Updated | Former teachers’ union boss John Bencini is MCESD chairperson

Bencini was president of MUT and unions' confederation Forum, before putting his weight behind Labour in the 2013 election.

'I'm in!' - John Bencini addresses a Labour mass meeting during the 2013 election.
'I'm in!' - John Bencini addresses a Labour mass meeting during the 2013 election.

Former teachers' union boss John Bencini has been appointed chairman of the Malta Council for Economic and Social Development.

The appointment took place in consultation with MCESD social partners. As president of Forum, Bencini had lobbied for representation on the MCESD for the 11-union confederation.

The government said that reservations were expressed on the nomination of Bencini by the social partners

"This appointment marks a decision by government to have people from the world of employers, as well as unions and civil society, serving in the role of MCESD chairman," Helena Dalli, minister for public dialogue and civil liberties said. "I am sure he will use his experience to bring together the ideas that guide the MCESD."

Next Friday, the MCESD will meet to hear an overview of Budget 2013 which will be presented to the House on Monday 8 April.

In a statement, the General Worker's Union welcomed Bencini's appointment, and wished him success in his new role.

The union said it was looking towards his appointment positively since it is the first time since the establishment of the MCESD that the chairman will be "on the side of the worker and not on the side of the employer as it was in the past."

The GWU said it is convinced that Bencini has the abilities and qualities necessary to perform the duties that come with the chairmanship, and said that the appointment will strengthen the process of social dialogue in Malta.

FOR.U.M president Paul Pace also welcomed Bencini's appointment, saying that despite how for several years FOR.U.M was excluded from MCESD meetings, its ex-president will now be chairing the council's meetings.

Pace congratulated Bencicni's appointment in FOR.U.M.'s name, saying that after he was accustomed to working alongside Bencini in the MCESD, he will be "delighted to see Bencini returning to the MCESD meetings as its Chairman."

FOR.U.M added that it is expecting that the MCESD meetings should begin as soon as possible "to discuss important issues such as the budget 2013 and an update on the electricity production."

Proset Sur Bencini. Inhossni veru kburi li ghandna Maltin bhalek. Minn dejjem kont nghir ghat teachers li kellhom ragel bhalek meta unons ohra ma kellhomx il-gusts imma kien politikament inkullati. Perswaz li int ha taghmel gid kbir lil haddiem u j'Alla izomm idejh fuqek halli tkun wiehed li sejrin jaghmlu gid li dan il-pajjiz li jinsab fi stat miskin.
.... mela allura skont xi helwin is-sur bencini ma haqqux ikun chairman tal-MCESD u qed jikkwestinjaw il-kwalifiki u l-esperjenza li ghandu biex jimla din il-kariga ...... PROBABBLI LI DAWN HUMA L-ISTESS NIES LI BAQGHU B'HALQHOM MAGHLUQ META GONZIPN KIEN GHAZEL LIS-SUR SONNY PORTELLI GHAL DIN IL-KARIGA XI SNIN ILU .... U NATURALMENT HADD MINNHOM DAK IZ-ZMIEN MA STAQSA XI KWALIFIKI KELLU S-SUR PORTELLI DAK IZ-ZMIEN - .... jekk ghandux xi kwalifiki akkademici fl-ekonomija jew f'xi xjenza socjali ohra ..... HADD MA QAL DAK IZ-ZMIEN LI L-UNIKA KWALIFIKA LI KELLU KIENET LI KIEN JAHDEM MA' MIZZI MA' GONZIPN U LI KELLU GHAJNEJH BLU ....mhux hekk !!!!! l-ahjar parir hu li l-gvern ghandu jinjora ghal kollox lil min qed jiftah halqu issa u jibqa' ghaddej fi triqtu .....
On behalf of all Maltese people of good will, I heartily congratulate John Bencini on his appointment. He is a worthwhile person who has had a wide experience in trade unionism and I am sure that he will serve his post to the best of his abilities.