De Marco hones sniping skills with invective against civil service head

Nationalist MP accuses civil service head of politicising public service.

Nationalist MP Mario de Marco has dubbed the designate-head of the civil service, Mario Cutajar "a hardcore party man" whose invitation to permanent secretaries and other government appointees to hand in their resignations, had gone "against all standard procedures and ignoring Constitutional provisions."

De Marco, a former tourism and culture minister now believed to be vying for the party leadership, said the appointment of former General Workers Union deputy secretary-general Mario Cutajar "can only be interpreted as a means to politicise the public service, a throwback to an undesirable past."

"It took years of objective and reasoned management to cleanse the service of political control and influence... the 'new' Labour government has demolished all that, by playing the opening gambit in a stratagem aimed solely at creating a public service to serve his party's interests."

De Marco himself presided over several direct appointments with no public calls: chief among them were MEPA chief executive Ian Strafrace, formerly the authority's legal consultant employed also on a direct retainer; and director of environment Petra Bianchi, a University lecturer of English who was president of Din l-Art Helwa.

Cutajar has invited all government appointees but also permanent secretaries to submit their resignation, for their reconsideration by the new government. Permanent secretaries are appointed and removed by the President, acting on the advice of the Prime Minister, after consulting with the Public Service Commission.

But De Marco claims that "pressuring" the permanent secretaries to resign is a sign that Labour will only work with those who "toe the line without question".

"It seems that civil servants employees will now be forced to work under the guidance of politically appointed Permanent Secretaries and politically appointed private secretariats. No checks or balances. Civil servants need to know that they can work unfettered by the shackles of partisan influence."

De Marco also criticised the fusing of justice and home affairs as part of the same ministry, "something Labour had criticised and voted against in Parliament just a few months ago" - referring to the motion of no confidence in Carm Mifsud Bonnici which garnered the support of Nationalist MP Franco Debono.

"It is now amply clear that their position then was motivated solely by political opportunism, and nothing else. Is this what was meant by a change in direction, one might ask?"

tieh cans man ghadu lanqas biss pogga fuq is siggu. ara vera ma jinbidlux dawn in nies ta..kienu arroganti mill gvern u se jkunu arroganti mill oppozizzjoni. shame on you dr this pn leadership election mire......
Dr De Marco I think you have a really short memory, what about all the political appointments which you have endorsed at MEPA leaving other relevant people oppressed on the side and treating them as irrelevant. Anyway people over there were assessed by the only criteria you thought it was relevant that was if you are BLUE EYED and not of their capability, experience and education. Prosit a very good choice, see what a disaster this Authority has become. You have successfully managed to demotivate its' employees and gave a bad image to MEPA by appointing these kind of people. Metaphorically speaking this entity has become more horrendous than the movie Hell Raiser. Shame on you!
Dr De Marco I think you have a really short memory, what about all the political appointments which you have endorsed at MEPA leaving other relevant people oppressed on the side and treating them as irrelevant. Anyway people over there were assessed by the only criteria you thought it was relevant that was if you are BLUE EYED and not of their capability, experience and education. Prosit a very good choice, see what a disaster this Authority has become. You have successfully managed to demotivate its' employees and gave a bad image to MEPA by appointing these kind of people. Metaphorically speaking this entity has become more horrendous than the movie Hell Raiser. Shame on you!
So tell me Dr MdM, how come in all of the heads through out the Civil Servents can't we find one of them to be a labour supporter? Is it possible that none were worthy of their work, or were their work measured by a different yard stick.
Id-democrazjia bdiet titkisser u tigi redikulata taht GonziPN, meta iggvernaw minghajr maggoranza.
DR MARIO,are you sure you're not suffering from dimen sia?,, you dont remember how many AFM guards were transferred back to barracks from kastile,the palace ,st anton,these were not heads of departments, shame on youuuuuu MARIO
Jekk se jibda bhall-missieru, nispera li ma jibdiex jinstitjonalizza l-frame-ups jekk isir Kap tal-PN, bhalma kien ghamel missieru meta kien id-difiza ta' missieri Karm Grima u accetta li jsiru tlitt certifikati medici foloz biex intbaghat Monte Carmeli ghal ghomru u wehel bil-htija tal-irvellijiet tal-15/10/1979. ARA ILLUM taht Karm Grima google.
...... se nibdew ..... imma possibbli dawn in-nies ma jitghallmu qatt? .... ghadhom kif qalghu damdima nobis, tkaxkira zul min hemm, camata A1 u mbaghad taqra li dak l-attur nofs kedda (bhal missieru) ta' mario demarco jghid dan id-diskors: " .... the appointment of former General Workers Union deputy secretary-general Mario Cutajar "can only be interpreted as a means to politicise the public service, a throwback to an undesirable past. It took years of objective and reasoned management to cleanse the service of political control and influence... the 'new' Labour government has demolished all that, by playing the opening gambit in a stratagem aimed solely at creating a public service to serve his party's interests." --- possibbli li dan l-ex ministru jahseb li l-poplu qed jemmnu li lic-civil gonzipn kien naddfu mill-politika? KEMM JAHSEB LI N-NIES BCIECEN U IMBECILLI? IC-CIVIL GONZIPN FARRKU U KISSRU U GABU BEJTA TA' NAZZJONALISTI MILL-KBIR SAZ-ZGHIR ..... u dan il-bicca ta' demarco se jitkellem u jilghabha tal-helu ...... mhux ahjar imur jaghlaq halqu u ma jidhirx aktar wara t-tmeghika li qala' ? ..... b'diskors vojt u bil-gideb ma jimpressjona lil hadd .... possibbli ghadu ma hadhiex il-lezzjoni?
...... se nibdew ..... imma possibbli dawn in-nies ma jitghallmu qatt? .... ghadhom kif qalghu damdima nobis, tkaxkira zul min hemm, camata A1 u mbaghad taqra li dak l-attur nofs kedda (bhal missieru) ta' mario demarco jghid dan id-diskors: " .... the appointment of former General Workers Union deputy secretary-general Mario Cutajar "can only be interpreted as a means to politicise the public service, a throwback to an undesirable past. It took years of objective and reasoned management to cleanse the service of political control and influence... the 'new' Labour government has demolished all that, by playing the opening gambit in a stratagem aimed solely at creating a public service to serve his party's interests." --- possibbli li dan l-ex ministru jahseb li l-poplu qed jemmnu li lic-civil gonzipn kien naddfu mill-politika? KEMM JAHSEB LI N-NIES BCIECEN U IMBECILLI? IC-CIVIL GONZIPN FARRKU U KISSRU U GABU BEJTA TA' NAZZJONALISTI MILL-KBIR SAZ-ZGHIR ..... u dan il-bicca ta' demarco se jitkellem u jilghabha tal-helu ...... mhux ahjar imur jaghlaq halqu u ma jidhirx aktar wara t-tmeghika li qala' ? ..... b'diskors vojt u bil-gideb ma jimpressjona lil hadd .... possibbli ghadu ma hadhiex il-lezzjoni?
Paul Sammut
Dr. De Marco said "can only be interpreted as a means to politicise the public service," Where has he been living these past 25 or so years? One would recommend that he does a bit, sorry rather a great deal, of soul searching and meditate long and deep on why he and his friends caused the grand PN to suffer such humiliation.
U hallina Dr De Marco. Immagina lill Dr Grima jattendi l-kabinett. Imbaghad, Dr De Marco, inti tkun tista taqra' kollox fin-Nazzjon 'l ghada!! It-tir ewlieni taghkom huwa li permezz tan-nies li qed issemmi inti, tkunu tistghu timminaw lill gvern. Jekk thares lejn x'ghadu qed jigri fix-xandir, malajr tifhem Mario. Ibqaw sejrin hekk u f'gieh id-demokrazzija tibaw fl-oppozizzjoni ghall 60 sena!! Kemm ghad trid tinbidel Dr De Marco. Anqas li ma' tafx li fil-ministeru tieghek anki min kien jaghmillek il-kafe huwa nazzjonalist approvat minnek!!
this happened to a greater extent under the Regime of Dr Fenech Adami and the Super Regime of Dr Lawrence Gonzi. I was one of those who happened to be taken to hell under both pas Prime Ministers. I am only waiting to the whistle's b;lowers act to spill the beans. What about removing the conflict of interest that has been a daily occurance under the Nationalist Regime?
Ara veru il-Qahba milli jlolla t-tiek!
Jista Dr Demarco fejn marru l- komputers l-files tal-Kabinet u ta l-istaff li kienu jahdmu hemm, fejn huma l- computers u l- mobiles li kien hemm Kastilja u f'Minister u ohra? Ghax skond il- media dawn kollha insterqu minn dawk il- blue eyed li kienu jahdmu hemm: sintnedi kollha 'a political' u imsieken newtrali dawn! Ma kontx nistenna li se iservi ta vaz ghal dawn it-talin li servew biss lil klikka tkompli tiffanga hi a skapitu tal-hafna! Mela tlift il- boxla int ukoll?
I agree with Gecko. Although Simon Busuttil is not the right material to lead the PN, he at least made an effort to salvage it. Unfortunately, every time he opened his mouth on television, he made matters worse. However, it would appear that Mario De Marco and Beppe Fenech Adami were simply waiting in the wings and biding their time, whilst poor Simon was set up as the sacrificial lamb. I actually considered Dr De Marco as a possible leader but like Gecko feel that I was mistaken. No one remotely connected to this electoral disaster can lead the party and whoever is chosen should stop trying to foster division and hatred in the country. Otherwise, next time round you won't even get 40% of the votes. Maybe someone self-made like Dr Muscat might be a good idea not a Daddy's boy who might mistakenly believe that he has the Divine Right to rule................
Is he serious? don't they get it that arrogance and attack is not the way forward? are we seriously considering a new PN leader who speaks and acts like Dr Demarco. He's one of the culprits - one who did not listen to his loyal people, one who did not not care. Did nothing for many who suffered MEPA injustices. MTA also a disgrace. Pozi bias...let's seriously try harder because we are going to remain in opposition for a long time. You have shamed us after we trusted you with our vote.
dottore kindly do us a favour and call it a day. you had time enough to voice your opnion, now bugger off....with you at the helm we can kiss our oarty goodbye.
Can Mario DeMarco point one appointment he has made of an individual who was not a hardliner PN? He was happy to appoint officers in top positions even within his secretariat who did not even possess secondary education. But as long as he was blue eyed, it did not matter!
ghax de marco zvela l-ipokrezija tal-gvern laburista qed jigi attakkat minn gazzetta suppost indipendenti. de marco ma ikkritikax li cutjar gie appuntat direttament, imma li ghandu wisq konnessjoni mal-PL!
Mario DeMarco is referring to the Constitution now. Where was DeMarco During the last nine weeks when the Constitution was being over trodden by his friends Bondi, Attard, Mizzi and Fenech with the complete takeover of public broadcasting's four TV and radio channels 24/7? Real hypocrats! You should be ashamed of yourself for trying to take the electorate for a ride just four days after your whitewash.
Dan ic-cuc jippretendi li jrid imexxi l-pajjiz.
What an arogant and silly comment. Each time we have a PN candidate eyeing the leadership postition, out he comes with reckless comments like this from Mario DeMarco. How can the PM politicise the civil service when it is completely controlled by blue eyed boys whose only agenda is to use departments as PN political clubs? Only up to last Friday most department heads were vying between them on how to dish out favours to buy votes. Shame on you Mr DeMarco for only seeing what you want to see.
How can DeMarco accuse the PM that he is politicising the public service when it is lock stock and barrel completely dominated with PN activists? His GonziPN has blocked all the top government 200+ positions, including directors, directors general and permanent secretaries with three year contracts that will come to an end close to the next election campaign. Why didn't DeMarco mention the 90 officials that were transferred en block from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in 1987 when Eddie was elected on the battle cry of reconciliation, to make way for people like Ms Marlene Bonnici? When are those left out going to be given a break? The electorate has elected a new government by a huge margin and this is the guideline that the PM has to take, considering that Alfred Sant and his ministers were derided in 1996 when they failed to make any changes.
Joseph Sant
So far I had every admiration and respect for Mario DeMarco. I even believed that when he refused to enter the mudslinging fray during the election campaign he was being a gentleman. Now it is more that evident that his strategy was for others to do the dirty work so he could take centre after the inevitable defeat at the polls. And with each word he utters my respect melts away. Carry on this way dear sir and you'll spend a heck of a long time in opposition.
Se jibda bhal missieru dan?
Thanks to you and your cronies Dr. Demarco, the echelons of the civil service are a veritable Kazin Nazzjonalista. Thankfully Dr. Muscat has learnt from Dr. Sant's errors and is working to have a civil service that this country can trust.
Emmanuel Mallia
Say something positive, for once please . Franco exposed your culprits and all he said is and has materialized ! You expect us to support your traditional, cunning, and conventional politics, as leader of PN. You are way out, and expired.
Onerevoli Dr Demarco ghara veru ma tafux tisthu il qawl malti taf xjat li ahjar taraw Hotobkom ghax kem domtu fil Gvern kull forma ta ingustizji u vendikazzjonijiet graw fiz zmien il Gvern ta GonziPN usthu jek tafu biex tixgrunga tried tkun Pur
Wara 25 sena ta korruzzjoni u jobs for the blue eyed boys, ma imiss xejn lil min gie iwarrab u mghajjar 'jaqq' Dr Demarco? Nahseb li ghandna inhallu lill- ministri Nazzjonalisti imexxu .....ghax dawn ikomplu igibu l-ghaqda fost il- poplu? U dik dal -Bidnija minn kien iheggiga i jghalifha il- gwiez biex ma tkunx 'hardcore'? Min poggielha zegwt puliizija mad-dar taghha biex tkun tista tkompli tinsulent lin-nies bil-protezzjoni tal- pulizija?
Is Dr Mario de Marco serious? Does he and his party pretend that senior Headships, Chairmen and members of Authorities and Boards retain their positions? Is his memory so short not to remember what the real reason was that brought down the Sant administration after only twenty two months in 1998? Can Dr de Marco mention one individual, with just a flicker of red, who during their twenty five years of administration was appointed to a senior and sensitive position? What a bunch of hypocrites these people are.
Mario ipprova kun serju u kredibli jekk ha tiprova ghal kap tal PN, tipruvax tider sabih biex tintogob ghax bhal gonzi u simon jigrilek titkaxkar.
Albert Zammit
The Honorable Dr Mario De Marco is playing the PartyPN Game. His group has taken Party Politics deep into every corner of Malta , as far as to getting a bed in hospital , and getting a Mepa permit , the list is endless. He is obviously playing for the Party Votes . I would get my house in Order and apologize to all those that have suffered vindictive transfers , lack of promotions and injustices in the past years . Some of them were PN supporters too , but were from a different town ,but they still were removed from their post , when the Minister or Secretary was changed . We will not forget ....Easily ....Apologize officially ???
Mario Demarco, you're talking nonsense. Permanent Secretaries are chosen by Ministers, and therefore, for all intents and purposes, they are political appointees. In fact their appointment need not be approved by the Public Service Commission. To further show your ignorance of Public Service norms, no Minister (and you should know well enough) works with a Private Secretariat that is not of his own choice, not even if it belonged to a former Minister of the same party. Does he now expect that the new Labour Ministers should work with a PN staff in their Private Secretariats? If so, can you inform the public how many members of YOUR Private Secretariat were of Labour sympathy? Alfred Sant kept all of the heads in their posts, most of whom were of PN sympathy, and they undermined him until he brought about his downfall.
Since when were Perm Sec's "unfettered by the shackles of partisan influence"? Pull the other one!
Dear Dr. Demarco. I will tell you who pollicised the Civil Service. Way back in 1987 less than half an hour after the election result, a Medical Doctor who was not employed with the Civil Service entered the office of the than acting Medical Superintendant of the than Alfred Craig Hospital in Gozo and with all arrogance ordered him to leave the office immediately. Few days later the same Medical Doctor ordered that the name of the hospital be changed to Gozo General Hospital and the commemorative marble be removed. Later he had many more 'Gifts' to give. I too received one Dear Dr. Demarco.
Can Dr Mario Demarco please tell us how many permanent secretaries had PL leanings and whether the present permanent secretaries had all been appointed by the PN. What is even more damning is the fact that Dr Grima was not only secretary to Cabinet, confirming how strongly bluer than blue he was, but that he completely brushed aside civil servants from Director upwards who had the slightest leaning towards the PL. How can you work with him especially when he perm secs were warned by Muscat before the election that no papers should be moved out of Ministry offices. They cannot be trusted to carry out the will of the people and they must go.
U hallina Dot. Trid tkun pur biex tiskongra. Jaqaw ser taghmilha ta tuf biex forsi timpressjona fl-elezzjoni ta Kap tal PN
In order to have Malta for ALL, first the PL must take it off the hands of the clique that pretended that this island and everything in it is theirs to play with as they please.. So it is only understandable that those that where involved with that clique are showed the door, not out of spite but they must be held accountable of the mess the previous govt left behind just to accommodate the few !!
Listen to this clown talking,"It took years of objective and reasoned management to cleanse the service of political control and influence" <> Yes, of course!! Eliminating all, even remotely, labour leaning personnel and replacing them with card carrying PN members or their family members and/or friends of friends. That is your legacy in eternum, whether you like it or not!! 36000 plus voters have found that to be true, and were so disgusted that they threw you out. I suggest you be very careful what you say in public from now on.
Dear Mario Demarco When I came to you with the wrongs that were made in my regard by the Clique, although you confirmed that government was wrong in my regard and that the government was obliged to settle my grievances, you did ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to iron out the Injustice! You were no refuge! In the mean time I will wait for the Whistle-Blower Act that 'our' government promised in 2007 but which never materialised for all too obvious reasons. Hopefully soon I will settle all, lock stock and barrel! At the moment I think it would be more fruitful for you to deal with the Problems at the Tana Dei Lupi Pieta.
So much for Malta Taghna Llkol ....
They were informed weeks before the election that they should do so; it's standard protocol. Non-issue.
Imma possibli Sur Demarco! Tista tghatina ezempju tac checks and balances li kien hemm taht GonziPN! Ma tafx li Home Affairs ha tkun taht persuna u Justice taht ohra? Ax ma titlobx inkjesta jew ahjar Police investigation dwar fejn marru l-computers/files ect li kien hemm fil Ministeri ax lanqas biro ma hallew! Minn kien dak il Ministru li kera flat tas Sliema u ha il Government personnel jahdmu il kampanja tieghaw minn hemm u jithallsu minn flus il poplu! Dak missek tikkundanna!
DeMarco ghadu l anqas induna li il-politika tal biza ma ghadiex tahdem u wasslet biex il-pn qala camata liema bhala min ghand il poplu Malti.
Labour will only work with those who "toe the line without question"......... Exactly Mario. Look at the oil scandal where those put at EneMalta's helm by your ex-government did not toe the line and went their way making millions of euros at the people's expense.
""It took years of objective and reasoned management to cleanse the service of political control and influence....." The usual DeMarco crap. Of course with the leadership competition on the agenda, the nationalists still believe that he who attacks Labour the most should be Leader. They never learn. Who's next? Mario you are as credible as your treath of taking Labour and ONETV to court about the RCC tapes in which your late father was mentioned. You should know that all heads of departments, CEO's of government entities and high ranking officials should hand in their resignation with a change of government and it is then the government's right to retain those who are ready and have shown that are ready to be loyal to the people.
Sorry ta, imma dan Malta kien jghix dawn l-ahhar 15 il sena jew barra? Ma jafx dan li il PPS Godwin Grima stess kien jghid li il-PM jista jahtar lil min irid anki bhala direttur, u dan skond il-kostituzzjoni? U l-Avukat Generali u il PPS x'tahseb li kienu Dr De Marco? Laburisti jew? Ghaliex ma jghidlniex min ghazel lil Kap tal-IAID fl-OPM u lil kap tal-PPCD fl-OPM minghajr sejha u minghajr interviews? U what about il-kap tal PBS? Hallina dott.Issa il-loghba tliftha u meta terga terbaha ahtar lil xi hadd mill UHM ghax kullhadd jaf li huma tal-istess razza. Ghaliex ma tghidx li Gonzi l-anqas hatar Franco Debono bhala Ministru jew Robert Arrigo allavolja kaxkru lil kullhadd? Kullhad jaf min kin il PM ta vera, u dan Brussels kin residenti. Biex ma nsemmiex dak li ghamel froga mitt-trasport publiku Manwel Delia, dak xi laburist jaqaw? jew G Sapiano li taghkhom il-parir dwar ir-rotot.
@ demarco Ma tisthix titkellem hekk wara il- hnizrijiet li ghamel edgar galea curmi? Sewwa qal Franco debono li ghad baqalkhom snin kbar fl- oppozizzjoni ghax ma titghallmu qatt!!
I think that when a new Government is elected all Permanent Secretaries and all Board should submit their resignation even if the same Government is elected. This way the New prime Minister can bring in the people that are ready to follow his way of management.
X'jipretendi Dr. Demarco li Malta "TIBQA' TAGHHOM BISS"? Malta taghna wkoll, u ghandhu jkollna say AHNA WKOLL kif immexghu!
Dr. Demarco ftit fadal nies f'Malta li lesti jahdmu fis-servizz pubbliku (trid tkun dedikat mijja fil-mijja) u ghalhekk li l-Pl m'ghandux triq ohra li jirrikorri ghal 'hard liners' biex jiffunzjona. Saqsi ghala dawk li warrbu minn dan is-settur u mnarru jahdmu mal-privat. M'hemm xejn x'jinbuttak biex tahdem hemm. Fil-bidu tkun l-ewforija u wara twarrab bax bax.
I disagree with Mario on this. I do not believe that a strategy of attacking a Government elected with 55% of the vote in the first few days is the right strategy. This is very much old strategy, the same strategy that so many rejected at the polls. Besides, what has happened so far is normal and expected. The new PN leader neesd to be a person with new and fresh ideas, not old hat habits. The Home Affairs/Justice Ministry is curious though, and Debono's reaction is even more curious, or rather it confirms what most understood a long time ago about Debono.
I hope the civil service will also be 'taghna lkoll'. However, I think we should give Mr Cutajar the benefit of the doubt. Why shouldn't a new government assess those it has to work with? In the meantime, let's not forget that Dr De Marco is the same person, who, as minister responsible for culture, appointed peerless intellectuals and art experts Gege Gatt and Corinne Vella to the board of St James Cavalier. And that obviously had nothing to do with the fact that they are Austin Gatt's son and Daphne Caruana Galizia's sister, respectively.
Kaz ta vera li is-soru milli jkolli ittik. Tghidliex li se thallat lil Karm Mifsud Bonnici ma Manwel Mallia ? Possibli daqshekk int cuc ? Manwel kapaci jiehu anka tlett dipartimenti jew ministeri li ghandhom x'jaqsmu mal-ligi jew il-gustizzja. Sfortunatament Karm lanqas kien kapaci jmexxi banka tal-lottu. Dik id-differenza ghaziz Mario.
Some things never change....MLP is one of them!
maria aquilina
Imma dan bis-serjetan qieghed jghid jew ghadu stordut bit-telfa. Ghidlu jistaqsi li siehbu Austin li qal li ma jistax ikollok permanent secretaries li ma jkunux ta' l-istess kulur politiku. Hallina gbin.
Same old song. It explains why you got a downright trounce in the elections. Change the tune for God's sake, you are making people sick and tired. You will spend years in opposition unless you change tactics. Repent and say mea culpa!
wow..... the pot calling the kettle black. Are you serious , for 25 years your government has been appointing only super nationalists and now you complain because these have been asked to resign (Which they should anyhow as a sign or respect). Pull the other one friend , I suggest you take a deep look at your party and enjoy the opposition benches for a while, the less you say the better .