Illegal trapping reported in Gozo
Tourists ‘shocked to see’ rampant illegal trapping taking place at Ras il-Wardija in Gozo.
Caught on camera: illegal trapping at Ras il-Wardija Gozo.
Tourists holidaying in Gozo were shocked to see what they called "rampant illegal trapping" going on in several parts of the island, including Ras il-Wardija and Harrax Hill.
MaltaToday is informed that reports were also made to the police in Gozo yesterday after at least four active trappers were spotted at Ras il-Wardija.
Another three trapping sites were also set up and birds could be heard above the plateau.
Tourists who spoke to MaltaToday expressed their "shock" at having seen the illegal trapping taking place "so openly and in such numbers in a small area".

same thing from hal-far to dingli :/ pfff

I have always defended the rights of hunters and trappers but only when theseact within the law. If these allegations are true,legal action should be taken against those who infringe the law. It is unacceptable that some of these irresponsable law breaking persons damage and put their fellow hunters and trappers in bad light.These are the culprits that do all the damage to all those who abide by the law.Find them,and bring them to face the music for their actions.

min hal-far sa had dingli...... same story :/

This is the last chance for trappers and hunters to clean their image. Their activities can only take place with the boundaries of the law; if not bye bye to their past times for ever: for both bona fide hunters and others who are not.
Just because many people(who are not huntrs)are in favour of hunting and trapping for specific birds, it does not mean that we are for illegalities. Better for hunters and trappers to remember that this is their last chance! Do not let cowboys take over!

I guess tourists are not routinely briefed on Malta (and Gozo) being held hostage by Hunters and trappers; at least they can vote with their feet!

They should be more concerned with the rampant mislabeling of horse meat.

Yes in Gozo there is lots of birds trapping going on,and I heard the trappers talking about how much birds they had caught.BLM should come and have a look allover the island.Now is the peak of the season.

Yes in Gozo there is lots of birds trapping going on,and I heard the trappers talking about how much birds they had caught.BLM should come and have a look allover the island.Now is the peak of the season.

Ho were they shocked about the illegal taking up of virgin land from speculators ruining eco-systems and our precious watershed!! strange how they noticed only the illegal taking of birds from the wild.

se jitilfu kollox ghax minkejja li Dr. Muscat qal li ma hux se jaghamel referendum, se jgghaluh jaghamlu qabel iz-zmien ghax skond il-konstituzzjoni jekk il-Birdlife tigbor 33,000 firma(10% mill-votanti eligibli) u nahseb li tigbor elf firma f'gimgha, ir-referendum ikollu jghamlu Dr. Muscat li issa ma jkunx htija tieghu imma ta' min abbuza u kiser il-ligi.

REPUBLIKA GHALIHOM...... u l-puluzija wkoll!
Ma ghandhomx skuza li ma jafhux..... reqdin is-soltu jew ghanhdom x'jghmalu johorgu it-tickets?