BA members ‘inadvertently’ asked to hand in resignation

‘Business as usual’ at BA after civil service was reminded that members are constitutionally-appointed.

Members of the Broadcasting Authority were inadvertently asked to hand in their resignations, after an OPM request for the resignation of government appointees was mistakenly forwarded to the constitutionally-appointed body.

One of the BA members, Alfred Mallia Milanes, confirmed with MaltaToday that the request was made to the BA chairman but it was quickly explained that members of the BA are constitutionally-appointed members.

Mallia Milanes, one of two BA members appointed by the Nationalist Party, said it was "business as usual" at the BA.

The news prompted Nationalist Party deputy leader Simon Busuttil to post on his Facebook wall that Labour had taken "its first unconstitutional decision" by demanding the resignation of the BA members.

A BA source however told MaltaToday that the civil service had mistakenly sent the resignation request because, according to the former administration, the BA was still equivalent to civil service employees, and have no security of tenure. "The letter sent on behalf of Mario Cutajar as designate-head was acting on the same advice, but this was clearly a mistake. As soon as the BA informed them, the request was repealed. A similar mistake had already happen months ago."

Cutajar has asked permanent secretaries and politically-appointed heads of government authorities, boards and committees to hand in their resignation so that the new government reconsiders their appointments.

Kull Chairman ta' Kull Board assocjat mal-Gvern, direttament jew bhala Awtorita ghandu id-DOVER li jitfa ir-rezenja tieghu. Niftakar lil Louis Galea jirrikjedi ir-rezenja ta' Board, fl-1998 immedjatament wara l-elezzjoni avolja il-Board kien diga irrezenja!! Fil-kaz tal-Broadcasting Authority ic-Chairman hu appuntat mill-Gvern u ghalhekk hu wkoll ghandu jirrezenja, halli jerga jigi appuntat jekk igawdi il-fiducja. Izda m' hemm l-ebda dubbju li l-hnizrijiet li rajna fil-PBS ma jistax ikun li ninsewhom u min kien u ghadu responsabbli mhux biss ghandu jitwarrab izda jigi processat fuq ksur tal-kostituzzjoni fil-Qrati ta' Malta.
What about Directors and General Directors who during the previous goverment discriminated between workers who were/are of different political colour. examples of such department are at Floriana, Merchants street, Pietro Floriani street, B'Kar. Those who have a conflict of interest too should be removed.
Please let us not expect miracles in 2 days! Every new administration needs time to settle in, and this 'teething' process is very normal - in a civilized society every government is given its 'honeymoon' period of 90 days, so please extend such courtesy to the new labour government in Malta! ... Furthermore it is also quite normal that political appointees tender their resignation upon a change of government - go to Washington at the change of a president and you will tens of thousands such changes taking place! Very normal since again these are 'political' appointees, i.e. they are appointed by the relevant minister to ensure that his/her will is being implemented. This has nothing to do with the independence and impartiality of the civil service. ... Go for a holiday somewhere Mr Busuttil and reflect why you lost the election. Maybe you will be illuminated and finally understand. ... Every democracy needs a good opposition, but that those not mean to oppose everything and anything that comes from the government - take an example from Dr Muscat, he really showed you how it could be done!
@Sagitarius.........nahseb li mhux simon ghaggel, imma mario cutajar ghax wara induna li ghamel zball.
I think these people should have gave there own resignation before being asked.Now the Prime Minister will ask the President to make them resign.
Rajtuh kemm ghaggel Simon Busuttil biex jikkundanna lill-Gvern? Ma jitghallem qatt. Tellawh mexxej tal PN ha tghamlu snin kbar fl-opposizzjoni.