Former PL president ‘representing’ Economy Minister ‘on the ground’

Economy Minister Chris Cardona says Mario Vella is representing him ‘on the ground’ until a new Malta Enterprise chairman and board are appointed.

Former PL president Mario Vella is currently 'taking care' of Malta Enterprise.
Former PL president Mario Vella is currently 'taking care' of Malta Enterprise.

Former PL president Mario Vella is representing Economy Minister Chris Cardona "on the ground" until a new Malta Enterprise chairman and board are formally appointed.

Addressing the Chamber of Commerce annual general meeting, Cardona said that while high-level positions at Malta Enterprise and Malta Industrial Parks should not be left in a vacuum, yet the appointment of these roles should not be rushed through.

"I therefore asked Mario Vella to represent me on the ground until the new positions are filled. I can assure you that Vella is highly qualified to fill this role," Cardona said.

It is not yet clear whether Vella will be asked to stay on as Malta Enterprise chairman.

Fifteen years ago, Vella was CEO at then Malta Development Corporation, the precursor to Malta Enterprise. Vella relinquished the position in 1998 when he received a golden handshake.

Cardona also reassured the members of the Chamber of Commerce that all stakeholders will be represented on the ME and MIP boards, including the manufacture sector.

In his address, Cardona reiterated the Labour government's commitment to reduce red tape and facilitate investment.

"We are a pro-business government. We want to send the message that this is a government that listens and cares. Without your success, we cannot sustain our roadmap," the minister said.

"We believe you are the catalyst of economic growth that can reach everyone. And just like our roadmap was built on thorough consultation and dialogue, this must prevail."

Cardona said a Labour government believed in not only consultation but also in "inclusivity, were social partners are fully involved in the decision-making process".

The minister said he will work closely with existing business to continue expanding their base while also helping to attract new foreign direct investment to Malta.

"We shall strive to attract new investments through changes and new initiatives. We will retain what is good but we will also study what needs to be changed and how we can improve," he said.

Cardona said that while Malta was attractive to foreign investors - its geographical position, the labour force aptitude, a highly-skilled workforce, the readiness to learn and train, language abilities, high level of productivity and political stability - yet there were policies which hindered investment as well.

"But these are manmade policies which we can and will address. We are focused on improving the business environment by pledging to reduce red tape and lower utility tariffs."

He said that a Labour government will ensure that services are delivered within reasonable timeframe and will see that regulators "do not continue to fail us".

"We intend to make authorities transparent and accountable. We shall review their efficiency and monitor the time they take to respond," he said, referring to the inland revenue department among others.

Cardona also reiterated the Labour government pledge that by March 2015, utility bills for business will go down.

"We want to continue enhancing investment in the ICT and gaming sectors and we want the maritime sector to attract more investment. We want to safeguard existing jobs while creating new ones and we will wage an unprecedented war on precarious work," Cardona said.

"We are here to listen on what works and what needs improvement. We will be responsive to new opportunities and my door will always be open. If we work together, we can be successful."


Mossa brillanti ohra. Mela nghamlu dinosawru ex-komunist konsulent tal-ekonomija. Bravi eh. U dan wara li diga ha golden handshake (bhal Louis Grech). Sa jtihom il-flus lura issa?
Ma tahsibx li Dr Mario Vella -konsulent fl-investiment barrani,- hu ahjar( daqsxejn!!) mill- ghazla ta Alan Camilleri li mid-dehra, l-unika kwalifika ta l-investiment barrani kienet biss li kien Nazzjonalist akkanit u habib personali tal-kbarat ta GonziPN? Malta taghna llkoll, ma ifisserx li minn iffanga ghal 25 sena jibqa jiffanga u min qatt ma kellu cans taht GonziPN jibqa dejjem ihares jistenna u jitherra ?
Rita Pizzuto
Jaghmel il-Ministru Chris Cardona li juzahom nies bhal Mario Vella li Gonzi PN irmihom u li kien ghalihom l-amminitrazzjonijiet Nazzjonalisti tefghuhom f'gagga biex forsi jintnesew li huma nies kapacissimi u ta principju. Din hi l-hsara li kienet isir, li ghax mhux tal-kuljum tieghek twarrbu minkejja li kapaci u jrid jahdem. Min Hadem ma' Mario Vella jaf kemm hu bniedem serju u tal-affari tieghu. Jekk king hate c-cans zgur li juri l-kwalitajiet li ghandu f'dan il-qasma. Awguri Mario.
Dr Mario Vella ghandu esperjenza kbira fil- qasam ta l-investiment barrani. Barra li hu professur f'wahda mill-aqwa universitajiet Brittaninici fuq dan is-suggett, hu ukoll konsulent ta l-investiment barrani, f'wahda mill-kumpaniji mondjali tal- konsulenza. Kien ukoll strumentali biex jigu xi uhud mill- kumpaniji farmacewtici li gew Malta dan l-ahhar u li GonziPN tant ftahar bihom!
Viva l-meritokrazija u kif jghid l-espert franco Din hi il-pl evil clique.
Zack Depasquale
@Fenea Taf liema zmien spicca, iz-zmien ta'GonziPN. Tista tghidlna naqra min hu Mario Mallia ghax fl-ghaggla li kellek li tikkritika tfixkilt il-kunjom. Isma minni siehbi iktar ma tnizzilha malajr li GonziPN tieghek tilef iktar ahjar ghax ghandek snin twal taht il-Gvern tal-Maltin kollha u mhux tan-Nazzjonalisti biss.
Paul Sammut
fenea, wiehed aktar jahseb illi zmien il-buzullotti spicca. Give the man a chance. He has not even started in his new post. Last administration failed dismally through the last ten years. How sour must your grapes be?
chris iz zmien tal paroli spicca. mario mallia f'dik il pozozzjoni kien falliment totali. TAGHNA BISS