Enemalta officials on fuel oil procurement.

The minister later revealed that it had been the MSS that passed on the documents to his head of secretariat Alan Caruana, who passed them on to the TCU without seeing what the documents were, and without informing the minister.

Fenech said it was the first time since being appointed minister that a tax probe was being requested by the head of the secret service. Both the MSS and the TCU are not answerable to the finance ministry.

Fenech however was informed that the TCU's investigation, dealing with invoices covering the period 2004-2010, had only focused on the shareholders of Aikon Ltd at the time, a nominee company called Intershore Fiduciary Services. The nominee company had however resigned its services to Farrugia's Aikon Ltd in January 2011, after Farrugia was sued by the John's Group on allegedly hiving off profits from Powerplan to Aikon Ltd.

I wonder. Was frank Sammut ever involved in oil exploration? And if so, would it have been to his benefit to declare any oil found since this would have possibly meant the end of the kickbacks? So is there oil in malta or not?
How convenient for Dr Gonzi shifting the blame on the Police and the Security Official. Dr Gonzi standyby your own preaching and yard sticks. According to you Dr Toni Abela should have resigned for not reporting a possible drug traffic case (and maybe you are right) but by the same yard stick shouldn't you now get out of the political race since you had first hand information from the Security Services People and even though the Police were to act you should have ensured that action was being taken, especially when one considers the seriousness of the case. And by the way even with the Safi drug case the PN new in 2009 why didn't it take action to leave it until election date? -shame on you too.
Striking resemblance to Fawlty Towers's Manuel from Barcelona " I kno nuting!"
What is irritating in all this story is 1,When MT broke the news The PM gave us the impression that he is puzzled and said that he acted immediately by informing the Police Commissioner 2. Now he stated that he knew about 2 yrs about this scandal. i think the PM should resign. This is what I call political incorrectness.
looks like when they took that oath was not to protect us as the general public but only the elite club, Pandora box my as*,what the f*** they think that we are stupid,IF Stephen Spielberg is informed about this saga he will win an Oscar for malta
he knows about safi club ..and about this seruios case on our country debts and from familys money he forget from 2011 ? what a shame ----worst than CAMORRA. how can goes in front of people face and lies ?
he knows about safi club ..and about this seruios case on our country debts and from familys money he forget from 2011 ? what a shame ----worst than CAMORRA. how can goes in front of people face and lies ?
1)What a country we are living in! The Prime Minister gets a brief on the biggest scandal in Maltese history in the summer of 2011 and does nothing- 'zero' on it? It has to be the media to bring this in the open so that the Police can take action? 2) The contractor who wins all the major government contracts first barters, then loans monies to the Party in government...and the Prime Minister can get away with it calling it an ordinary business transaction? 3) The broadcasting Authority reprimands PBS several times over its bias towards the opposition, and the Prime Minister of a European country does nothing about it? Do we have to get a local newspaper to organize a proper balanced but hard hitting election debate? Al this, I presume, is the result of having the same party in power for 25 long years. Many ministers start getting calluses on their backs because of their love and greed for power; they start oozing arrogance, and think as if the hot seat is inherited by right to them? I will vote for change on the 9 th of March, and then again vote for change an other 5 years later! We have to be European in deed and not just in words!
Paul Sammut
Dr Gonzi would be perfect for acting Sargent Shultz in Hogan's Heros with his "I know nothing. I hear nothing, I see nothing." For those who are not familiar with Sargent Shultz I recommend watching - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=34ag4nkSh7Q
The stuff of legends, fables and fairy tales has it that when Pandora's Box was opened, all the world's troubles were unleashed with disastrous consequences. From what they have told us, PM Dr Lawrence Gonzi and Finance Minister Tonio Fenech had their own Pandora's Box to open but declined to do so and passed the buck to the Police i.e. Commissioner John Rizzo. By deduction it should follow that if nothing more was heard, then Commissioner Rizzo may have also sat on the Box. The GonziPN has spun its own galaxy of legends, fables and fairy tales and both can blame any inaction on the Commissioner, a man who is rapidly being posed as the fallguy for any failure to take action. ALBERT FENECH Qawra
Zack Depasquale
So let me get this right. A member of the Security Services, not any Tom Dick or Harry, put to Dr Gonzi a case of Treason, because that is what this oil scandal is, and the Prime Minister in his infinite wisdom told this person to go the police. Reminds one much of Pontius Pilate. What did Dr Gonzi do in the meantime did he check with the Police Commissioner, which I am sure is just a phone call away, if any investigations were ongoing? If this is what Dr Gonzi wants to make us believe he either thinks that the people of Malta are morons or he is the most incompetent Prime Minister Malta ever had. For this declaration alone which is very serious, Dr Gonzi should take his name off the candidates list of GonziPN and resign, since he should have been active instead of passive and followed this case to the hilth.
Every day we hear about libel suits against various people, but we haven't heard of any against Dr Debono when he stated that "there is something fishy" therefore it means that what he said makes sense. Fishy about what, oil, borrowing of money, tenders, etc..
Tajba din gonzipn ghamel aghar minn Pilatu. Jien nahseb li gie f'mohhu li dan kien serq sfaccat ta' eluf ta' euros tat-taxxi li nhallsu. Imbilli jghid li qal lil tas-Servizz sigriet sabiex jmur ghand il-Kummissarju tal-pulizija, ghalija naqas bil-kbir. Insomma dejjem ghamel hekk, jahsel idejh u jghid li ghandu fiducja fil-ministri tieghu, Hlief meta ha dawk is-600 euro zieda gil-gimgha minn wara dahar kulhadd. Dan jikkonferma li kieku ma kienx ghal-Malta Today kollox kien jibqa rieqed fuq ommhu. Prosit tassew Gonzipn kemm tiehu hsieb ic-cittadini.L-aqwa li int komdu.
Mela fi ftit gimghat li l Maltatoday xandret xi dettalji dwar l-akbar skandlu li qatt rat Malta ga tressqu numru ta nies il-qorti. U f'sentejn li GonziPILATU kellu dettalji dwar dan l-iskandlu ghadu ma hareg xejn. B'min trid titmellah Prim?
It seems rather strange that the Prime Minister knew about this scandal, the commissioner of police knew about this scandal, various minster were also informed however they all kept their silence until Malta today revealed the news to the public. Why does the media have to do the work which should be carried out by the the government I ask ?
in the 80s we were wounded by gunshot and tear gas, and beaten up for standing up for freedom work and justice in 2000 we have to withstand moral violance blatent lies and character assisinations besides other moral attacks and and and...for stand up for our beliefs in freedom work and justice. history does repeat itself in some ways or others.!
So Dr Gonzi knew about this scandal in the summer of 2011 and the Police Chief got to know about this scandal through Malta Today in February 2013?
And you're expecting us to trust you again Hon Dr Lawrence Gonzi? We must either be mad or on the fringe of insanity. Dawn huma il-valur sur Prim Ministru li tant tiftahar bihom? Din hija il-solaridarjeta, Gustizzja u Liberta u li flimkien kollox possibli? Qed nibda nahseb li dawn l-affarijiet kollha veri ghaliex il-korruzzjoni li hawn f'dan il-pajjiz tizboq anki li l-aqwa setup tal mafia. Proset Sur Gonzi, qed tinstenix li naghmlulek monument ukoll. Bhal dak ta hal-luqa forsi? jew b'xi raggiera mdawra ma rasek u b'xi palma f'idejk ukoll??
Ok, so Prime Minister does not deny having been approached by member of Malta Security Services in summer of 2011 with invoices and documents on oil trader George Farrugia and Aikon Ltd. 4 months ago the Hon Tonio Fenech and the Hon Gonzi were having a nice chat with the now Presidentially Pardoned George Farrugia! As documented by In-Nazzion of the 8th October 2012. http://www.maltatoday.com.mt/en/blogsdetails/blogs/Two-cuttings-two-stories These last days both Tonio and Gonzi were was telling all and sundry that they knew nothing. Practically emulating Sgt Schultz of Hogan's Hero’s! "I know nothing”, “I hear nothing" & "I see nothing" Why has all this corruption been kept under wraps and only thanks to this truly independent newspaper that this mafia style story came to light. Shame on you Gonzi
Allura il mistoqsija tigi wehidha. Li kieku din l-ahbar ta l-iskandlu taz-zejt ma hargietx mil Malta Today ma konna ser inkunu nafu b'xejn?
So the P.M. passes the buck to the Police Commissioner. So if the Commissioner sat on this crucial piece of information, whilst Malta was beng fleeced, then he has to take full responsibility. If not, then dear Commissioner, please pass the buck back where it came from. Important evidence like this cannot hang in mid air.
our Prime Minister must be given an Olympic Medal for his excellence at passing the buck. Unfortunately the buck should have stopped there. It seems apparent that our Prime Minister, and on his testimony now also the Commissioner of Police, knew of the Oil Scandal back in 2011, was informed of George Farrugia's operations by the MSS - and he has the gall to accuse Joseph Muscat to step down because he did not report a case allegedly reported to him at the Safi PL club. What Pharisees these people are!!! Our Finance Minister also comes a close second at Passing the Buck with another MSS report given to him and passed down the line without feedback. What Ministerial responsibility!!!!
This is very serious indeed. It is very true that PN's true values have had a severe battering these last years.
Rita Pizzuto
Ara tassew li jghidu li l-huta minn rasha tinten. Il-hmar iwahhal f'denbu proverbju iehor li joqghod lil dan il-gvern u min imexxih. Imbaghad iridu jixlu lil Joseph Muscat ghal xi haga li vvintaw u wkoll kienu jafu aktar minn Joseph dwara. Il-bambin jista' kollox! Kollox mtiela' f'wicc l-ilma issa.
Fabian Psaila
Hierga ftit ftit il-verita! Is-Servizz ta' Sigurta aktar jidher li kien ghal uzu tal-Partit milli tal-Gvern! IL-PARTIT u l'OLIGARKIJA L'EWWEL U QABEL KOLLOX!
What mkre evidence do we need to realise that the PN was hiding this oil scandal. I hope that we nkw will see billboards depicting PMwitha very very long noise. We should thank Malta today for uncover this grwat scandal
So is the PM saying that the Police Commissoner let down us the Maltese?
mohhu biex isib in nghag il mitlufa...forsi nesa bhal aust...tonio
anna calleja
Some time ago I heard law guru Dr. Bencini state on TV that even a first law student knows that ministers carry political responsibility for whatever happens in their departments, but it seems that the Maltese Prime Minister and his Cabinet members are absolutely unaware of this onerous responsibility. SHAME. Esteemed members of the legal profession, with a bit of self respect and bit of love towards their country should emulate Dr. Bencini’s statement and decry such slipshod political behaviour. SHAME, SHAME, SHAME ON OUR INTELLCTUALS FOR NOT DENOUNCING OUR PRIME MINISTER AND CABINET MEMBERS IN THE STRONGEST OF TERMS.
An example which goes against what GonziPN is saying is the BWSC case by means of which we were given a plant operating with the worst fuel imaginable. That case was not referred to the police but to the Auditor General who lacks all the investigative tools available to the police. Also, whilst in other cases, GonziPN referred cases himself to the police, why didn't he do that in the Oilgate case? Was he trying to protect someone?
This sounds like a nice cover up... No body knew anything but everyone knew everything ?!?!
Is the government telling us that the media, namely Maltatoday has more common sense that all the government put together? Because that is what it took to bring out this scandal in the open while the government and the Commissioner of Police sat quietly playing with their thumbs while they knew what was going on with Mr George Farrugia and the rest of the highly respected gang? They were aware of the bribes taking place by political Officials and they did nothing about it? What is wrong with this government? I hate to see what will come out of this scandal and I hate to see the amount of how many highly respected people will be found out. This was all happening at the expense of the Maltese TAX PAYER and one would consider that, treason. So the Government was aware of the goings on since 2011 and yet the PM found it in his heart to grant George Farrugia a Presidential Pardon? What and who is the government covering for and why? Here is the big fish and the PM set him free to go after the little fish? It is usually the other way around. You let go of the little fish in order to get to the big fish. Something really smells fishy. Too bad this story came out so close to the General Election. How many more surprises can one take? Thank God for the media.
"I know nothing" and "report it to the police" are GonziPNs mantras. Then of course he leaves to avoid further embarrassment. The usual "coraggio fuggiamo."
These are serious accusations ,Gonzi is implicating that the police commisioner was somehow informed by him or the secret service in 2011 and no action was taken !Why ? ,who is to blame for the lack of investigations in 2011 .If it was not for Maltatoday to bring information to light in 2013 then maybe this oil scandal would have been buried under the carpet for eternity.Something fishy is aquainted in this scandal and we need a big net to catch the big fish?