Former UHM secretary-general supporting Busuttil for PN leadership
Gejtu Vella says Simon Busuttil has proved himself on various occasion as MEP and locally.
Nationalist Party candidate and former union man Gejtu Vella has thrown his weight behind PN deputy leader Simon Busuttil's candidature for the party leadership.
The former MEP, who won the deputy leader's role in December 2012 when he faced off Tonio Fenech to the position, is widely perceived to be the party establishment's natural choice for leader.
"Like me, people must see something in Simon, perhaps his views and his approach towards people," Vella wrote in an opinion piece for the Malta Independent today. "The PN needs to open [up] to new societal challenges... new vibrant energies and a new school of thought should now be installed. The party must abandon any right-wing policies..."
Vella's assessment of Busuttil's possible rivals to Lawrence Gonzi's leadership post was less than flattering: Beppe Fenech Adami, son of former prime minister Eddie Fenech Adami "has his surname to flag and the credits of his father to show" but he remains untried and untested.
Mario de Marco's stewardship of MEPA, Vella says, contributed to the lashing the PN suffered I the last general election. "Since its inception, something was fundamentally wrong at MEPA. One or two may be wrong in their judgement about MEPA, but tens of people cannot all be wrong."
Tonio Fenech, the former finance minister, falls short because "he engaged as his advisors people who could not understand that their reluctances to take decisions meant that other people were carrying unnecessary burdens that could have been eased. Unfortunately, their reluctance to take the necessary decisions had ultimately, to be borne by Tonio."
And Francis Zammit Dimech? Vella puts it down to a simple case of classic ageism: "In five years' time he will be 63. Joseph Muscat will be 44. Enough said."