Former UHM secretary-general supporting Busuttil for PN leadership

Gejtu Vella says Simon Busuttil has proved himself on various occasion as MEP and locally.

Gejtu Vella, a PN candidate, will support Simon Busuttil for the leadership of the party.
Gejtu Vella, a PN candidate, will support Simon Busuttil for the leadership of the party.

Nationalist Party candidate and former union man Gejtu Vella has thrown his weight behind PN deputy leader Simon Busuttil's candidature for the party leadership.

The former MEP, who won the deputy leader's role in December 2012 when he faced off Tonio Fenech to the position, is widely perceived to be the party establishment's natural choice for leader.

"Like me, people must see something in Simon, perhaps his views and his approach towards people," Vella wrote in an opinion piece for the Malta Independent today. "The PN needs to open [up] to new societal challenges... new vibrant energies and a new school of thought should now be installed. The party must abandon any right-wing policies..."

Vella's assessment of Busuttil's possible rivals to Lawrence Gonzi's leadership post was less than flattering: Beppe Fenech Adami, son of former prime minister Eddie Fenech Adami "has his surname to flag and the credits of his father to show" but he remains untried and untested.

Mario de Marco's stewardship of MEPA, Vella says, contributed to the lashing the PN suffered I the last general election. "Since its inception, something was fundamentally wrong at MEPA. One or two may be wrong in their judgement about MEPA, but tens of people cannot all be wrong."

Tonio Fenech, the former finance minister, falls short because "he engaged as his advisors people who could not understand that their reluctances to take decisions meant that other people were carrying unnecessary burdens that could have been eased. Unfortunately, their reluctance to take the necessary decisions had ultimately, to be borne by Tonio."

And Francis Zammit Dimech? Vella puts it down to a simple case of classic ageism: "In five years' time he will be 63. Joseph Muscat will be 44. Enough said."

Gejtu Vella said,that Simon Busuttil contested for the post of Deputy Leader of the GonziPN,and won with his hands down. He forgot to tell us,that in the last General Election Simon Busuttil contested for the post of Deputy Prime Minister,and came out with his pants down. Ħallina Gejtu. Fallut jirrakomanda Fallut ieħor.
Pity that the likes of malonki don't have the decency to identify themselves and discuss their views serenely and with respect. One may or may not agree with another person's point of view.....that is democracy....but to stoop to the low gutter level that this person has stooped is truly reprehensible and goes to show that some have not even understood the unifying message that the current Prime Minister was preaching before the elections. History will judge Gejtu Vella as a very loyal, intelligent and forward looking servant to Maltese trade unionism, and his qualities and talents will always be valued as an asset. I have no doubt that those qualities and talents will shine through in the future.
Iva dan bis-serjeta? :) Mhux ta' b'xejn qieghed fl-istat li qieghed il-P.N. b'dan it-talent kollhu li ghandhu fi hdanu , veru "TALENT LIMITAT".... Lanqas taf jekk tibkix jew tithaq!
Veru , l-izjed fil kampanja eletorali !!!! u halina .
.... ciss, mur obsor hej, tkellem is-sur gejtu vella tafux ..... dak li ghaggibna bl-gherf tieghu .... dak li gab eluf u eluf ta' voti fl-ahhar elezzjoni .... dak li haseb li tant hu popolari li kien se jilhaq xi ministru .... dak li kien gie appuntat konsulent ta' xi wiehed mill-ministri gwappi li kellna sa ftit gimghat ilu .... dak li haseb li hu xi bozza tal-elf ..... dak li haseb li se jghammixna bid-dija li hierga minnu .... m'hemmx ghalfejn nghidu li issa li ma ghandux aktar konsulenzi mill-gvern x'jaghmel, ga beda jara x'jaghmel biex jidlek is-sandwich tieghu bil-ghan li l-klikka ta' buzupn tkompli zzommu fuq wicc l-idejn ..... mhux ahjar jaghmel zipp ma' halqu s-sur gejt u ma jkomplix idahhak in-nies bih .... wara kollox ga ghamel hiltu mill-ahjar li seta' biex idahhakna fl-ahhar elezzjoni .... u rnexxielu sew tafux ......
Old wine in new bottles!
What Gejtu Vella says about Simon Busuttill is spot on in my view. The PN, and above all the outgoing Government, committed the fatal mistake of alienating civil society and sitting on the fence whilst the dignity of so many citizens was diminshed because of MEPA, precarious job abuse in tourism, Arriva, the Inland Revenue, arrogance etc etc. Simon has shown, both in his role pre the EU referendum and since in his role as Malta's star MEP, that he is trusted by civil society and he is a good listener. He is the ideal person to start the healing process.
So now this bravu tells us the truth about his political Gods! Enough said to not trust this person ever again. What will he say about Simon when the latter messes the whole PN's picture? Will he repeat, "I knew ta' he was not so good, but it was better to say nothing then, seeing Simple Simon was the favourite, and I wanted a piece of the action. But SS let the party down."
Dan Gejtu Vella ta l-ghaxar liri fil- gimgha zieda anqas kien kapaci jitla hu se itella lil haddiehor? Ahjar jara kif se jaghmel biex dawk l- haddiema li baqghu bil- loqma, waqt li tal- klikka u shabhom ifangaw- jiehdi l- pagi taghhom fil- futur!
Patricia Marsh
I like Mr Vella's way of thinking regarding Dr Busuttil and the other three potential PN leadership contenders. The 'Mr Know It All' syndrome persists in Mr. Vella's DNA (with apologies to Dr Charles Mangion). Simon is excellent and fit for the job without any doubt but the others are not!! Today I'm better understanding why the UHM under its new leadership is much more trusted, effective and reliable. Because it got rid of Mr. Gejtu Vella.
Emmanuel Mallia
The same old faces, nothing new !
Diga qed jajrek xih Gejtu Frances kollha maqudin
Gejtu can you tell me where in Malta Simon proved himself he was one of the team that lost the PN election
Gejtu can you tell me where in Malta Simon proved himself he was one of the team that lost the PN election
SB is the best choice to lead the PN, at this critical junction. Beware SB DOES NOT PERFORM MIRACLES.
Vera il-hmar qed jwahhal f'denbhu. Wiehed wara l-iehor Gejtu malajr warrabhom. Ara fiex waslu ta' gonzipn wara dawk is-snin shah ta' arroganza liema bhala. Kienu jiftahru li il-finanzi tal-pajjiz huma fis-sod. Lanqas tal-partit mhuma hekk. J'alla jsir Busullotti ghax ibqaw zgur li il-PL jibqa fil-gvern sa l-ahhar tas-seklu. Forsi ma tafx kif Gejtu jtih parir halli jitlob LM 9 zieda fil-gimgha bhal meta ghamel hu stess meta kien hemm gvern tal-PL. Ara meta kien hemm gonzipn lanqas biss fetah halqhu ghal centezmu zieda.
Rita Pizzuto
The way of thinking of the GonziPN exponents after their humiliating defeat keep giving weight to Joseph Muscat's movement. People like Gejtu talking this way about his colleagues NOW, does not do him credit at all. He must have known the poor team he was joining when he registered his name to contest on a GonziPN ticket, therefore why is it now that he is so critical? It does not abode well for this person who was supposed to have been the leader of a neutral trade union! What kind of judgement is this, or is it just flogging a dead horse?