Health minister denies breach of code of ethics

Health minister Godfrey Farrugia denies accusations that he is still seeing patients in breach of ministerial code of ethics.

Health minister Godfrey Farrugia
Health minister Godfrey Farrugia

Godfrey Farrugia denied accusations which appeared in the press that he was still carrying on with his private practice as a General Practitioner in a clinic in Zebbug.

The ministerial code of ethics states that Cabinet members cannot exercise their private profession while they are in office.

In a statement issued this afternoon, the minister categorically denied seeing patients at the clinic in Zebbug, adding that "the minister was meeting voters at his electoral office in Zebbug."

The statement followed the publication of pictures on the Malta Independent showing Farrugia entering a building in Zebbug and greeting people who were waiting in line.

The statement added that the office and the clinic are in the same building, with the two having separate entrances and being on separate floors.

The media reports, showed Farrugia arriving in his ministerial car and entering the building at 47 Freedom Avenue Zebbug.  Additionally, a Malta Independent journalist was granted an appointment for 2 May after calling the clinic.

yes we are understand I vote for LP but i am dissaponted . Wich mind must have Muscat to give to privit doctor possition of Minister . How he will change health system if he has own interest to develop privite service. I went 2 day ago to doctor he took form me 35 euro for 5 min to speak. Sorry for me it 2 day of work. If I have 5 euro per hour. I have to stay 2 days hungry. and not any receipt not responsible for wrong treetment. My friend came form Russia. she says that there if doctor did wrong diarnose he can carry financial responsibility. and go even in prison. An in Malta doctors see only money. I do not have document how must i pay to doctor. Bussiness only. My mum affraid to be sick in Malta Doctors in Russia who have the fixed tax should place price fixed , which are written on the door of the office used and doctors who has not fiwed tax all issued receipts and pay income tax from profit .in Malta, doctors, lawyers, living their own lives, they think that the population in Malta earns as they There all not issued receipts, receipt is my proof that you paid the money, and for goverment proof how mush earn doctor or lower If I do not have receip i cannot to can ask for their money back. So why doctors and lawer bussiner differant from others who work with granit, builders, may be parlament and ministers did like this becouse all of them there doctors and lawers and for them not interested to do bad for themself?????
Ara veru li hawn Malta hawn hafna bad losers. Jien ma nistax nifhem kif dawn it-talin ma jifilhux jaraw bniedem jaghmel il-gid ghar-raguni li hawn Gvern Laburista. Mohhom hemm qieghed li il-Labour se jgib disastru shih. Ahna ghadna niftakru meta Busullotti kien qal li wara sentejn Malta taht gvern laburista se tfalli. Kien qal, dan li qed jaspira li jsir kap tal pn, li Malta jkolla titlob bail-out minn ghand l-EU. Ahna ghadna niftakru il-kampanja ta' twerewir ta' diversi esponenti ta' gonzipn, li hlief jwerewru lin-nies ma kienux jafu jghidu. Issa li diga indunaw li kollox qed jsir smoothly, issa qed jtihom genn u paniku shih. Ma jafux dawn l-imsieken li ghad ghandom sa l-ahhar tas-seklu sabiex forsi jergu jkunu fil-poter.
David Bongailas
I expect nothing better from a newspaper run by Stephen Calleja. A newspaper that has the queen of bile (to quote Mr.Balzan) as one of it's main contributors. Dr.Farrugia was one minister who stood out for hitting the ground running in these first weeks of PL government and of course the PN media (cause let's face it The Malta Independent bias is pretty obvious) had to do what they do best.........throw mud that is!
Imisskom JISTHU ta' l'Independent b'dawn l'insinwazzjonijiet fuq Dr. Farrugia, tabib tant mahbub! Ghal fejn dan l'assassinju tal-karratru? ma tifilhux araw Ministru / tabib bi professjoni jahdem? HALLUH JAHDEM F'GIEH SAHHITNA! X'agenda ghandkom b'dan l'assassinju tal-karratru, x'hemm veru wa din l'istorja? GHIRA? HALLUH JAHDEM IL-MINISTRU DR. GODFREY FARRUGIA!
This is simply pure vindictiveness. This is not the way forward for decent people !!
I thought I heard Dr Gonzi say that the opposition shall act for the country's best. I think it is way too early to start a 'mud slugging' campaign. One will never get even with these tactics and the last election result speaks so loudly to confirm that the people want action and notalligations.
It is very clear that the journalist in question asked for a meeting to speak with Minister Farrugia - in fact the receptioinist suggested that he email the minister instead!
I am sure that Minister Farrugia is now quite busy supervising specialists, doctors, medical trainees, nurses and all medical and nursing staff at Mater Dei. This is surely a full time job!!
It seems to me that people are not ready to give the Labour Party time to settle in government. MPs, members of the Cabinet cannot just leave their patients or their clients overnight. A doctor or specialist may need to finish off a treatment that s/he has started on a patient and no one could do that better than a doctor who knows his case in side out. Have you never heard people groan at hospital when the doctors that have been seeing changed? Well I have because they not only have to start explaining everything from the beginning but also because they need to build confidence in their new doctor. The same can be said for all professionals. These professionals should be allowed to serenely discuss with their patients / clients what is going to happen once they withdraw completely, ie introduce them to other professionals etc. I do not think that there is a single journalist who would appreciate being left high and dry by his doctor or lawyer because he found himself suddenly in office. Be honest, would you?