Joe Cordina ‘being considered’ for Gozo Channel chairmanship post

Labour’s former financial administrator Joe Cordina ‘is being considered’ for the post of chairman on the Gozo Channel Company Ltd.

Labour's former financial administrator Joe Cordina.
Labour's former financial administrator Joe Cordina.

Labour's former financial administrator may be the new chairman of Gozo Channel Company Ltd after government sources confirmed he was "being considered" for the post.

But in comments to MaltaToday, current chairman Paul Curmi said he was not aware of this decision even though he didn't expect to be consulted on such things.

"Like every other board, we were asked to hand in our resignation and so I offered mine. My post was a political appointment with a term that ends at the end of this month," Curmi told MaltaToday.

Curmi said he augured that whoever is going to replace him understands the importance Gozo Channel plays to the economy of Gozo.

"I hope that the new chairman and whoever is appointed to the board support each other so that Gozo Channel keeps moving forward for the benefit of both the company and Gozo," he said.

Cordina is a good choice. He really knows the needs of the Gozo people. I hope he checks the timetable and does not recall any ship back to pick him up. If he does anyway he can switch sides to the PN as has become custom with the fired ex-chairman.
wow u ghad fadal..........l-aqwa li MALTA TAGHNA LKOLL U TISTA MA TAQBILX MAGHNA IMMA TISTA TAHDEM MAGHNA......jekk ikun fadal post fejn.
The least our great movement can do is to afford Mr Joe Cordina this opportunity in atonement at the despicable malicious attack on his reputation by the GONZIPN clique which was routed by the vast majority of our people. Apart from this basic aspect of justice, Mr Cordina has proven to be an effective administrator and financial consultant authorized by MFSA. Tweetybirdie should stop tweeting disgustingly and go and find a birdie at the Marsa Golf Course.
@ franco and gborgos7 The truth hurts! :-) And you know full well that this is a 'thank you' for services rendered! What a way to govern a country! You don't have to bribe someone to be corrupt -- give him a job instead! Shame on Malta Taghna Lkoll!!!
@ tweetybirdie Qishekk diska mwahhla tweetybirdie, dejjem tirrepeti l-istess kumment! Forsi ghadek taht xokk papali wara t-ttkaxkira elettotali. Forsi wkoll int wiehed minn dawk il-"fat PN cats who got fatter at our expense" u issa l-ksuhat li kellek bye-bye. Enjoy tweetybirdie ghax Sylvester ghandu hames snin shah xi jkeddek! Enjoy.
Tweety get a life, gonzipn tried to ruin a man's reputation and you come making idiotic remarks. Well done Joseph if anybody has any objection he/she can swollow it.
A government of pure Doublespeak. Meritocracy = We reward those who do our bidding. *M*alta *T*aghna *L*koll = *M*alta *T*al-*L*ejber
Political appointees need to be replaced by persons who can be trusted to obey the people's wish for a radical change of direction. Anything less would be a betrayal of the People who elected this Movement to get this Country out of the mess and corruption it had geared itself with 25 years of GONZIPN.
An excellent decision. Mr Joe Cordina deserves the post as Chairman of the Gozo Channel. Everyone knows what he had to go through during the electoral campaign and how he was accused of things that he was not aware of. Being a Gozitan himself the Company would sure prosper under his Chairmanship.
We hope the Gozo channel price tickets will be the same for everybody.NO CORRUPTION PLEASE. Thank you very much.
We hope the Gozo channel price tickets will be the same for everybody.NO CORRUPTION PLEASE. Thank you very much.
We hope the Gozo channel price tickets will be the same for everybody.NO CORRUPTION PLEASE. Thank you very much.
We hope the Gozo channel price tickets will be the same for everybody.NO CORRUPTION PLEASE. Thank you very much.
HAQQU aktar minnek! Vittma tal-gideb fahxi ta' qabel l'elezzjoni u hareg bl-unuri u bl'irgulija! Kull Elezzjoni juzghaw il-GIDEB FAHXI tal-PN , bhal ma kien GIDEB FAHXI Eddie Fenech Adami fuq Dr. Alfred Sant u din id-darba kien Joe Cordina il-vittma ta' dawn il-kalunji!
Hemm bzonn ta' bidla radikali f'dil-kumpanija u l-hsieb ta' xi katamaran (fast service) biex jaqqad iz-zewg gzejjer irid jigi skrappjat ghax iwassal biss il-kumpanija f'xifer ta' falliment...kif kien ser jigri meta kien hemm il-hoovermarine fis-snin 90
Good decision