Reno Bugeja touted for PBS head of news

Veteran journalist Reno Bugeja expected to replace Natalino Fenech as head of news at PBS.

PBS journalist Reno Bugeja.
PBS journalist Reno Bugeja.

Senior journalist Reno Bugeja is expected to replace Natalino Fenech as head of news at PBS, MaltaToday has learnt.

Bugeja is a veteran news reporter at PBS. His discussion programme Dissett has established itself as one of the more and relevant discussion programmes at PBS.

Fenech, appointed head of news in 2008, is a former Independent and The Times' journalist. He was repeatedly accused by the Labour in opposition of acting as a gatekeeper to the PN administration in his role as head of news.

On one occasion, whilst giving evidence in court in a libel case instituted by Fenech against MaltaToday, Prime Minister Joseph Muscat had said that he had given Natalino Fenech the 'benefit of the doubt'. He later changed that opinion after witnessing to what extent PBS news had degenerated.

It is not known what Fenech, a former senior journalist at The Times, will be doing after leaves his post. 

tick tok...tick tok...Cant wait to see Reno heading PBS.Natalino Fenech should apply for a job with the CABS..!
Reno Bugeja is the best for the job,Awguri
Reno is respected by all. Observer
Naqbel mija fil-mija..
A very good choice.
A very good choice.
A very good choice.
A very good choice.
Emmanuel Mallia
The best choice ever at PBS !!
Natalino Fenech should go to work at dar Centrali as a volunteer since they run out of money
Excellent Choice. Ruth Amaira needs to be promoted too. Let us all hope that PBS will become the national station that it should be.
Ma ghandux ikollu problema wara li jitlaq , in Net ser ikun hemm spazju ghalih u ikun addatat ghal dan ix xoghol. Btw dan ma kienx appuntat head of news ghax jara blue u ta palata il PN F` 2008 !!!? le ma taax !!!
Good riddance natalino. At last some fresh air at PBS.
There can be no candidate who is better suited than Reno for this post.
His integrity in impartiality has been demonstrated over and over again. One hopes he keeps it up, and i believe he will. He deserves this promotion after years of experience and useful service to PBS.
Isabelle Borg
Natural choice. Well done PL. Maybe at last we will have a really impartial state TV.
Prosit. Decizjoni li ghandha tinzel ghasel ma kull min ihobb l-imparzjalita' u l-"fair play" fix-xandir tal-istat. Issa jmiss li jtajjru wkoll lil Anton Attard, is-CEO tal-PBS, ghas-sehem moqziez tieghu kemm ilu f'din il-kariga.
Anzi stenna wisq il gvern biex ibiddlu. Issa jmiss lil siehbu u lil dawk il fanatici nazzjonalisti li bil wicc tost kollu kienu jilaqu lil PN u jwarrbu lil PL. Il PBS ghandu jkollu gurnalisti tip Saviour Balzan imexxuh.
A wise move as he is liked by all for his unbiased comments and programmes. I believe he deserves it but perhaps it would be better if a call for applications is issued in line with the PL promise of meritocracy!!!! Then the best person for the job can be appointed rather than being hand picked by the Minister.
Paul Pandolfino
Biased as usual. What you forgot to tell us is that Reno a well known labourist and his program Dissett was insisted upon by labour members of the B A as a balance to Bondi PLUs
Don`t let the door hit you on the way out Mr. fenech. Good riddance.
Don`t let the door hit you on the way out Mr. fenech. Good riddance.
X'gharukaza! Mhux se ihallu il-paladin tal- gurnalizmu serju Natalino?Lol!
Great news, Reno! A real journalist down to the bone.
Reno Bugeja merits this appointment. Long overdue. Good luck Reno
David Bongailas
Thank God common sense has prevailed and someone who is really impartial and independent is expected to be placed head of news at PBS. Please note how unlike the previous government the present government is not placing some journalist from his own party media to head the PBS newsroom. Are you taking note Simon Busutill (soon to be leader of the opposition!) ?.
Mario Pace
Prosit and Good Luck Reno. For me you deserve the post, as you show what balance means when presenting your programmes and asking questions. I think you will continue this in your new role.
Sa fl-ahhar se jsir pass bis-sens. Fil-PBS hemm bzonn is-serjeta`.