Minister’s partner would prefer clear guidelines on voluntary role by Farrugia’s side

Labour MP Marlene Farrugia admits that scrutiny into voluntary health ministry role justified, ‘preferable’ if role was clearly defined

“I feel if guidelines for the role were in place it would be better for those who are governing, as well as for the media and the public who want to know what to expect,” Marlene Farrugia.
“I feel if guidelines for the role were in place it would be better for those who are governing, as well as for the media and the public who want to know what to expect,” Marlene Farrugia.

Labour MP Marlene Farrugia has admitted that the media scrutiny into her recently-unveiled role as "purely voluntary assistant" to the health minister is justified given the new precedent this role has created.

Farrugia's role as a voluntary assistant to her partner, Health Minister Godfrey Farrugia, was unveiled during a press conference on Monday when the Farrugias faced the media in a press conference seated side by side. It also emerged that Marlene Farrugia would be representing the health minister in various meetings with the health sector's many stakeholders.

Both Farrugias work in their own private clinic as a family GP and dentist respectively.

The revelation that the husband-wife tandem are both fulfilling the role of the minister gave rise to considerable speculation in the media for several reasons, from the grey area that the voluntary role represents, to the fact that Marlene Farrugia still runs a private dental clinic.

Contacted by MaltaToday, Marlene Farrugia admitted that her position neither represented an official role within the ministry, nor that she had clear terms of reference.

She added that even the question of whether her role is "official" or not is up to interpretation. "If the Prime Minister asks you to work with the health minister to assist the ministry's work, is that appointment an official one? I believe it is."

She however said that she would be far more comfortable were the role she was asked to perform by Prime Minister Joseph Muscat defined clearly, to address misconceptions.

"Since my role is not explained, it can be interpreted that I am interfering somehow. If there are clear lines or defined terms of reference, it would be preferable."

She noted that her position as a voluntary assistant to the health ministry is a new situation that is setting a precedent and giving rise to uncertainty and speculation which should be addressed.

"I am coming under attack," she said, pointing to considerable media scrutiny since the role was made public. "But they are right to question me because they don't know the specifics, and the situation isn't clear.

"I feel if guidelines for the role were in place it would be better for those who are governing, as well as for the media and the public who want to know what to expect," she said.

"The Prime Minister said I should help the health minister in his work. I understand that it meant that I was to assist the health ministry in my capacity as MP and as a health professional with several years' worth of experience.

"I informed Godfrey that the Prime Minister asked me to perform this duty, and he welcomed me in this, and said he would need me to assist him meet the health sector's many department heads, workers, and other stakeholders by filling in where he cannot make it."

She says that her role depends strictly on what she is called upon to do by the minister. "I can only do what the minister delegates. If the minister does not delegate, I cannot do it."

She however noted that her role within the ministry was open to future revisions and that she would abide by any specific 'definitions' of the role. "If the Prime Minister at any point feels the need to define my role it is his prerogative. My original brief definition was simply to help the minister in the health department."

Asked whether her brief includes taking decisions and making statements on behalf of the health minister, Farrugia replied in the negative.

"I can only represent the minister in meetings. I can give my input on issues which are being discussed, but only after the minister gives the facility to do so."

She went on to say that even then, she would limit herself to those issues or statement that she feels that there is agreement with the minister over them, and added that she will be receiving ministerial briefs on issues and discussions before such meetings.

Farrugia insisted that the position does not represent an easy ride. "It is a Catch-22 situation. The Prime Minister asked me to do my part. To do that, I have to work within the constraints of abiding by the minister's opinion and decisions. I have to reflect that in all I do."

However, Farrugia said she is resolute. "I will still do it. I was asked by the Prime Minister, and I am committed to do what is asked of me. I will give my contribution."

"The moment the Prime Minister feels I should contribute in a different way, I am at his disposal."

Asked about the issue of a potential conflict of interest that could arise when a practicing member of any profession is in a position where she has access to high-level government administration, Farrugia disagreed that this was the case.

She said it was a concern she had cleared with Muscat, adding that at no point was she requested to relinquish her private practice. "I asked the Prime Minister himself during the meeting, and he said that there wasn't an issue of conflict of interest. I don't see any conflict of interest. The only conflict that is arising is how I spend my time, as my own private practice also requires a significant portion of my time," she said

She also pointed out that as MP, she is already obliged to declare all her assets.

However asked whether she felt she should divest herself of her private practice - as do all ministers and parliamentary secretaries - Farrugia argued out that while they receive a salary for the position, her own role was a purely unpaid voluntary one.

She however reiterated that if the government decides to issue guidelines that address this point, she would be only too happy by abide by them.

She noted that all MPs, through their own parliamentary work, have access to certain levels of governmental administration. "What I am doing now is what I used to do before, only much more focused on the health ministry."

She also confirmed that she has also been appointed chairperson of the Environmental and Development Committee in the House.

"The fact is that I also often convert houses of character and re-sell them. Does this mean I have a conflict of interest?" she asked. "Ultimately, what it comes down to is the character and the integrity of the person in question."

She also insisted that she has taken to the role only out of the best of intentions, and that she is simply doing her best to help the minister out with his considerable workload now that he has just taken up the heath portfolio.

She however insisted that her role would last as long as she is required to do her part. "If at any point there is no longer any need for me to do my part or assist in the ministry's work, I will have no problem stepping back."

Albert Zammit
Maybe the same people who are seeing RED on this aboveboard unPAID position are the supporters of the same people who NEVER had a relative in the same Ministry ? .....I am really BIASED ???? .... Good Luck Marlene ...nobody kicks a dead horse ....give them HELL !!!!
joseph muscat promised an new style in governance..........ministers assisted with appointed consulents and assistants from MPs......
With all due respect a Ministry is not a philanthropic institution nor is it a family affair.
Ministers and civil servants cannot take their wives to assist them. Marlene needs to be appointed Parliamentary Secretary or consultant to the Minister.
the Lady not only has class but is most certainly a "WOMEN OF SUBTANCE! ____________ Why is she being criticised for helping out? Why not just appreciate her effort and show OUR THANKS AND GRATITUDE? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Even in TVAM program this morning Pierre Portelli commented sarcastically on Ms. Farrugia contribution? Why? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Pierre Portelli even had the gall to ask "What would the LP have said if it was EX-MINISTER JOE CASSAR 'S WIFE to do what Marlene is doing? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ My reply, since I AM BLOCKED from commenting on TVAM's wall is: "Ex-minister Joe Cassar Wife didn't and if she did WE'D HAVE THANKED HER FOR HER CONTRIBUTION like we should do to Ms . Marlene Farrugia MP! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Why Pierre, just what is your agenda? Let Marlene give us HER ALL with all her HEART FOR OUT HEALTH'S SAKE! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ WELL DONE MARLENE , YOU MAKE ME PROUD , you restored back my faith in politics and what POLITICS SHOULD BE ABOUT! SERVING , being of service , GIVING! :)
Why all this storm in a teacup? Isn't it well known that wives, partners, etc help politicians in their work? Wasn't family of Dolores Cristina, for example, EMPLOYED with government? It's about time MPs, whether from the government side or the opposition's side, were made to contribute in the running of the government. Being elected AND PAID to sit for a few hours every week in Parliament is too cushy a job. Their experience should be used. Hypocrisy please go away!
Ara vera ma ghandhomx fuq xix jaqbdu dawn n nazzonalisti,Marlene ghamlita cara daqs il crystal li mihiex ser tithallas ta dan x xoghol,xi'lostra tridu. Keep it on Marlene I'm sure you are a great lady
I am of the opinion that this situation will bring a good man down, because of undefined duties and responsibilities for this newly created post, rather than because of non remuneration. I am also of the opinion that Dr M. Farrugia is a capable, intelligent and achieving woman. Besides being an MP and in private medical practice. Thus she should be made responsible for anyone of the problem areas within the Public sector (I am sure these are abundant) even in the Health Ministry if need be. What I do not want to see is a repeat of the meeting with the GWU. That is, two persons practically vying for the Minister's position. This is bad management practice in the private and the public sector and needs amending very, very quickly!
A lot of fuss about nothing, but job description should be available. The only unfair thing is that she is not to be paid.
Patricia Marsh
Keep going Marlene...We're sure that the Maltese in general will benefit from this excellent duo. Soon will the PN leaning media (nearly every media except for the ONE, GWU which are labour leaning and Maltatoday the only truly independent)divert their attention from the Minister of Health and her partner to try if possible to solve their own ever increasing problems. In the meaning we will continue to support you! Just pray for Our Lady of Mount Carmel to keep her eyes on both of you. GD LUCK GD LUCK GD LUCK GD LUCK
@jcv, If you are employed as a civil servant I wonder how you would want to employ your wife on voluntary basis with the government, rather than earning her own salary from another employment since as you said she’s more capable than your colleagues. Adding to this I think that the number of employees in the public sector should decrease rather than increase. On the other, in the past administration the majority of the backbench PN MPs apart from some being absent regularly others wanted to be remunerated with a fixed salary for government MPs. I recall David Agius and Robert Arrigo raising this issue. Now we have a government MP who’s offered her services willingly and in the most delicate and failed ministry under the PN so that she could help and facilitate both the Minister’s work and on the patients’ waiting list decrease at Mater Dei and yet you and PN apologist attack such aide. We need constructive proposals not negative comments. The way is forward!!
jcv. I find nothing wrong, doing voluntary work, as long as it is free. May your wish be granted.
Of course the wife of a minister has no business meddling in the affairs of that ministry. Anybody can see what a mess that would be. And of course an MP has no business being a dentist at the same time. Unfortunately, that is how things were in Malta in the past, but the new prime minister has vowed to involve all MP's in the work of running the country.
Veru li l-sinjura Kate Gonzi kienet tahdem hafna mal-Prim Ministru Dr. Gonzi u kienet imhalsa? qed nistaqsi.
Come on! Marlene is not just a wife or partner, she is also a capable member of parliament: an elected MP! However, it is always difficult for husband and wife to work together,but this has to be decided by them and not by us! As for Mr JCV may I remind him that unless his wife was elected in Parliament, she has no right to be 'working' at a state's office near her husband/partner.
Assolutament sitwazzjoni imbarazzanti ghall-gvern...Le din mhix serjeta ma jistax jkollok persuna f`kariga ta ministru u martu f`kariga mhux ufficjali imma qeghda hemm kwazi daqsu. Jekk il-PM ried itiha rwol setgha poggieha f`ministeru iehor. U din x`jigifieri tmur ghall-laqghat flok il-ministru ? Qatt ma smajta li jsiru dawn l-affarijiet !! Hekk tidher kerha wisq il-bicca u postha mhux hemm....
Joseph Sant
@jcv - If your wife were a qualified member of the civil service and had the necessary expertise to work in the same field ,I'm pretty sure Mr Cutajar would have absolutely no objection to her working in the same office as yourself. You know it is very funny but I have a feeling that the only reason Mrs Farrugia's position is being questioned is the fact that she is doing it on a voluntary basis - i.e. with no remuneration. We seem to be forgetting that she is after all a Member of Parliament and a medical professional in her own right. Other MPs have been given specific assignments(rather than being made Parliamentary Assistants as was the case in the previous administration) so I really don't see what the fuss is all about. I totally agree with her that the Prime Minister should define her position more clearly and cut out all this silly speculation and useless questioning.
Assolutament sitwazzjoni imbarazzanti ghall-gvern...Le din mhix serjeta ma jistax jkollok persuna f`kariga ta ministru u martu f`kariga mhux ufficjali imma qeghda hemm kwazi daqsu. Jekk il-PM ried itiha rwol setgha poggieha f`ministeru iehor. U din x`jigifieri tmur ghall-laqghat flok il-ministru ? Qatt ma smajta li jsiru dawn l-affarijiet !! Hekk tidher kerha wisq il-bicca u postha mhux hemm....
I am a Civil Servant. I would like to ask Mr Mario Cutajar - the Principal Permanent Secretary - whether or not I can take my wife with me to work. I can assure him that she is as capable as my colleagues, and she is ready to work voluntarily.
Behind every successful man there is a woman! Lawrence Gonzi - Katie Joseph Muscat - Michelle Godfrey Farrugia - Marlene
I am sure that both the PM and Marlene know that she can be of assistance to the Minister, the latter also knows that any advise coming from her would be genuine.