Chris Said likely to go for secretary general post

Former justice minister may not apply for the PN leadership post as he eyes the post of secretary general.

Nationalist MP Chris Said.
Nationalist MP Chris Said.

Former justice minister Chris Said may be more interested in the role of secretary-general rather than that of leader of the Nationalist Party, MaltaToday has learnt.

"I am still considering all options," the Nationalist MP told MaltaToday. He however confirmed he was "more considering" the post of secretary-general over that of leader when quizzed.

Nominations for the PN leadership post opened on Tuesday until Friday at noon. So far, only deputy leader Simon Busuttil and former minister Francis Zammit Dimech have submitted their nomination.

Entrepreneur Ray Bugeja also declared he will be running for the post. MaltaToday is informed he is currently collecting the last of 10 signatures needed for the nomination to be valid.

It is not yet known what party heavyweights Mario de Marco and Beppe Fenech Adami intend to do.

Both de Marco and Said however insist that one should wait until tomorrow, when the nomination period closes, to see who will be in the running. 

bniedem buzullieqa dejjem ifittex li jivjagga fil-bnazzi u jizloq mill-problemi. Int biss tista' tohrog lil-PN mill-abbiss li jinsab fih ghax hemm bahar x'jaqsam bejnek u l-klikka u jekk Alla jghinek ohrog ghal Kap tal-partit u iffronta sidrek ghal glied intern u fl-ahhar tirbah u ittella lil-PN lura fil-gvern.Thallix lil Dr. Santijiet ihallu lil-PN fl-Oppozizzjoni ghal 25 sena li gejjin.
Emmanuel Mallia
You are the best out of the conservatives for the post of a leader !
And where will Jean Pierre Debono Ass. Sec General of the P.N. fit in , in all this????