PN accuses government of ‘politicising’ the civil service

The Nationalist Party says ‘politicisation of the civil service is an unhealthy development’.

Echoing comments made by Nationalist MP Mario de Marco earlier this month, the Nationalist Party this evening accused the Labour government of "politicizing" the civil service.

The accusation follows the government's decision to replace all but three permanent secretaries. The only three permanent secretaries who were retained are Alfred Camilleri, within the finance ministry, James Calleja within the education ministry and Paul Zahra who has been placed in the ministry for European Affairs.

The government has appointed a total of 14 permanent secretaries while seven who served under the PN administration were not reinstated.

The new permanent secretaries include two women.

According to the PN, this is the first time that changes to permanent secretaries have been linked to a change in government.

"This politicization of the civil service is an unhealthy development.  The Maltese civil service has long shown itself able to serve different political administrations faithfully, and loyally," the PN's spokesperson said this evening. 

"Given the increase in the number of Ministries, the vacancies in others, as well as the impending retirement of others, there was no need for this aggressive approach by the new Labour administration." 

According to the PN, this development shows that the government "has chosen the politicisation of the civil service over national interest".

When the designate-head of the civil service Mario Cutajar invited all permanent secretaries and other government appointees to hand in their resignations, Nationalist MP Mario de Marco had lambasted this request, insisting that it went "against all standard procedures and ignoring Constitutional provisions".

"It took years of objective and reasoned management to cleanse the service of political control and influence... the 'new' Labour government has demolished all that, by playing the opening gambit in a stratagem aimed solely at creating a public service to serve his party's interests," de Marco had said.

But Prime Minister Joseph Muscat had rubbished this suggestion, insisting that it was "a normal procedure that followed after every change in government".

"This doesn't mean that every resignation letter will be accepted, but the Prime Minister can ask for it," Muscat had said when asked by journalists.

He had added that those individuals deemed to be the best to hold that position would be retained.

Verament nispera li il-PL ma poggiex dawn is-Segretarji Permanenti b'mod mghazul biex ikunu Yes men bhal ma kienu jintghazlu ta qabilhom. Naqbel li jinbidlu, kemm dawn u ohrajn f'postijiet ohra bhas-Segretarji Ezekuttivi tal-Kunsilli Lokali li bicca minnhom sarhu qishom Allat. Mohhom mistrieh li l-kariga salvagwardjata u ghaddejin romblu minn fuq ic-cittadini.
I think that the PN should sincerely have a look at what it politicized itself! If one looks at the promotions and employments handed out in the past year it is obvious that many of these promotions and employments were nothing short of favours done at pre-election to persons and groups. Meritocracy was never the order of the day under the PN!
How were Permanent Secretaries appointed in the past? How come, a person who had spent all his life and career in one field, resigned from his post and went as Permanent Secretary in another ministry in the last legislature? Shouldn't the past Permanent Secretaries be held responsible for the rebus left in ministries after the change of government? Weren't these events politicising the Civil Service?
Can some PN tell us who appointed Perm Sec Internal Audit & Rita Schembri in 2012? Was it an open call? Was she qualified for job? Did they know of her conflicts of interests? Did she have special friends in brussls or in malta? What happened to the investigation about her. Maybe PN leader can speak up? or someone else high up? because no one knows.
Dejjenm ghedt u nibqa nejda li min dawn in nies tistenna kollox barra li hu dritt u sewwa
I m Very sorry PN MP Mario Galea him self said that the Civil Service is part of the land slide or tremor in the PN so yes a clean up is needed. after all if they all had the faith of the Ex Goverment, now that Goverment is history. Let see what these man do and in less then 5yrs time we will judge them. Until then, hope you do a good job... otherwise.......
is Dr Demarco implying that after 20years of PN government, the civil service is not politicized and not biased toward the PN? what arrogance!
liema Ministru se jzomm segretarju permanenti ma djulu li fih ma jkollux fiducja; li dak li jghid filghodu ma jkunux jafu x'qal l-opposizzjoni filghaxija.Nitlob biex jieqfu dawn l-insinwazzjonijiet bhal -divisiv-politicising-etc. biex ahna z-zghar ma nintlewx ghal xulxin u tibqa din l-atmosfera ta' zmien ir-Rumani fil-kolonji taghhom -Divide and rule.
Rita Pizzuto
Ara tassel li l-PN ma Jinbidlux. L-arroganza taghhom tibqa'' ghaliex imsawra fihom. Mill-bank tal-oppozizzjoni wkoll iridu jibqghu jiddettaw. Hamas u ghoxrin Sena ma kienux bizzejjed biex imexxu, tajjeb Jew hazin imma tant l-arroganza rikbithom li Sara l-umiljazzjoni li sofrew iridu jibqghu jemmnu li ghadhom fil-poter. Jinsew li kien ilhom 25 Sena jaghmlu li jridu u li Kienu dwaru lil him infusion b'hafna akkolti. Fost l-ohrajn, Demarco qed jinsa li tul dawn is-snin kollha ma kien hemm hadd iehor fil-gvern u ghalhekk li zgur mhux kid il-verita' dwar it-tidbit fis-segretarji permanent I ghax lil dawn halqu him huma....Donna xi haga in aeternum. Jinsa wkoll kemm tul l-20 Xahar ta' Alfred Sant fil-gvern, ghax ma bidding nies Kienu jghidu li "il-gvern taghkom imma mmexxu ahna". Issa hemm gvern ta' Malta kollha u allura jrid imexxu ghalina l-Maltin kollha b'nies li kapaci jmexxu ghall-Maltin kollha m hux ghall-Klikka.
The PN should make a good study and see in what manner did GonziPN appoint the permanent secretaries. Was it based on meritocracy? On nepotism? On oligarchy? Government has to work with persons in the top positions whom it trusts. There are more heads of entities who need to be replaced; and the sooner the better for the smooth and transparent running of our dear, new country.
Incredible !!! Look who's calling the kettle black. Ara vera dawn ta' gonzipn lanqas jafu jisthu anka wara telfa katastrofika ta' 35000 vot.
Biex tiskongra trid tkun pur!
Whom did they replace? Labour leaning ones or P.N. leaning ones? If they were Labour who's complaining if not other 'Labourites'? But if they were P.N. how come they were so? By sheer competence? Seniority? Luck? Or were they put there because they leaned towards the P.N. government, whether they were vociferous or not? It seems the arrogance stills lingers despite the electoral thrashing. Perhaps it was not big enough. What can one say about the 'top' people at Malta Freeport, Malta Enterprise, BOV, MITA and the rest of the government controlled entities? How many Labourites were at the 'top'? I have great respect for Dr Demarco but I honestly think that he is doing this to 'improve' his backing to become the new P.N. leader. While I honestly wish him good luck (thinking he is the best man to move the P.N. forward)I am also sure that he knows better. Non pro government heads will likely become 'passive' if left in their place.
Priscilla Darmenia
It is reported that the PN accuses government of ‘politicising’ the civil service. Are these people serious? Do they take us all for fools or “cwic maltin”? The PN in government gave each and every top job to PN leaning supporters irrespective of the capability of the person for the job. Now that they are in opposition they are crying foul. The people showed you in the last election that they matured beyond your dirty policies and tricks. Dr Austin Gatt said that the PN will win the elections for the next 20 years. I guess that if the PN will maintain these attitudes they will lose the elections for the next 20 years.
.... hemm ghalfejn li kull darba li jifthu halqhom il-klikka ta' gonzipn minn wara d-9 ta' marzu jaghmel hilithom biex idardruna? ..... dawn il-vergni se jitkellmu fuq il-politicizazzjoni tac-civil? ..... dawn il-vergni qed jifthu halqhom? ..... insew x'kien qal l-ministru austin arriva xi snin ilu meta kien qal li kien hemm bzonn li l-kapijiet tac-civil ikun kollha tal-istess kulur tal-gvern u kien mexa fuq din il-linja mil-ewwel gurnata li nhatar fl-1987 u fis-snin ta' wara? .... ara per ezempju min kien qed imexxi c-civil f'dawn l-ahhar snin jekk mhux habib tal-qalba ta' gonzipn minn zmien l-azzjoni kattolika .... tifhmunix hazin, dan il-persuna ghandu kull dritt li jkollu l-fehmiet politici tieghu .... imma li issa l-klikka ta' gonzipn wara d-damdima li qalghet tahseb li ghadha tmexxi hi - dan mhux accettabbli u ahjar jaghrfu l-fatt li l-oplu malti mhux cuc imma ghandu mohh li bih jaf jahseb u jaf jaghmel l-ghazliet tieghu ..... spicca z-zmien tal-gideb sfaccat ....
"It took years of objective and reasoned management to cleanse the service of political control and influence." Pull the other one, dear! Just a quick reminder, Dr Demarco - Your party is still reeling from a resounding thrashing at the polls. This is the same party who ensured that no promotion or new post in the civil service remained vacant in the weeks before the election. Do you seriously expect the new government to hold on to your political appointments so as not to offend you?
Ara veru ma tisthiex minn Alla li halqek. Mur giebek Kap tal Partit.
Il-gvern irid l-ahjar nies u nies lejali lejn il-politika li l-poplu approva b'maggoranza kbira. Il-grawnd ta Qali rajtuh ippakkjat bi 18,000 il-elf ruh. Kien id-doppju ta dawk il-maggoranza li riedet il-bidla fid-9 ta marzu. Ikun nuqqas kbir tal-PM li ma jarax li jsir dak li ried il-poplu – il-bidla u mhux more of the same.
That's rich..coming from a Party that saw to it,each and every time,to install their own man as head of every Non Governmental and Governmental Office/ Establishment going. At least now there is a mix.
Minn qed jghid li c-Civil ma kienx politicizzat fi zmien il-PN? Il-PN missu ghamel pjacir lilu nnifsu u lil Malta u qaghad sieket imqar ghal 100 gurnata u mbaghad jaghmel sampling ta' nies ordinarji li jew ma vvutawx bhali jew ivvotaw Labour u n-nies komuni jghidulhom ftit HOME TRUTHS, veritajiet li l-ebda kummissjoni appuntata internament skjeratament hafna izjed interessata li tiskaguna milli ssir taf il-verita' qatt tista' tghidilha. Specjalment jekk tali kummussjoni gejja minn parti tas-socjeta' li mhiex spectrum tas-socjeta'. U nerga nghidha hawn, kieku dawn is-segretarji permanenti jew x'inhuma kienu rgiel kien isib ir-rezenja taghhom il-PM tistennih fuq l-iskrivanija: Jien kont niktiblu hekk lil kwalunkwe PM entranti: "Whereas I would like to express my extreme satisfaction for having been entrusted by former administrations with the execution of duties at the highest levels of the Civil Service I feel that it is only right as well as your prerogative to appoint anyone else in my position that enjoys at least as much trust and esteem. Auguring you personally and all your incoming admistration the best. Signed: Emanuel Galdes Hekk misshom ghamlu. Imma donnu li f'dak il-livell tac-Civil la tezizti wisq irgulija u inqas sugu.
The PL is indeed doing what is "normal" in Malta in these circumstances. It is very rich of the PN to accuse Labour of politicising the Public Service. They have done it in spades. But it was the PL and Muscat who have been saying that they will do business differently. How is that the case when he himself is saying "this is normal". Surely doing things differently would have meant more transparency and being seen to do the right thing through an open process. This way it leaves it open to the accusations, however double faced, of the PN Opposition.
How can these saints even comment when we all know that under their administration, even workers in very low grades where chosen based on their political colour, let alone higher ones (including these same positions they're complaining about)!
Who created the post of Permanent Secretaries? The PN. Who appointed Permanent Secretaries? The PN. Who were the Permanent Secretaries? Blue-Eyed PN. Where permanent Secretaries moved before? Yes, even incoming PN Ministers wanted their own Permanent Secretaries and they either organized musical chairs, changing them around, or else appointed new ones. And all this within the same GONZIPN structure. So the PN should just shut up and stop criticising the will of the People who have spoken out. If the civil service is politicized it is only because the PN over 25 years excelled at this job.
PN accuses government of ‘politicising’ the civil service? Oh dear, it seems that DeMarco is suffering a sudden bout of amnesia. Of course, the PN did NOTHING of the kind, right?
The PN always coming out with a non story and I guess we will have to get use to them. I ask to the PN; do the PN wish to see a change over like they did in 1987?? People still remember their "SMOOTH" takeover, Valletta was full of people doing nothing because others came out of nothing and took their place of work and they ended with nothing to do for weeks, months and even years!!! In contrast this was a very smooth takeover and only sensitive and political positions were changed, and this is something that even the same PN did when they changed a minister. Well actually we all remember that after a certain PN minister the new PN minister changed all ministry personell from top to bottom!!
Dawn mhux bizzejjed.Hemm bzonn inehhu il kapijiet u namluhom laburisti genwini U mhux protagonisti
Tafu tishtu tal Partit Nazzjonalista?? Mela insejtu x'ghamiltu inthom?? 25 sena ghaddew u ghamiltu in niez zibel, f'kaz minnhom beda il-Housing Authority, it-taxxa, successjoni, vat dept, ministeru ta Gustizzja u sahansitra gol-qorti. Min irid provi ghandi kemm irid u anki ismijiet. Housing authority l-ghada tal elezzjoni 1987 l-ex segretarju qalli li irrid inbaghti ghaliex hdimt taht gvern tal-lejbor u il-VAT dept gejt mhedded biex ma niftahx halqi fuq dak li rajt u smajt. Dik Gustizzja u Partit Nazzjonalista????
Just is the Nationalist Party now coming out with such a statement ? Is this Gonzi the outgoing Leader echoing Dr. Demarco? Who is kidding who??? Has the PEOPLE'S message not gone through the veins of the Nationalist Party yet???? Dear PN, YOU SAY IT BEST WHEN YOU SAY NOTHING AT ALL ~ especially with PBO'S INFAMOUS e-mail sent in error to Jason Micallef instead of ex-PN Minister Jason Azzopardi!
Emmanuel Mallia
Look who is talking !