Saviour Balzan stands by phone-tapping claims

MediaToday’s managing editor Saviour Balzan stands by statement that individuals in the Police Cyber Crime Unit unlawfully tapped him.

Mediatoday's managing editor Saviour Balzan is standing by claims he made in his Sunday column in MaltaToday that individuals in the Police's Cyber Crime Unit have unlawfully tapped his mobile phone.

"The information I have given is 100% correct and valid as at 2007. Furthermore the equipment needed for this operation was visually verified in May 2012. Both the security service and the Cyber Crime Unit within the CID building have direct connections to Melita, Go and Vodafone. They can barge into calls and also replicate Internet traffic," Balzan said.

Earlier today, the police force denied that its Cyber Crime Unit was ever equipped to carry out any interception of telephone communications. 

"The Cyber Crime Unit is neither equipped, nor authorized, to carry out any other form of interception of private or non-private communications. The interception of communications lies only with the remit and responsibilities of the Security Service as outlined in local legislation," the Police said.

The Malta Police Force categorically denied that any members of the Cyber Crime Unit had carried out any interception of communications of any kind or passed on any information emanating from Police investigations to organisations or individuals outside of law enforcement.

Balzan however said that difference between the two systems was that the Security Service has an immediate automated encryption, while the 'CID/Cybercrime' system is not fully automated and carries a delay.

"Both these systems are useless without the direct connection to the providers," Balzan said. "There are also portable systems that need to be physically in the same location of the subscriber within an area of approximately 100 metres. However these would also need an 'official' connection to the provider to decipher audio."

GonziPN has rewarded the Maltese population with a Police State, which is unbelievable in this day and age, at least in an EU country. A complete investigation should be carried out, irrespective of who will be in power next week, about the above allegations which weigh heavily on the democratic credentials on this government. GonziPN has been a disgrace to the Maltese people, even in this basic tenet of freedom.
Jien, Carmel Grima, iben Karm Grima dak li kien gie iffrejmjat biex jehel bil-htija tal-irvellijiet tal-15 ta' Ottubru 1979,u li fuq instigazzjoni tieghi Dr. EFA ghamel l-Inkjesta Muscat Azzoppardi tal-1990 u li kixfet kollox imma Dr. EFA hbija u Dr A. Sant seraqha biex jintesa kollox:Xi 15 il-sena ilu kien gie wiehed mibghud minn ministru li kien orkestra dan il-frame-up u qalli li jekk ma nieqafx nikteb se joqtolni; ohra kien gie iehor mill-Maltacom u qalli li it-telefon tieghi qed jigi ittappjat,dan ma nafux u telaq bla kliem iktar u bla sliem.
Jekk wasalna sa hawn ifisser biss li anke is-servizzi sigrieti saru ghodda ghal tal- klikka! Dawn il-hnizrijiet jikkonformaw kemm kellu ragun Dr Franco Debono, u kif, ma kientx kumbinazzjoni, jew xewqa li Gonzi jibqa imwahhal mas-siggu tal-poter:imma pjan li skond Balzan imur l'hemm mill-parametri tal-ligi u leggitimita. Forsi ghalhekk certu bloggers, Alla ibierek jafu informazzjoni intimi u privati fuq l-avversarji politici taghhom? Shame and shame!
Jekk wasalna sa hawn ifisser biss li anke is-servizzi sigrieti saru ghodda ghal tal- klikka! Dawn il-hnizrijiet jikkonformaw kemm kellu ragun Dr Franco Debono, u kif, ma kientx kumbinazzjoni, jew xewqa li Gonzi jibqa imwahhal mas-siggu tal-poter:imma pjan li skond Balzan imur l'hemm mill-parametri tal-ligi u leggitimita. Forsi ghalhekk certu bloggers, Alla ibierek jafu informazzjoni intimi u privati fuq l-avversarji politici taghhom? Shame and shame!
Joseph Pace
Since the allegations above could be understood to implicate myself as well, please publish my email sent to MT today as well as an ex-member of this unit. As per my comment on the blog of Mr. Balzan, Up until the end of June 2007, I am not aware of something that could have been possible by the Cyber Crime Unit. Also, if you wish to have a look at my blog at you can quickly come to the quick realisation that I am not some politician's lackey. Ex-PS 498 D. Agius - Cyber Crime Unit.