EPP chief ‘endorses’ Simon Busuttil to bring PN back to power

Joseph Daul MEP ‘My heartfelt thanks to Lawrence Gonzi and Simon Busuttil’

EPP chief Joseph Daul
EPP chief Joseph Daul

The head of the European Peoples' Party group in the European Parliament has sent his best wishes to Lawrence Gonzi, now that he has decided to step down as party leader shortly after the election of a new party leader.

"Lawrence Gonzi deserves our praise and admiration for his unstinting efforts to create jobs in Malta and this in an environment of fiscal restraint," Joseph Daul said.

"The Commission forecasts suggest an economic growth of 1.5% for Malta which is the second highest growth forecast in the euro-area. With unemployment at 6 percent and the deficit at 2.3 percent of GDP, I can only say that Malta is a high-flyer. And this is largely thanks to Lawrence Gonzi's work as Prime Minister," the MEP said.

"As to the future of the Nationalist Party, I have no doubt in my mind that Simon Busuttil has what it takes to return the Nationalist Party back to government. I have worked with Simon closely on very difficult issues for our group. He is a European statesman in the making."

Yes - Simon is a regular EU whiz. I think the term you are after is EUnuch!
What a pappagal and mazzun.
What an endorsment ! To someone who if he wanted to lie he would have stayed in European Parliamant! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ http://www.maltatoday.com.mt/en/newsdetails/news/elections2013/Busuttil-s-gaffe-If-I-wanted-to-lie-I-would-have-stayed-in-European-Parliament-20130123
hey Daul did you forget your Denture at home ? or maybe you meant Joseph Muscat??
Emmanuel Mallia
Dan jaf bl'iskandli ? Dan jaf bil gideb, tkaxkir tas saqajn u li Malta kienet saret kwazi dittatorjat ta zewg individwi, li issa qedijn jnhbew wara subghajhom ??
Joseph Daul clearly swallows what his PN friends feed him. Why doesn't he just flip through the local statistics and see the debt and deficit left by successive PN governments? If he interests himself so much in Malta, why doesn't he read the local newspapers to discover the corruption, fraud, excessive spending and mediocracy of the GonziPN administration? Coming from the European conservative chief, no wonder the EU is in such a pitiful state.
What a wally... :-)
Dan Joseph Daul jaf bil-kazzati li qal u ghamel Simon Busuttil fil-kampanja elettorali. Kummenti u agir li swew lil PN eluf ta' voti. Ghax ma hadux mieghu fil-parlament Ewropew halli joqghodu jidgbu flimkien! Halluna haj.
Igor P. Shuvalov
The head of the European Peoples' Party group in the European Parliament should get first hand information about the local scene and not base his recommendations on what happens in Brussels only. As unlike Joseph Daul,the EPP chief, many Maltese, including die-hard Nationalists, seem to have doubts in their " mind that Simon Busuttil has what it takes to return the Nationalist Party back to government."
Mr.Daul,can you please be more specific and tell in which year Simon Busuttil will bring back the PN to power? Probably in Annomai.
meta kien gej Malta biex jghati award lil Dr. EFA jien ktibtlu biex jghidlu jirrimedja l'ingustizzja li kien ghamlilna lilna, il-familjari ta' Karm Grima, meta kien institjonalizza il-frame-up ta' missieri u ghamlu sigriet nazzjonali,meta heba l-Inkjesta Muscat Azzoppardi, imma dan Dual ma tax kasi ghax, nahseb li hu ta' l-istess klikka.
Simon Busittil has dented his reputation in Malta by being and standing by the so called Klikka(Gang)who brang the PN goverment to its knees and aquired the biggest electoral defeat in Maltese history,they carried out the worst and utterly most discriminating electoral campaign ever seen in modern day campaining and the result was seen after the elections.
John Mifsud
The EPP recently endorsed Mario Monti for the Italian general elections......and see where it got him.
EU fascists want Simon. They may take him and keep him. But their interest in a choice for our leader of the opposition is uncalled for and superfuous. We, the majority in Malta want a person of integrity, political acumen and honesty leading the PN. That should be the one who is able to guarantee an effective constructive and loyal opposition. Any party hawk who's only after scoring party points over the national interest and his obligations towards the people is useless, unwanted and will be rejected. He will be disposed off straight into the Maltese political dustbin the minute he gets crowned.
da Joseph Duel veru ma jafux sew lil simon, jew inkella irid jadih biz zmien lil simon.
What Malta doesn't need is a weak opposition.
"It's good night from me - and it's good night from him."