Francis Zammit Dimech ‘being pushed’ for leadership election

Survey ongoing among Nationalist councilors to test the popularity of Francis Zammit Dimech if he were to contest the PN leadership election.

PN MP Francis Zammit Dimech.
PN MP Francis Zammit Dimech.

Nationalist MP Francis Zammit Dimech is being "pushed" by councillors to contest the PN leadership election taking place on Saturday May 4.

A survey is currently going on among the PN councillors to test the popularity of Zammit Dimech, should he decide to contest the election.

When contacted by MaltaToday, the former foreign affairs minister confirmed he was aware of the survey but denied commissioning it.

He however insisted that he had not yet made up his mind.

"I am still considering the offer that was made to me by a number of councillors," Zammit Dimech said, adding that the survey started after he was approached by a number of councillors to contest the election.

Zammit Dimech insisted that the ongoing survey at no point did it mean that he had made his decision.

"The survey is being carried out to test the grounds, so to speak," he said, adding that the survey was being carried out by the same councillors who supported him for the leadership election.

Asked whether he had any intentions to contest elections for the posts of deputy leader and secretary general, Zammit Dimech laughed it off and said, "let's take it episode by episode".

The nominations for the PN leadership contenders will open on Tuesday April 2, and close on Friday April 5.

The election will be held among the party's 900 councillors during an extraordinary General Council, which will convene on May 4, despite calls from a number of MPs - among them Mario de Marco, Robert Arrigo and Clyde Puli - for the ballot to be opened to all paid party members.

A candidate will have to win the support of two-thirds of the council members in order to be declared elected party leader at the first round. Should more than two candidates be nominated the last one will be eliminated and another round of voting will be held, a process that can theoretically be repeated several times, albeit the party has set May 10 as the deadline to elect a new leader.

Ivvutaw ghal Dr. M. de Marco u l-PN ikollu iben Guido, dak li orkestra l-frame-up ta' missieri Karm Grima;u li quddiem il-kappillan ta' San Pawl il-Bahar,Patri Samuel, cahadna u halla tlitt certifikati medici foloz jintuzaw biex tefghu lill-missieri Monte Carmeli ghall-ghomru.Ivvutaw ghal Dr. Beppe FA u l-PN ikollu lil iben Dr. EFA, dak li ghamel l-Inkjesta Muscat Azzoppardi, hbija ghax kixfet kollox u kemm kien imdahhal il-PN f'dan il-frame-up; u wara halla lil Dr. A. sant jisraqha biex jintesa kollox.Tal-KLIKKA iridu jitwarbu ghax wiehed jaqbez ghall-iehor.
If the PN wants to remain stuck in the stone age,Francis Zammit Demech is the perfect Dinosaur.
With all due respect. Is this a joke ?
With all due respect. Is this a joke ?
It is clear that no one above is analyzing the situation from within the party itself. If we had to analyze the contenders we will realize that the basket is empty. Starting with Simon Busutill - the latter was burned and will never manage to recover from the 35000 loss. This is still on his shoulders, and one cannot claim that he was there only for three months. If the writing was so clear on the wall he should have made it a point to leave Tonio Fenech to be burned. Second contender - Mario Demarco the preselected son of the great Guido Demarco… will he live up to his father`s name? And will he manage to link both flections of the party? The same goes to the son of the Father of Malta in EU. We also heard the name of Jason Azzopardi - God help our party he is the most arrogant Ex Minister in the last cabinet. If we had to criticize FZD we will realize that his only deficiency is that he is not young…. However who said that a leader is to be a copy and paste of the current pm? The experience of FZD will match and overcome the fancy talks which the pm is trying to purport. FZD is not only loyal but he is also diplomatic and an orator. He was the person which managed in the past few months to get the PN out of a lot of problems? Have we ever asked why he was continues being asked to represent the PN during the past year, when the government was going downhill? Lets us not shoot the person down because he can be the light at the end of the tunnel.
It is clear that no one above is analyzing the situation from within the party itself. If we had to analyze the contenders we will realize that the basket is empty. Starting with Simon Busutill - the latter was burned and will never manage to recover from the 35000 loss. This is still on his shoulders, and one cannot claim that he was there only for three months. If the writing was so clear on the wall he should have made it a point to leave Tonio Fenech to be burned. Second contender - Mario Demarco the preselected son of the great Guido Demarco… will he live up to his father`s name? And will he manage to link both flections of the party? The same goes to the son of the Father of Malta in EU. We also heard the name of Jason Azzopardi - God help our party he is the most arrogant Ex Minister in the last cabinet. If we had to criticize FZD we will realize that his only deficiency is that he is not young…. However who said that a leader is to be a copy and paste of the current pm? The experience of FZD will match and overcome the fancy talks which the pm is trying to purport. FZD is not only loyal but he is also diplomatic and an orator. He was the person which managed in the past few months to get the PN out of a lot of problems? Have we ever asked why he was continues being asked to represent the PN during the past year, when the government was going downhill? Lets us not shoot the person down because he can be the light at the end of the tunnel.
Mhux li kien :)
Priscilla Darmenia
In my opinion the PN should look for a better brighter star. But unfortunately admitted to a foreign ambassidor that he had limited choice of people around him. - Seek a new leader from the unknown within the party.
FZD as leader 'interregnum' and SB as deputy leader - ask Ladbroke's about PN chances of PN winning next election! But then as Gonzi told Molly Bordonaro - there is not much quality anyway!
not this man this is another Gonzi....Mario Demarco please!!
Francis a political party is not some Teens and Talent Trust aka 4Ts.
Emmanuel Mallia
A replica of Gonzi, and a good yes man for those maneuvering behind the scenes !
The PN need three persons to be the top high ranking officials of Leader,Deputy Leader and General Segretary. Well,if they are finding it a bit hard to find these three suitable contenders,they might even consider to appoint the three stooges.
No, to me it is perfectly logical, and strategically makes sense. It is clear they do not want a longtermer before the waters settle, and this will take some time. So a temporary, harmless, innocuous compromise is put in place till then.
hohoh send him a recent copy of the Economist.....
Do PN councillors really think that FZD would be a good leader? Or are they using this as a means to block someone else. The only integral person in the past GonziPN administration was Franco Debono, but they rejected him.
Ghalija Dr. Chris Said ghandu il-kwalitajiet kollha mehtiega ghal leader. Ismijiet b'zewg kanen ghandhom jitwarbu biex jghamlu post xieraq ghal ta' b'wahda li huma iktar umli u favur il-poplu.
Emmanuel Mallia
A sleepy conservative at the helm of PN ? Another disaster !
Christopher Briffa
This is certainly scraping the bottom of the barrel. Dr. Zammit Dimech has been tried, tested and found to be seriously lacking in many departments. Let's hope for the sake of the PN and the general political scene in Malta that this article is a spoof.
Hahahahahahaha, Dan ghamel li ridt kien bicca ministru ahseb u ara jwkk ikun xi haga akar. Nesa kemm ipparkja il-karozza ministerjal fid-dawra fejn il-knisja tal karmnu huwa u jiekol f'dak ir-resturant vici bl-appogg tal pulizija tat-traffiku li kien ikollu mieghu. Ghadhomdawn flimkien kollox possibli. Franco Debono ghandu ikun il-Kap tal-Partit Nazzjonalista. Dak lest li jirrangah il-partit u huwa biss. Nazzjonalisti ghandhom jivvutaw ghall leader tsghhom u mhux tal-Klikka.
So much for the hype of a new invigorated PN with fresh faces. What a joke, they have to scour the scrapyard for parts!
It seems some within the PN are intent on further provoking the former PN voters that clearly abandoned the Party in the recent elections. How utterly foolish and delusional. Next we will have Mr. Cachia Zammit testing the delegates. 'Perception' is a word the the party clearly needs to learn.
avatar's the 23rd March today NOT 1st April!
Dan l'istess FZD li kien ircieva SMS min ghand Dr. Lawrence Gonzi meta kien lahaq Prim li "SERVICES NO LONGER REQUIRED" ? Dan wiehed minn dawk li Gonzi mar jghid fuqu ma l'Ambaxatrici Amerikana li kellhux talent, ANZI LI KIEN LIMITAT FIT TALENT, meta gie biex jghazel il-Kabinet? Kull ma huma dawn , xejn hlief PN~tomimi!
Are you serious? FSD is a nice guy but does he have the qualities to lead this once majestic party towards a victory in the coming elections? Nice try - Think again!
Let me guess... are they the same people who pushed Żaren tal-Ajkla?
This article cannot be serious. The PN must be really scraping the bottom of the barrel. One gets the feeling that the PN is in so much disarray that nobody wants the helm of this sinking ship that is destined to roam the troubled political waters for at least a decade. One would guess that the CLIQUE is still in charge and is refusing to let go.