Vince Farrugia denies calling workers ‘rats’ during MCESD meeting

GRTU says director's comment referred to bogus self-employed who don't pay taxes and VAT.

GRTU director Vince Farrugia
GRTU director Vince Farrugia

GRTU director-general Vince Farrugia has categorically denied having referred to workers under precarious conditions as "rats", after minutes from an MCESD meeting were presented in court on Friday.

In a statement, the GRTU said Farrugia's reference had been to 'bogus' self-employed individuals who employed unfair competition practices by not declaring their incomes, pay VAT or licences and other obligations, to the detriment of genuine self-employed workers.

"GRTU has been fighting this kind of unfair competition for years. Court witnesses yesterday did not understand properly what Farrugia was saying... the GRTU director insists that he was referring to those who abuse and steal from who is genuinely self-employed."

The MCESD's executive secretary Sylvia Gauci yesterday told a court that the Chamber of SMEs' director-general Vince Farrugia had described members of the General Workers Union as "rats", during a libel case filed by the union's secretary-general against Farrugia.

Witnesses said Farrugia called workers "rats" during a meeting of the Malta Council for Economic and Social Development, and that the less than pleasant comment had been minuted.

Zarb later felt that comments Farrugia have to TVM had implied he had manipulated the MCESD minutes of the meeting, after the GWU newspaper l-orizzont reported Farrugia's comments about workers who hold down a precarious job.

According to the 14 November, 2011 meeting's minutes, Zarb said that the government should address dangerous work practices. In response, Farrugia said that Zarb should have the union tend to these workers, whom he described as "rats" - MCESD chairman Sonny Portelli told the court. At this point, three GWU members and Portelli himself intervened to calm down matters. Portelli denied any pressure to amend the minutes.

Well I did not hear him call anyone names, but there again. How can you call someone a rat, when you look like one.
Mr Farrugia,it's no use denying the truth,the whole truth,and nothing but the truth. Mr Farrugia,you are a confermed lier,and if I were you the less you talk ,the better. In each and every case you came out as a lier. So go and hide yourself in a place where you can reflect and maybe someday you will come out as humble person again .
L-ewwel wiehed li ghandu jitlaq mil partit tal pn jekk irid jitnaddaf. Dabbar rasek ghax xbajt twaqqahhom ghac cajt!!
Kliem dizgustanti ghall ahhar biex tghajjar haddiema grieden. Mela m'ghandux mera jew inqasmet meta hares lejha?
Allura dawk li serqu il-fondi tal GRTU x'inhuma Sur Farrugia? U by the way x'irid jghid biha "bogus" self-employed. Bogus biss dawk il-hames siggijiet fil parlament ewropej li huwa tant ftahar li ser igibu tal-PN.!!
I believe that the real rats are not the hard working workers, be they members of GWU or other Unions, but those who scorn upon and harm such workers with such disdain. Malta has no place for these rats and they should take their places in the holes they have dug for themselves.
Albert Mifsud Buckland
This guy should be the first to resign outside the PN Government circles. He has been contradicted so often that his credibility must be in tatters. The GRTU - which he has turned into his own fiefdom - should kick him out. Before he drives it to the wall too.