[WATCH] New girls' secondary officially inaugurated

The new girls' secondary at Tal-Ħandaq, Qormi formally inaugurated by Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi.

Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi in the new school's library together with wife Kate and school head Maria Montebello (left)
Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi in the new school's library together with wife Kate and school head Maria Montebello (left)

Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi and education minister Dolores Cristina officially inaugurated the new St Ignatius College girls' secondary in Tal-Ħandaq, Qormi this morning.

The €8 million school, which received its first students in 2012, stands next to the boys' secondary school on the same college grounds.

After touring the school with his wife Kate, the Prime Minister addressed students, teachers and parents, who were entertained by the school choir which proudly sang the school anthem.

In what possibly was her last public speech before retiring from the political scene, education minister Dolores Cristina said she was "privileged" to be present for the opening of the fifth school during her time in office.

While thanking the Foundation for Tomorrow's Schools, ministry officials, teachers and students, Cristina pointed out that the pupils attending St Ignatius College were the first generation of students which experiences a completely inclusive system.
"These students have never experiences streaming or what was previously known as the Junior Lyceum entry exam. They have had a serene transition from primary school to secondary school in which they were benchmarked to ensure support is given to those pupils who need it most."

On his part, Gonzi explained that the PN administration had kept its word in opening a new school every year during the past legislature and "we will continue opening a new school every year up to 2020."

While underlining the government's heavy investment in technology and the educational system's inclusiveness, Gonzi said that the educational system "has the duty to inspire our children in fulfilling their aspirations."

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.... jekk qed nara sew kwazi kollu mohbi fit-tieni ritratt hawn fuq jidher l-ex membru tal-parlament stephen spiteri - il-kugin ta' gonzipn, hux hekk? qed nara sew? ...... veru haqqhom prosit il-periti ta' din l-iskola ..... ghax ladarba tfacca dan l-ex membru tal-parlament, sinjal li f'din l-iskola ma tantx hemm tarag u tlajja ..... ghax kieku s-sur spiteri, miskin, ma kienx joqghod jintriga ruhu li jmur ....... tafu intom kemm ikidduh it-targa lil dan is-sinjur .... imma ladarba fl-iskola mid-dehra kollox qieghed fil-wita, xejn ma ddejjaq jitfacca .... ara per ezempju fil-parlament il-qadim (ghax issa kif tafu gonzipn il-gimgha li gejja se jaqta' iz-zigarella tal-parlament ta' renzo piano) is-sur spiteri rari sew kien jitfacca ghax xejn ma japprezza li joqghod jitla' it-tarag ......
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