President’s Forum to discuss Second Republic

President George Abela to convene third Forum on Constitutional reform.

President of the Republic George Abela
President of the Republic George Abela

The third President's Forum will discuss Constitutional reform in a follow-up from last year's edition, which will specifically also delve into Labour's call for a 'Second Republic' under new amendments to the Maltese Constitution.

Speakers include Speaker Michael Frendo, who will address the subject of parliamentary reform; Chief Justice emeritus and Ombudsman Joseph Said Pullicino, who will speak on citizens' rights and good public administration; former judge of the European Court of Human Rights Giovanni Bonello, who will tackle the subject of the Supremacy of the Constitution; and associate professor Dr Kevin Aquilina, dean of the Faculty of Laws at the University of Malta, will speak on the subject of a second republic for Malta.

As in previous editions of the Forum, Dr John C. Grech will be moderating the discussion while PBS journalist Reno Bugeja will in attendance putting questions to the panel.

The third President's Forum will be held on the 25 April 2013 at the Tapestry Chamber, The Palace, Valletta, at 6pm.

The public is invited to participate in the President's Forum and requested to reserve a seat either by sending an email to [email protected] or to call on 21221221.

It makes one weep with disgust and shame; at the way this Presidency tries to humiliate the Maltese people with such political jargon about the Maltese Constitution. First and foremost one must focus on the legitimacy of the electorate law within the Constitution that discriminates against a third party. In particular the warped law about legal representation where as in this year’s case, the PN will receive 4 additional seats, while the AD even though they are above the quota are still regarded as irrelevant with over 5500 popular votes. Shame on these appointed self serving bureaucrats that still keep Malta with medieval laws and Disgust with the AD for not taking this to the Constitutional Court. It is ironic that the same political chameleons that were instrumental in shackling the Maltese electorate are now at the forefront to be seen as the instruments of Maltese democracy.
nitlob il-President biex jiddiskuti li Prim Ministru li jigi ippruvat li seraq dokument hafna importanti u ufficcjali minn l-istrong Room tal-Parlament bhal fil-kas ta' Dr. A.Sant li skond mist.Parl. 14066-sed225-8/6/98 hareg bil-mohbi l-Inkjesta Muscat Azzoppardi fuq il-frame-up ta' missieri, Karm Grima, ghandu jitkecca minn membru fil-parlament u ma jistax jokkupa post pubbliku qabel ma jirremedja u igib lura dak li seraq biex issir gustizzja mal-familjari ta' Grima.
fil-forum nixtieq niddiskuti is-sahha tas-sekwestri bl-addocc minn imhalfin.Jinharigli sekwestru fuq flusi kolla fil-Banek; xaharejn wara tinhareg akkuza kontrija li sena ilu kont bieghet bicca ghalqa li ma hix tieghi u ikkontrollata minn erba nutari li qablu li kienet tieghi,gabuni bla flus u x'hin ghidt lill-Profs tal-ligi qalli li ghalhekk isiru s-sekwestri biex inezzghu lil-konvenut minn flusu u icedi l-kawza u l-attur jirbah kollox anke jekk ma jkollux ragun. dan sew sur president, jekk le irrangaha din biex l-Imhallef ma jhossux li hu xi alla quddiem iz-zghir.
We can talk and write ad nauseam but a second republic could not emerge unless our politicians submit enforceable clauses in the constitution that guarantees the impartiality of the public media. Those perpetrating such gross violations under the umbrella of Wheres Everybody have not as yet been questioned and arraigned in Court. The President of the Republic, as the guarantor of our Constitution, should be empowered to enforce such clauses. The right to justice and the right to equal opportunities should also be enforceable under the President so that the nepotism and rampant corruption in appointments in the previous Government would not be repeated by present or future Governments. These are just starters.
Before we start dreaming of the second Republic, one of the first dream is to undone ALL unjustices done during the past 25 years. The culprits should be brought to book otherwise the dream of a second replublic will be be based on ciminals, corruption and discrimination. How come everybody promised that he/she is the voice that we need and now they have disappear? How come there are thousands of people still being discriminated, (eg. a friend of mine is owed some 5000 euros by IPSL and the person in charge there doesn't want to give him his dues. Who is this person after. He pretended to the the god almight under the previous regime, and I think he still found some ladder to climb to remain the god almighty. Apart from myself there are thousand and thousands who are seeking Justice. Another thing is no one has the right to choose my President,If i am cappable to choose a goverment then I am able to decide for myself who is the person I want for a president. I don't want another politician, I want some like Sir Anthony Mamo who I happened to know. NO POLITICIAN SHOULA BE ALLOWED TO SIT FOR PRESIDENT- THEY HAD THEIR TIME AND WHATEVER.
Dinosaurs, all of them. They belong in the history books. A new constitution for a new millennium! We need something forward-looking and progressive to enable us to leap into the future without the baggage of the past dragging us down.