Where’s Everybody’s TVHEMM pulled off the air

TVM schedule no longer features evening programme TVHEMM

Where's Everybody's afternoon chat-show TVHEMM broadcast daily on TVM has been pulled off the air, as new amendments to the national broadcaster's schedule appear to have taken place over the week.

MaltaToday has been unable to confirm whether other programmes from the Where's Everybody stable, will be affected by the decision.

The programme, anchored by Norman Vella, was a regular fixture of the TVM schedule with its daily updates on current affairs and light features, featuring an array of guests that more often than not contributed to an animated debate on the popular TV show.

TVHEMM made no formal announcement of its cancellation.

Where's Everybody is the producer of several shows on the TVM, amongst them Friday evening staple Xarabank, Lou Bondì's Bondiplus on Tuesday and Thursdays, and Sunday daytime show Hadd Ghalik.

Public broadcasting has moved into the remit of the ministry for home affairs and national security, which is led by Minister Manuel Mallia. A spokesperson was quoted by The Times as saying that the decision was taken by PBS chief executive Anton Attard for administrative reasons.

Nah! This article needs an update. TVHemm is still being broadcast !
Another Punch and Judy Show with the puppets manipulated by the Professor that runs the show hiding away from the viewer's eyes!
Thank god no more norman. and peppi.
Dan zgur kien partiggjan u one sided ghax meta dehert jien, Carmel Grima, biex nitkellem fuq il-frame-up ta' missieri, dak li kellu jehel bil-vjolenza tal-15/10/1979, ma hallewnix nitkellem dirett, ghax ghidtilhom li se nghid min kien li orkestra l-frame-up ta' missieri, cioe l-avukat taghana stess; kif kont gieghelt lil Dr. EFA jaghamel l-Inkjetsa Muscat Azzoppardi imma hbija ghax sab li dak li ktibtlu kien veru u heba din; ghliex halla lil Dr. Sant jisraqha etc.etc. u ghalhekk iccensurawni imma tawni cans nghid nofs verita'u kelli naccetta.
Great news! Finally, PBS may become once more a national, rather than a partisan broadcaster. Proof required? Just visit the on-line comments re this story on TMI!!! So many GonziPN acolytes ruing the demise of their monopoly on national broadcasting. As these acolyates peater out, even TMI
Emmanuel Mallia
Lou Bondi forms part of this clique. During press conferences he has clearly shown his bias for the PN.
David Bongailas
Good riddance.
"Tista ma taqbilx maghna, imma tista tahdem maghna!" Tort tal-elettorat ghax nesa il-lejber kif jahdem!
Ahjar, ghax jaghtu cans lill- prezentaturi u produtturi ohra li qatt ma inghataw ic-cans: kemm Nazzjonalisti , kemm Laburisti juw AD! Kulhadd jaf li tal- We, Alla ibierek, taht GonziPN huma rebhu kollox! lol!
At last we start to see the withdrawal of such trash as TVHemm, together, one hopes, with their equally squalid presenters. These should have never been allowed to come on air with such venomous political bias against the PL on the national station, and it is sincerely hoped that its parallel Bondi+ will withdrawn as well, especially after the DCG farce. We don't need third rate presenters on our state TV.
Gawdew bizzejjed. Malta ma tistax tibqa taghhom biss. Min ma jimxix ta proffessjonista fuq ix-xandir pubbliku postu mhux hemm. Pass wara pass Malta se terga tinghata lura lil-poplu. Min jithallas mit-taxxi taghna ghandu jirrispetta lil kulhadd l-istess. Dik hi Malta taghna lkoll.
PITY XEJN TVM STAZZJON SERJU LA TA FRANCO LA TA GONZI U LA TA MUSCAT DAN PROPJETA TAL POPLU... Anzi oltre minn hekk ghandu jkun serju u jnehhi xarabank u bondi plus u jaghti nifs gdid jekk vera irridu ninbidlu mhux dawn tal WE saru nies minn fuq haddiehor sa anke programme tal EU qed jerdaw bhall l ADVANCE IN TOURISM lil minn issib lilhom ara dawn fiex jifhmu !!!!!
It is strange though, how such a decision was, apparently, transmitted to the people involved less than hour before going on air. I wonder what administrative reasons made such an abrupt cancellation a necessity. I have no reason to doubt the Ministry’s statement whereby it was confirmed that this decision was not taken at a political level – but it is, in my humble opinion, a clear indication that something is rotten in the state of Denmark......
Well done at last we are seing some light in the dark tunnel get rid of the others as soon as possible and have a clean Sweep with Purfum
That programme's presenter was unabashedly biased and had no right to be on a public service broadcaster.
Dejjem jista jmur fuq in-Net bil-program tieghu Norman... xejn ma jzommhu issa !
Good riddance actually!
Tvhem had only one motive, to serve as propoganda for PN. Kien veru programm sfaccat bi presentatur jservita forcina ghal PN. Kont niddardar jekk kont nara xi ftkt minnu.
Rita Pizzuto
La ssemma l-PBS ma nistax nifhem kif regular qed jaghmlu l- buzullutti fl - ahbarijiet. M'hix ahbar jewwilla li l-Ministru tas-Sahha, barra affarijiet ohra, halla dejn ta' 93 miljun Ewro. Il-Ministru Farrugia svelte Dan waqt il- programm ta' filghodu TVAM. Imma fl-ahbarijiet ta' filghaxija ma semmew xejn dwar Dan. Biex ikomplu jahbu l-hnizrijiet tal-amminitrazzjoni ta' Gonzi PN? U Dan minn meta jitolbu l-kummenti tal-kap tal-oppozizzjoni dwar dak li qed isehh f'Cipru. Fejn qatt talba l- feh a at' Joseph Muscat dwar xi ahbar ta ' barra.
Pity we never got to see Dr. Franco Debono on it alone or in a debatewith Peppi acting as coffee boy AGAIN and not behind the scene plugged in to Norman! Will the "aquarium" be also closed down?