New energy minister meets heads of departments under his watch
Konrad Mizzi meets heads of Enemalta, WSC and Malta Resources Authority.
New energy and water conservation minister Konrad Mizzi this week met several heads of department and other corporations within his ministry, amongst them executive Enemalta chairman Louis Giordimaina.
Mizzi, a former chief information officer at Enemalta, discussed the government's proposal to construct a new 200MW power station run on natural gas, coupled with a new LNG terminal.
Mizzi also met ARMS chairman Wilfred Borg, the head of the revenue management system for Enemalta and the Water Services Corporation, as well as meetings at the WSC and the Malta Resoures Authority.
Mizzi met WSC chief executive Marc Muscat and MRA chief executive Anthony Rizzo.
The MRA now falls under the ministry responsible for Enemalta and the Water Services Corporation: previously both entities fell under the investments ministry and later under the finance ministry, while the former resources and rural affairs ministry was responsible for the MRA.