Updated | €63 million earmarked for gas pipeline studies - finance minister

EU Commission spokesman says the Malta gas pipeline project has not started and the Commission has provided no funding.

Updated at 12:31pm

€63 million has been earmarked for the Malta-Sicily gas pipeline and the tender for its feasibility study, finance minister Tonio Fenech said today, from Malta €1.128 billion funds for the 2014-2021 European Union financial framework.

Fenech was reacting to the reply to a Socialist MEP in the European Parliament from the Commission, which said no funding "up to the present time" had been yet provided for the gas pipeline project which had not yet started.

The Commission is, however, considering providing some funding, under the current TEN-E scheme, for a feasibility study and cost-benefit analysis of the pipeline.

"This confirms that the PN's proposal for an investment in the gas pipeline is realistic and concrete. The European Council's acceptance to gave funds allocated to the pipeline confirms the EU's acceptance of this project. It is the EU's own objective to strengthen the European market for energy and terminate the isolation of countries like Malta and Cyprus, as confirmed in the 2012 European Council conclusions," Fenech said.

The European Commission confirmed on Monday that no funding yet existed for a pipeline from Sicily to Malta, in a reply to MEP Patrizia Toia who asked whether the Commission could say how much this project will cost.

Toia also asked whether the Commission could give a realistic timeline for their availability.

"This reply by Commissioner Oettinger does in no way throw any doubts on the gas pipeline proposal. The PQ confirms the actual state of the project, which is still in the study phase, as confirmed by the same Commissioner. On the contrary, its Labour's gas terminal that is not indicated in any EU financial allocation, and that's precisely because it leaves our country isolated from the rest of the continent.

Dear Tonio, so after 13 YEARS of feasibility studies this is still but a pipe dream!!!!! Incredulous. Enjoy the last three days
How well and healthy is P.L's proposal on energy that is costed and studied for 3 and a half years,and not to depend on only one source of energy like the P.N's half baked proposal. Here are a few sites one must read to understand what Franco Debono's new word oligarchy really means and how right he is in saying that he will be voting so that Malta will be Taghna Lkoll.. http://csis.org/blog/russia%E2%80%99s-gas-clash-ukraine-geopolitics-or-just-money.
How well and healthy is P.L's proposal on energy that is costed and studied for 3 and a half years,and not to depend on only one source of energy like the P.N's half baked proposal. Here are a few sites one must read to understand what Franco Debono's new word oligarchy really means and how right he is in saying that he will be voting so that Malta will be Taghna Lkoll.. http://csis.org/blog/russia%E2%80%99s-gas-clash-ukraine-geopolitics-or-just-money.
Either way, Minister Fenech, you have once more been proven a liar (although after the arlogg story, I think non-one has any further doubts). You said that the gas pipeline would be in place by 2014 and that the PL plans to use this pipeline if its gas power station plan supplied by sea doesn't work. Now the EU has said that not even the studies will start before 2014! So where is your plan for the gas pipeline if the feasibility studies HAVE NOT EVEN STARTED?!
How well and healthy is P.L's proposal on energy that is costed and studied for 3 and a half years,and not to depend on only one source of energy like the P.N's half baked proposal. Here are a few sites one must read to understand what Franco Debono's new word oligarchy really means and how right he is in saying that he will be voting so that Malta will be Taghna Lkoll.. http://csis.org/blog/russia%E2%80%99s-gas-clash-ukraine-geopolitics-or-just-money.
How well and healthy is P.L's proposal on energy that is costed and studied for 3 and a half years,and not to depend on only one source of energy like the P.N's half baked proposal. Here are a few sites one must read to understand what Franco Debono's new word oligarchy really means and how right he is in saying that he will be voting so that Malta will be Taghna Lkoll.. http://csis.org/blog/russia%E2%80%99s-gas-clash-ukraine-geopolitics-or-just-money.
How well and healthy is P.L's proposal on energy that is costed and studied for 3 and a half years,and not to depend on only one source of energy like the P.N's half baked proposal. Here are a few sites one must read to understand what Franco Debono's new word oligarchy really means and how right he is in saying that he will be voting so that Malta will be Taghna Lkoll.. http://csis.org/blog/russia%E2%80%99s-gas-clash-ukraine-geopolitics-or-just-money.
"for a feasibility study and cost-benefit analysis of the pipeline." SO THIS DOES NOT EVEN EXIST! SHAME ON YOU! Serji ukoll, Energy plan bil'bajd u l'gobon (Sorry bla'bajd u gobon more like it)!!!!!
Another GONZI LIE comming to the surface . Jiena ma nafx kif GonziPN pinġew lill-Joseph Muscat b'wiċċu aħmar meta aktar imisshom għamlu lill-Gonzi wiċċu aħmar bil-mistħija bil-gideb li qed jigdeb . I don't know , why GonziPN painted Joseph Muscat red , when it should be Dr Gonzi's face that should be painted red with shame ,through all his propoganda of lies and divisions between faces of red and blue .
Imabsta hafna paroli minghand Tonio li jigustawh tant nies- fuq l-pipelien tal-gas! Vera ismu mieghu: il-pjan ta Tonio Fenech fuq l-energija hu kollu gas and gaiters!
Lawrence Covin
Staff Reporter: You have not been completely accurate in your report. The reason there is no funding is that, contrary to what the Nationalists have been saying, they have submitted no pertinent documents to date. These people will lie till they die.
Paper castles falling to pieces. Another bubble has burst. So now the pipeline will cost more than double PL's gas proposal. Providing 'some funding' will mean a paltry amount vis-a`-vis the envisaged total cost