Government hours away from agreement on transsexual marriage rights

An agreement between government and Joanne Cassar is understood to be “imminent” following several meetings between the two sides.

Joanne Cassar
Joanne Cassar

An agreement between government and Joanne Cassar - the aggrieved party in a European court case against Malta over the rights of transsexual persons to marry according to their reassigned gender - is understood to be "imminent" following several meetings between the two sides.

Cassar filed a case against Malta in the European Court of Human Rights, after unsuccessfully suing the Registrar of Marriages for refusing to issue the banns necessary for her to marry her long-term (male) partner.

Dr David Camilleri, who represents Cassar alongside Dr Jose Herrera (now parliament secretary for culture), confirmed that meetings have been held with government respresentatives to this effect: the most recent one yesterday.

The issue was also discussed at Cabinet level this morning, paving the way to a legal amendment that would allow Cassar to marry, after this right had been denied to her by the Court of Appeal, after the Attorney General challenged an earlier favourable ruling by the lower courts.

The legal amendment will reflect the principle that, by recognising a person's reassigned gender identity through documentation (eg, ID card or driver's licence), the State also de facto commits itself to acknowledging and protecting all the rights and privileges associated with that particular gender identity.

The announcement is expected later today or early tomorrow, and once the legal amendment are in place, the case filed against Malta by Cassar will be withdrawn.

Joanne Cassar's ordeal began in 2006, when - after undergoing a complex and expensive procedure to change her sex from male to female, and having her birth certificate amended accordingly - she was refused permission to marry on the basis that the Marriage Act prohibited unions between persons of the same gender.

Cassar took the Marriage Registrar to court, and on February 12 2007, after noting that the proposed union did not contravene any provision of the Marriage Act, Mr Justice Gino Camilleri upheld her request and ordered the director of Public Registry to issue the marriage banns.

But the marriage registrar appealed, and in his decision to overturn the ruling last May, Mr Justice Joseph R. Micallef observed that while the Marriage Act defined marriage as a union "between a man and a woman", Maltese law offered no legal definition of either gender.

The court therefore took into account various definitions, including an affidavit signed by the former chairman of the parliamentary bio-ethics committee, Dr Michael Axiak, who wrote: "after gender reassignment therapy, a person will have remained of the same sex as before the operation."

Mr Justice Micallef also noted that Cassar's birth certificate, allowing a change of name and gender, was only intended to protect the right to privacy and to avoid embarrassment. He therefore upheld the marriage registrar's request, and annulled the marriage banns.

Afterwards, Cassar expressed bitter disappointment at the ruling. "One court allowed me to get married but another took it away from me," she said.


"The court therefore took into account various definitions, including an affidavit signed by the former chairman of the parliamentary bio-ethics committee, Dr Michael Axiak, who wrote: "after gender reassignment therapy, a person will have remained of the same sex as before the operation." That's what happens when you put an Opus Dei member in charge of the bio-ethics committee. Thank God he wasn't even elected this time round!
Anke jekk thossokx mara jew ragel ried jindahlilna GonziPN! Ara f'affarijiet ohra, li huma importanti -bhal korruzzjoni u trasparenza : hemmhekk ma tantx sab hin jindahal!
alla jbierek david camilleri reached an agreement with his partner in the law firm, jose herrera... excellent advert for the firm...
Hekk isiru l-affarijiet , mhux bil paroli u xeni .
For exactly the same reason that Gonzi voted against Divorce when the people of Malta voted in favour. In short the reason for trampling on her human rights was Christian hypocrisy - certainly not in the true spirit of Christian understanding, help or compassion. Had our Lord Jesus Christ lived in Malta and associated, as He did, with sinners, and underprivileged, He would surely have been arrested by the holier than thou Christian Democratic (sic) Government under Gonzi.
Bones ... Before she/he was a nobody, just a name and a number and now she is somebody thanks to "Malta Taghna Lkoll".
Because they were real Christians, Bones. The type that thinks they have God's right to decide.
If it is of any interest Dr Michael Axiaq is a member of the Opus Dei and therefore in such a case has a conflict of interest and his report or assesment is not an unbiased one.
All the best. She deserves all rights like all the rest.
David Bongailas
Very good news indeed. Would be nice to also focus on what the government is doing right in it's very first days of administration.
Well done. It only took a month to reverse more than a decade of injustice from the PN. This is a good augur for a legislature which champions civil liberties and advances equality. It's all looking good.
Bravo Jo, it's taken long enough, but you're getting there.
@Bones Because they are religious fundamentalists.
Good news! Thank you for doing what is right -- quickly and unbureacratically to help this woman get back to her life! ... Well done new government, now please for the promised new civil unions for LGBT with same speed and enthusiasm!
Good news! Thank you for doing what is right -- quickly and unbureacratically to help this woman get back to her life! ... Well done new government, now please for the promised new civil unions for LGBT with same speed and enthusiasm!
GonziPN the liberal party said the notorious blogger! Kien anke jindahhalek thossokx mara jew ragel, ghax hu-GonziPN- jaf kollox u ried jindahal lil kulhadd! Ara kif thossok int ghandux ikun l-prerogattiva tal-Istat! Liberal party my foot kien GonziPN: kien biss a vertible sucking machine for a few good fellas and bloggers! Anke lil Partit taghhom irnexxilhom inezzghu u hallew lil imseiken haddiema high and dry! Gharukaza kient din il- klikka! Kemm kellu rgun biex ibiegh Dr Franco Debono!
I am so happy about this news. Everyone deserves to be happy and love whoever they want. And NO government or any other entity on this island should decide an individual future. Well done Dr. Muscat and the new government for keeping your word and making all this happen in less than a month of governing.Congrats Joanne! :)
All the very best Joanne!
Why did the past government flagelate this poor lady ?