Roderick Agius appointed acting editor of Nationalist organ il-mument

Journalist Roderick Agius named acting editor of PN organ il-mument after editor Victor Camilleri retires.

Journalist Roderick Agius (left) was a Net TV news anchor.
Journalist Roderick Agius (left) was a Net TV news anchor.

Journalist Roderick Agius has been named acting editor of il-mument, the Nationalist Party's Sunday paper, as editor Victor Camilleri retires.

Agius started off as a journalist with Church media RTK and il-Gens and joined communications in 1996. Between 2006 and 2008, Agius was also deputy editor of the PN's daily In-Nazzjon.

In 2009 he was appointed personal assistant to the Chief Executive of communications.

The move comes amid of a financial crisis which the PN is facing, with its commercial companies having found themselves in financial difficulties, rumoured to run into €8 million.

The situation, MaltaToday on Sunday reports, has led to inevitable redundancies. The newspaper reports that the massive debt accumulated by the party and commercial entities has been piling up over the past 10 years. Department heads who were called to meetings last week at the PN headquarters met secretary general Paul Borg Olivier and were told that March salaries would be paid at the end of April.

Writing his last editorial, Camilleri paid tribute to the PN's past leaders, but most especially Eddie Fenech Adami whom he hailed as the person who brought about wealth and prosperity in the country.

Roderick Agius should also know that Eddie Fenech Adami will also go down in Malta's history for (a) fomenting more political divisiveness than any other politician, (b) for being both a PM and a President of only the blue part of Malta, (c) for his self-appointment as President fo the Republic contrary to the wishes of most Maltese, (d) for his politics of "money no problem" which resulted in a record national deficit, and (e) for his persistent meddling in party politics even as a President Emeritus, culminating in his address to a political gathering on the even of the elections.
Will he be a paid employee or will he be a volunteer (offering his services for Free?) It is very difficult to understand that whilst redundancies are being handed out to employees the party is promoting someone to this position
Will he be a paid employee or will he be a volunteer (offering his services for Free?) It is very difficult to understand that whilst redundancies are being handed out to employees the party is promoting someone to this position
Eddie Fenech Adami who brought about wealth and prosperity in the country? Who is kidding who? More like LIKE DEBT & DEFICITS besides emptying the National Coffers and selling off all the family silver! What Eddie was good at was SPENDING without a thought of paying back, this he left to FUTURE GENERATIONS of Maltese even yet to be born!