Former Nationalist minister appointed to oil procurement committee

Labour government appoints former PN minister to oil procurement committee, as an independent, non-voting observer.

Former PN minister Michael Falzon
Former PN minister Michael Falzon

Former Nationalist Minister and president of the Malta Developers Association Michael Falzon has been appointed to the oil procurement committee as an independent and non-voting observer.

Falzon confirmed his appointment to The Sunday Times. An architect by profession, Falzon will reportedly be monitoring the operations of Enemalta's oil procurement committee.

Falzon, who was personally chosen by Energy Minister Konrad Mizzi, told The Sunday Times that he will be monitoring the proceedings and procedures used in the purchase of oil by Enemalta.

Falzon also informed the Minister that any allowances for his appointment must to go to charity.

As Infrastructure Minister in 1987, Falzon was responsible for the development of the Delimara power station.

The appointment of an independent but ex PN Minister guarantees that buying of oil will be transperant and no paybacks. Michael Falzon would surely not cover up any misdoings and thatmis what Dr Muscat is after
What a piece of good news. Excellent choice Miniter Mizzi!
Proset u grazzi Sur Falzon, il-pajjiz ghandu bzonn l'ghajnuna ta' nies bhalek. Zgur li kulhadd japprezza l-gest nobbli tieghek li ma tiehux l-allowance dovuta lejk, izda nahseb li kieku tghaddiha lejn il-kaxxa mfawwra dejn li halla Gonzipn tkun ghamilt gest akbar lejn art twelidna. L-istess ghamel Profs Aquilina. Nies bhalkom jaghmluna kburin li ahna Maltin
Issa zgur ser jorhos l fuel!!!
Hekk ghanda tkun it-trasparenza...prosit
I am now waiting for the P.N. ( ?) to make an objection to this appointment ! Will it be a long wait?