PN deputy leader tenders resignation from European Parliament
Nationalist MP Simon Busuttil tenders resignation after nine years of service.
Nationalist MP Simon Busuttil has tendered his resignation from the European Parliament, after nine years of service in Brussels.
Busuttil, the outgoing deputy leader of the PN, was elected to the Maltese parliament on the ninth and 11th districts with 6,672 and 7,768 first count votes respectively - with 14,440 first count votes, he was the most voted candidate from the PN ranks, even higher than PN leader Lawrence Gonzi.
"The electorate elected me to represent them in the Maltese Parliament and I fee it is my duty to renounce my seat in the EP and serve my constituents here," Busuttil said.
The former MEP had already declared he would resign his post regardless of the outcome of the election. "I think the electorate for giving me the privilege to represent them in the European Parliament and serve my constituents here in the Maltese parliament."
Busuttil was first elected as MEP for the European People's Party in June 2004 with 58,886 votes and then re-elected in June 2009 with 68,792 votes. He was one of the most prolific members, leading the EPP group in the civil liberties, justice and home affairs committee, an active campaigner for citizens' rights, and co-president of the EU diabetes working group. In September 2012 he was awarded the MEP Of The Year award for his work on diabetes.