Labour MP redeployed to St Vincent de Paul residence on official work

Government to carry out audit in elderly care to ensure best care and value for money is retained.

Social Policy minister Marie Louise Coleiro Preca with parliamentary secretary for the elderly Franco Mercieca and MP Anthony Agius Decelis.
Social Policy minister Marie Louise Coleiro Preca with parliamentary secretary for the elderly Franco Mercieca and MP Anthony Agius Decelis.

Labour MP Anthony Agius Decelis will be setting up shop at the St Vincent de Paul state home for the elderly, as the government prepares to commission an audit that will lead to a protocol on the residence's admissions.

Agius Decelis, a nurse by profession, was accompanying social policy minister Marie Louise Coleiro-Preca during a visit at SVPR, which accommodates 1,200 residents, where she pointed out that some elderly residents had been placed in the wrong wards and were now not receiving the adequate care they required.

The audit will include a redeployment of workers, based on their skills. The audit will be carried out by an independent company, which still has to be selected. It will include consultation with all stakeholders, including the workers at SVPR, elderly and their relatives. "We want all stakeholders to participate with workers expressing their opinion on what is needed," she said.

Agius Decelis will be retaining his salary as MP and as a nurse, but instead he will be seconded to his SVPR office to implement the government's policy for the elderly. "He is highly qualified for the job and he will represent the ministry at SVPR. He will also retain his current job."

Government has also appointed Gozo ophthalmologist and MP Franco Mercieca as parliamentary secretary for the elderly.

"The elderly are at the heart of government's policy, as witnessed by the appointment of Franco Mercieca as parliamentary secretary. We want the elderly to receive the best care and value for the money which they and the taxpayers pay," she said.

Elderly residing at SVPR pay 80% of their pensions for their stay, while elderly residing in public-private-partnership homes pay 60%. The minister said that the elderly and their relatives must feel that their money is being well spent.

"From what we have seen so far, an audit is needed because of the high expenses that are coupled with practices which we don't like," Coleiro Preca said, adding that recommendations of an Auditor General's report in 2005 had not yet been implemented.

Taking one trivial issue as an example, Coleiro Preca said she was shocked to see that the Easter figolli she herself distributed to residents last Sunday, "had no wrapping and were high in sugar".

Parliamentary secretary Franco Mercieca also revealed that the ministry had found an €11 million debt accumulated over the years. The budget for the elderly is around €50 million.

This is clearly a case of out of the frying pan into the fire. One would have certainly not expected a person of the calibre of Marie Louise Coleiro Preca, who has built up huge respect for herself over the years, to repeat the same obscenities at St Vincent de Paul Residence as previous Nationalist Government exponents, by giving this top administrative position on a purely partisan basis immediately on taking office as Minister. Here the question that naturally arises is: Was this position given to Labour MP Anthony Agius Decelis, who is neither a nurse nor qualified to administer the residence, entirely the Minister’s own choice or was this choice imposed upon her from above? Whatever has been the case the Minister has definitely failed to respect the mandate given by the electorate under the promise that Malta belongs to all Maltese. Apparently it stills belongs to a clique of a few persons as it did before, only this time the clique is a different one. Prime Minister Muscat please note!
I think that the best audit can be given to the minister by the relatives of the elderly that are at SVDP. Such first hand contributions are very valid to give a true picture of how the elderly are treated and the situation at the wards. No audit in this respect can be so accurate.
wara hafna paroli u weghdi issa qrid u biki biss.....mhux ahjar tibdew taghmlu xi haga.....tappuntaw konsulenti, kummissarji, assistenti biss s'issa segretarju parlamentari franco mercieca ghalfejn poggewlu lil decelis mieghu, jaqaw biex ikun jista jkompli jahdem fil klinika tieghu bhal fil kas tal ministru tas sahha farrugia li ghandu mieghu tghinu lil marlene.........SAVIOUR MELA GHALQT HALQEK ISSA.
Mr. Agius Decelis is an ECG technician at Mater Dei's cath lab. He's not a qualified nurse.
Fuq tlieta toqghod il-borma! Jien sincerament ma nafx x'ser ikun xoghol is-Segretarju Parlamentari Dr Mercieca. Jien zgur li l-Ministru Coleiro mhux ser thallih jaghmel pass jekk mhux bil-barka taghha! Jien perswaz li mhux ser thallih ibill subajgh fid-dhul tal-anzjani go san vincenz jew djar tal-gvern u ohrajn. Ma tarax ghandha 1200 vot f'San Vincenz li jaqghu taht id-distrett taghha, tghidx mhux ser titlef wiehed minnhom. Mercieca mhux ser jakkwista vot 'imgiddem' min san vincenz. U Decelis b'zewg salarji, dik ta ECG technician u l-ohra ta MP...Malta taghna lKOLL!!!
FINANZI FIS-SOD KELLNA????? Dejn ta' € 11 million fuq l-anzjani biss. ImnAlla biddilna ir-rotta meta stajna ghaliex il-bahar konna immorru.