Malta among lowest for recycling waste in Europe

In 2011, 40% of treated municipal waste was recycled or composted, up from 27% in 2001

In the EU27, 503 kg of municipal waste was generated per person in 2011, while 486 kg of municipal waste was treated per person. This municipal waste was treated in different ways: 37% was landfilled, 23% incinerated, 25% recycled and 15% composted, compared with 56% landfilled, 17% incinerated, 17% recycled and 10% composted in 2001.

The amount of municipal waste generated varies significantly across Member States. Denmark, with 718 kg per person, had the highest amount of waste generated in 2011, followed by Luxembourg, Cyprus and Ireland with values between 600 and 700 kg per person, and Germany, the Netherlands, Malta, Austria, Italy, Spain, France, the United Kingdom and Finland with values between 500 and 600 kg. Greece, Portugal, Belgium, Sweden, Lithuania and Slovenia had values between 400 and 500 kg, while values of below 400 kg per person were recorded in Hungary, Bulgaria, Romania, Latvia, Slovakia, the Czech Republic, Poland and Estonia.

This information is published by Eurostat, the statistical office of the European Union.

Recycling most common in Germany, incineration in Denmark and composting in Austria

The treatment methods differ substantially between Member States. In 2011, the Member States with the highest share of municipal waste landfilled were Romania (99% of waste treated), Bulgaria (94%), Malta (92%), Latvia and Lithuania (both 88%).

The highest shares of incinerated municipal waste were observed in Denmark (54% of waste treated), Sweden (51%), Belgium (42%), Luxembourg and the Netherlands (both 38%), Germany (37%), France and Austria (both 35%).

Recycling was most common in Germany (45% of waste treated), Ireland (37%), Belgium (36%), Slovenia (34%), Sweden (33%), the Netherlands (32%) and Denmark (31%). The Member States with the highest composting rates for municipal waste were Austria (34%), the Netherlands (28%), Belgium and Luxembourg (both 20%), Spain and France (both 18%).

Recycling and composting of municipal waste together accounted for more than 50% of waste treated in Germany (63%), Austria (62%), the Netherlands (61%) and Belgium (57%).

Frankly this isnot an issue. Most countries within the EU do not declare their municipal solid waste details correctly, and lumping together Recycling and Composting is a total nonsense. Malta under the direction of MRRA has achieved a good degree of success. Yes it could do better, but like most school children we could all do better to assist in this. The really disappointing thing is the way that the Public in Malta are not quite being kept up to date. The proposal - which many of Us have already known about for the past 18 months - to turn Malta's wastes into biofuels (rebnewable fuels) for transport use is steadily gaining momentum and I read just the other day that the company Applied Biofuels Malta is about to announce that it will start construction on this fascinating project within weeks. This is an inward investment of over €100 Million that was brought to Malta by the Government to offer a solution to provide biofuels and solve the waste issues in Malta in one project. Now it is known that the investment will be finished shortly and that it will provide manufacturing jobs a plenty in Malta/Gozo of over 180 persons by 2 years time with a further 300 to 400 needed in supporting businesses. And all this is in addition to the 200 or so construction jobs needed to build these plants during the next 2 years. So what do I hear you say? Well the best part is that the biofuels produced will be clean for the environment and be available for use instead of diesel/gasoline in Malta and will be available at the petrol station pumps for around €urocents 70 per litre. So we can turn Malta's wastes in to diesel and gasoline in Malta for use in Malta and avoid importing some of that expensive oil we have seen go up and up over the past years. So let's have it for Malta. Malta Enterprise and the MRRA have kept us in the dark for too long about this and now we need good news. Imagine the price of filling your car up drops by 50%! Good news at last!
Frankly this isnot an issue. Most countries within the EU do not declare their municipal solid waste details correctly, and lumping together Recycling and Composting is a total nonsense. Malta under the direction of MRRA has achieved a good degree of success. Yes it could do better, but like most school children we could all do better to assist in this. The really disappointing thing is the way that the Public in Malta are not quite being kept up to date. The proposal - which many of Us have already known about for the past 18 months - to turn Malta's wastes into biofuels (rebnewable fuels) for transport use is steadily gaining momentum and I read just the other day that the company Applied Biofuels Malta is about to announce that it will start construction on this fascinating project within weeks. This is an inward investment of over €100 Million that was brought to Malta by the Government to offer a solution to provide biofuels and solve the waste issues in Malta in one project. Now it is known that the investment will be finished shortly and that it will provide manufacturing jobs a plenty in Malta/Gozo of over 180 persons by 2 years time with a further 300 to 400 needed in supporting businesses. And all this is in addition to the 200 or so construction jobs needed to build these plants during the next 2 years. So what do I hear you say? Well the best part is that the biofuels produced will be clean for the environment and be available for use instead of diesel/gasoline in Malta and will be available at the petrol station pumps for around €urocents 70 per litre. So we can turn Malta's wastes in to diesel and gasoline in Malta for use in Malta and avoid importing some of that expensive oil we have seen go up and up over the past years. So let's have it for Malta. Malta Enterprise and the MRRA have kept us in the dark for too long about this and now we need good news. Imagine the price of filling your car up drops by 50%! Good news at last!
Frankly this isnot an issue. Most countries within the EU do not declare their municipal solid waste details correctly, and lumping together Recycling and Composting is a total nonsense. Malta under the direction of MRRA has achieved a good degree of success. Yes it could do better, but like most school children we could all do better to assist in this. The really disappointing thing is the way that the Public in Malta are not quite being kept up to date. The proposal - which many of Us have already known about for the past 18 months - to turn Malta's wastes into biofuels (rebnewable fuels) for transport use is steadily gaining momentum and I read just the other day that the company Applied Biofuels Malta is about to announce that it will start construction on this fascinating project within weeks. This is an inward investment of over €100 Million that was brought to Malta by the Government to offer a solution to provide biofuels and solve the waste issues in Malta in one project. Now it is known that the investment will be finished shortly and that it will provide manufacturing jobs a plenty in Malta/Gozo of over 180 persons by 2 years time with a further 300 to 400 needed in supporting businesses. And all this is in addition to the 200 or so construction jobs needed to build these plants during the next 2 years. So what do I hear you say? Well the best part is that the biofuels produced will be clean for the environment and be available for use instead of diesel/gasoline in Malta and will be available at the petrol station pumps for around €urocents 70 per litre. So we can turn Malta's wastes in to diesel and gasoline in Malta for use in Malta and avoid importing some of that expensive oil we have seen go up and up over the past years. So let's have it for Malta. Malta Enterprise and the MRRA have kept us in the dark for too long about this and now we need good news. Imagine the price of filling your car up drops by 50%! Good news at last!
Mhux bilfors meta jkollok ministru tal-ambjent nofs kedda. il-programm ta' riciklagg beda tard hafna wara li l-gvern kien tghajjar min-nofs lil Stanley Zammit minn Ministru tal-Ambjent fl-1991. U taht il-ministru tal-obezita' il-programm mexa bl-iskossi.