Francis Zammit Dimech to contest PN leadership

Veteran Nationalist MP Francis Zammit Dimech to contest PN leadership post vacated by Lawrence Gonzi.

In an interview to MaltaToday on Sunday, Zammit Dimech said that he would be contesting the PN leadership post on 4 May.

Zammit Dimech, 58, contested the general elections for the first time in 1981 and was first elected to Parliament in 1987 and in all subsequent general elections.

In 1990 he was appointed Secretary of Transportation and Communications and following the 1992 election he was promoted to Minister for Transport and Communications.

In later years he also served as Minister for the Environment, Minister for Resources and Infrastructure, Minister for Tourism and after Tonio Borg's appointment as EU Commissioner in November 2012, Zammit Dimech was appointed Minister for Foreign Affairs.

Read the full interview in tomorrow's edition of MaltaToday on Sunday

Emmanuel Mallia
A candidate of the old regime
How about the real Zaren Vassallo contesting for the leadership of the PN. Interesting isn't it?
The more the merrier! Members of GonziPN's pool of "LIMITED TALENT" coming out!
jekk jinqallaw limsiemer imsadda u jergaw issammru imsiemer imsadda flokom il pn mu ha jaghmel progress blood and new faces is needed.
Emmanuel Mallia
Another theoretical expired, old fashion, conservative, puppet of the duo , at the back helm !
Jien nahseb ahjar li il-pn jipprova jhajjar lil tal-Ajkla sabiex jaghmluh leader. Anyway narawkhom fl-ahhar tas-seklu.
Abemus Kapo, Francescum Zammitus Dimekkus. Joseph kienu jghidu li hadu tfal u mhu tajjeb u kellhom niex li kienu bravi hafna fosthom Lawrence, Wistinu il-percimes, Beppe, Agius, George, Robertm Clyde Puli u xi erba ohra li spiccalhom in-nej u l-misjur.
Maureen Attard
Min got-tagen ghal gon-nar. 50 sena fl-oppozizzjoni.
I suppose he will define himself as fresh and new blood having had nothing to do with the past! Was he sidelined in 2008 for his performances during the previous legislature?
Just the way to do things. Eject the old guard and bring in the old guard. That's called modernisation.
Christopher Briffa
The person who could not get himself to leave his parents' home wants to have a shot at running the country. Go figure.
With all those dinosaurs around they should rename the Dar Ċentrali to Jurasic Park.
Min jonqos jitħajjar jikkontesta? Minn jaf x'inhu għaddej minn taħt fil-Pieta? Nixtieq inkun għasfur ġo xi ventilatur ħa nisma' u nara b'għajnejja!!
zammit dimech leader u claudette deputy,jifformaw qassata