Simon Busuttil’s comments ‘disappoint’ Labour

PN deputy leader against Opposition MPs involved in executive roles offered by government.

The Labour Party declared its disappointment at Simon Busuttil's reaction to a proposal to involve Opposition MPs in executive roles.

In comments to members of the press today, the PN deputy leader said he didn't agree with the Prime Minister's proposal for Nationalist MPs to occupy roles on boards and other entities.

Yet, Busuttil wants to build a strong and constructive opposition.

"The Prime Minister wants to involve everyone in the leadership of this country, including members of the opposition without letting political barriers come in the way, in the national interest," the PL said in a statement.

According to Labour, Busuttil's "negative declaration" showed that a PN in government would "adopt negative politics of the past, politics of them and us".

Nixtieq inkun naf kif Simon Busuttill fil-prezent huwa semplici Membru Parlamentari qieghed jitkellem f’isem il Group parlamentari tal-PN, meta dan il Group ghadu mhux kostitwit,(peress li ghad irridu issiru l-elezzjoniet ghall hatriet importanti fil-partit) u b’liema arroganza jghid li ma jaccettax il proposti li ghamel il-Prim Ministru sabiex jinhtru karigi ta’ chairpersons b’karigi ezekuttivi. Dan ukoll meta il-Whip David Aguis qal li bieb ghall dawn il-proposti ghadu miftuh
The way Busuttil handled the last election campaign,by useing the same comment "I dont know because I wasnt there" makes me wonder whther he actually knows when to use toilets and toilet paper.
.... jalla jkomplu sejrin hekk buzu ta' mannarinu, beppe ta' eddie, francis zammit dimech tal-pupi, chris said ta' govanna, demarco tal-hamrun .... u l-kumplament tal-klikka ..... jalla jkomplu jopponu ghal kollox biex id-darba li gejja d-damdima tkun akbar u zgur li jibqghu tahtha sal-ahhar tas-seklu .... forsi jisparixxu kif sparixxa big mouth wistinu gatt tal-belt .... tghid se jerga' jmur jixxemmex f'marsalforn is-sajf li gej u jdardar bajja shiha aktar minn armata jellfish minn dawk il-kbar nett ......
Well done Simon for your desicion! I hope you make same stance for the Deputy Speaker! The PN should not accept PL proposals!
Politics and politicians are very funny but also very dangerous. Picture this: Now say for instance the PN agrees with Joseph Muscat to appoint PN delegates as a cross over, what is going to happen in five years when the PN gets elected again? One good turn deserves another they say. I don't really think that the PL wants the PN to tell them what to do and at the same time the PN does not want the PL to tell them what to do. get the picture? Simon Busuttil is no fool and he is thinking about the future. If by any chance the PN commits to the PL then the PL will surely commit to the PN. The sad part this is all done at the expense of the citizen who has no idea of what is going on and we seem to accept anything they throw at us. Whoa Silver! I think those submissive and ignorant days are gone. People are smarter, more traveled and they can see through politicians like an eagle can see her prey. Like I said many times, stop treating the citizens like a bunch of imbeciles, cwiec. We are Maltese and we are not taking that anymore. We want to be treated as equals and respected and not be the tools for incompetent politicians. We are the people and same like you we put on our pants on one leg at a time. Please read carefully.So please get your act together, pass the budget and start working for a more respectable and start freeing Malta from the corruption circuit. You have your job cut out for you.
Of course Simon Busuttil would be against. Simon Busuttil will be against everything a Labour government will be suggesting. It's the usual PN obstructionism in opposition.
PN rashom mgħaddsa fir-ramel ħa jibqgħu u ma jinbidlu qatt!
When is one going to put in one's head that these people i.e. the PN people never change not even after the passage of a millennium. Dr Joseph Muscat is appointing people and retaining other in posts where by no stretch of imagine would one have ever thought that they be filled by individuals having PL leanings had the PN been elected. The worst insult is when some very valid individual, having PL leanings is appointed to Chair some public entity, these people start misquoting "Malta tagħna llko" to "Malta tal-Laburisti biss"
Simon Busuttil is a ‘disappoint’ and not just to Labour!
Labour, again! What did you expect from the same old rotten gang!
I do not believe that with his antics Dr Busuttil is going to make it to the PN's helm.
Let Simon Busuttil continue with his gaffes and blunders. With him at the PN helm Labour can be rest assured of many years in government
If one wanted any further proof that the PL do not want Simon Busuttil as leader of the PN, this is it. They are well aware of his skills with civil society and his overwhelming appeal whenever he presented himself for elections, hence their not so subtle campaign to discredit him. They far prefer a former cabinet member, because that is easy prey come next elections. Simon can acknowledge his mistakes in his short 3 month stint as deputy leader, but how can a former cabinet member do so with respect to 5 years and more of the outgoing government. PL's strategy is clear in this respect, and makes sense, but the PN delegates should be well aware of it and they should not fall into the trap.