No slogan, political programme or marketing campaign for outsider Ray Bugeja

Ray Bugeja submits candidature for party leadership bid

Ray Bugeja
Ray Bugeja

Businessman and lifelong Nationalist Party member Ray Bugeja, 61, will not be giving party councillors any slogans, programmes or marketing campaigns, he told the press during the submission of his candidature for the post of PN leader.

The outsider candidate - described by secretary-general Paul Borg Olivier as having been formerly in the party's 'back room' - today said he would give party councillors a good choice in the campaign to elect a successor to Lawrence Gonzi.

"A general election must be won with margins that reflect a party that is competent and updated, and not with such a wide margin as the last one," Bugeja said. "We need to regain a level that is worthy of Maltese politics."

Bugeja, a businessman who spent most of his career overseas but now runs a restaurant, said it was with great humility that he was submitting his candidature. "I think I have the necessary profile to make the necessary change and renewal this party needs, to transform the party into a party of the people for the people, and not a leaders' party run by its structures."

Bugeja said he will be meeting councillors directly, even though his lack of political pedigree was evident in his comments, and the fact that he took no questions from the press.

"I will be doing my best in the weeks to come, with no sensational media campaigns that bother people. No slogans, no marketing or political programmes... this is not a business. I'm not selling a product but I want to send my message directly to the councillors."

The other confirmed candidates in the PN leadership race will be Simon Busuttil, Francis Zammit Dimech, and Mario de Marco.

Wot, another messiah? Didn't impress me one bit on Bondi+. Doesn't even have a good command of the Maltese language. He must have taken a crash course in the language before he appeared on TV. He has even less a clue on how to run a country.
the messiah perhaps i dont think so,the chosen one is already chosen behind the dark wall.