Zaren’s eagle to soar yet again

Election 2013’s zany independent candidate to run for European Parliament elections

Nazzareno Bonnici, whose mass meetings attracting hundreds in Zejtun and Birgu earned him a mere 47 first-count votes, has not hung up his political hat.

Speaking to MaltaToday, Bonnici confirmed that will be running for the European Parliament elections in 2014 as an independent candidate for his Tal-Ajkla party.

He had already contested the 2009 election where he got 80 first-count votes, and eliminated straight after in the third count after taking just two second-preference votes from Simon Busuttil.

sewwa jghidu il karnival is sena kollha
he inhert simon busuttil votes...... lol how bad were the other canditates!!!
Well, if people are not really serious of supporting this guy, please stop the shenigans. WE had enough partying and celebrations in the past few months.