Bullish Gonzi accuses PM of riding roughshod over Constitution

Lawrence Gonzi says appointment of Anglu Farrugia ignores spirit of the Constitution to first choose MP for Speaker.

Lawrence Gonzi takes his oath as an MP from new Speaker Anglu Farrugia.
Lawrence Gonzi takes his oath as an MP from new Speaker Anglu Farrugia.

The approval of former deputy leader Anglu Farrugia as Speaker of the House was met with the Opposition's disapproval today, in a sign of protest at the lack of consultation on his nomination.

Lawrence Gonzi told the House in its first sitting today that he would have wanted to second Farrugia's nomination, after he first claimed that it should be a sitting MP from Labour's comfortable nine-seat majority to be Speaker, but still pledged to respect the new Speaker and his position.

"As per tradition, I will accompany Farrugia to his room. But I cannot not express my disappointment at the way such decisions have been taken at a moment where we should find what unites us, not what divides us," Gonzi said.

Farrugia was asked to resign by Joseph Muscat in December 2012, ostensibly over comments he passed suggesting that a magistrate was politically biased. The move was widely believed to be a tactical removal of Farrugia from his role as deputy leader ahead of the electoral campaign.

Gonzi himself was categorical about the move, telling Muscat "could not use parliament to make friends, use funds to remedy the situation with somebody who accused you of political assassination. Don't use us and our funds to repair this situation."

Gonzi also accused Muscat of ignoring the spirit of the Constitution, which he claimed gives "first preference" to sitting MPs to be appointed to Speaker. The Constitution's Article 59 allows the Prime Minister to appoint somebody who is not an MP, as long as he is not interdicted from running for office.

"You chose to discard this preference... in other words the Constitution is being run roughshod over with this proposal, because this constitutional article now holds no effect. A government of any majority may elect any person as Speaker."

Gonzi said that as prime minister he had twice asked Muscat to appoint a Speaker from the Opposition. "I consulted them on the Electoral Commission, the Auditor General... we always agreed on consensus on appointments. As a courtesy we should have been consulted on the Speaker. On the MCESD chairman, they consulted the stakeholders but ignored them. But not with us: I did not expect this attitude from a prime minister who built his campaign on meritocracy. Not only does the government have a nine-seat majority but it wants to consolidate it with somebody outside of parliament.

"I'm sorry to say that despite our constructive approach to nominate MP Censu Galea as deputy Speaker, the government did not reciprocate. Certain decisions were taken to challenge and humiliate us: appointing [former Nationalist MP] Franco Debono to the Constitutional Convention when our country has so many capable people... this was a betrayal of the clichés we heard from Labour."

On his part, Prime Minister Joseph Muscat played down Gonzi's criticism. "I won't enter into any negative rhetoric. We are ready to work with you... we were elected on our call for a Malta that is for everyone, and we have appointed Opposition members on executive roles as well. I will still extend the hand of friendship. We reiterated that Farrugia's appointment was in the best interest."

STOP giving us BULL , Dr. Gonzi!
I cant see how ms m dalli could come up with this article heading. why don't we call a spade a spade. dr gonzi cant be bullish about anything. in just eight years he managed to loose 47000 votes and now he is bragging about a couple of hundred votes. go tell it to the marines ms dalli. go tell it to the marines dr gonzi. his rhetoric that we are hearing from dr gonzi is all immoral. let us just examine the 2008 results. with just half of a quota the gonzipn took the attitude of winner takes all he did not opt for a speaker from the opposition when if ever there was a case of resorting to this measure to make up for the discrepancy of half a deputy was the most reasonable thing to do. but no dr gonzi went on to fill every post save that of a purely ceremonial one with diehard gonzipn supporters. he was even accused by members of his government that the actual power was in the hands of a web of evil. and now dr gonzi is criticising dr muscat for placing people who want to work with labour in the lead, people who for dr gonzi had become irrelevant a couple of weeks ago little knowing that he would share the same fate. please dr gonzi do us a favour. go get a break.
One thing I say to Gonzi: You did not need Joseph Muscat to humiliate the PN because you did a very good job yourself during the last election. This is hypocrisy and arrogance at its best. For a moment I thought that the PN had reached rock bottom, but no, Gonzi wants to dig deeper. Good luck, I hope that the new PN leader contest will elect a leader that will stop the party moving in the wrong direction, if not, all will suffer, especially the PN.
Hearty congratulations to Dr Farrugia and here’s wishing him all the best with his new role as Speaker of the House of Representatives. It is good that this position has been filled by such a man of integrity and genuine professional who has always showed respect for the people around him. He is a great asset to the country and we can breathe a deep sigh of relief to have him back in the saddle.
Bullish Gonzi, sorry, you've spelt "bullish" wrong. You've missed out the "t".
Well, some people NEVER change. this is the type of relationship that will characterise the Partit Negattiv for years to come. They must RESPECT decisions taken through NO Precedent. After all Gonzi himself was elected likewise. It's time for the PN to face reality and stop being the childish brat and think smart, if if it to regain, one day, the confidence of the People. It must gear up to 21st century politics.
What a load of nonsense from a totally discredited ex-PM Lawrence Gonzi! Now he wants a "united nation" when he was responsible for mounting a totally divisive and negative campaign which continually underlined differences between "us" (i.e. the Gonzi clique) and "them" (i.e. the rest of the country, blue and red and the type of face a person has. Yes, now he wants a "united country". This is crass hypocrisy in its most demeaning and basest form. ALBERT FENECH
Ara dawm vera ma jitghallmu qatt u b'xejn. Meta kienu fil-gvern huma ma kienx jimpurta li juzaw fondi pubblici biex isolvu l-problemi nterni tal-pn. Ma kienx jimporta li jinjoraw lil oppozizzjoni kompletament (anke jekk rebhu l-ahhar darba b'1500 vot biss u mhux b'35000 vot). Dawn tal-partit tal-ftit minn dejjem hekk kienu, meta jsibu ruhhom fl-oppozizzjoni dejjem ikunu distruttivi, jaghmlu l-bsaten fir-roti u ma jikkoperaw qatt mal-pl fil-gvern. Jiehdu gost bid-deni li jigri matul legislatura laburista. Ezempji hemm bizibilju. Hu mis-sahhara tal-bidnija, din diga bdiet toghrok idha ghax kien hemm xi sensji li probabbli kienu diga ppjanti minn qabel l-elezzjoni tad-9 ta'Marzu. Dr Muscat qed tkun ottimist wisq li ser jikkoperaw mieghek. Iz-zmien jaghtina parir!!!
Why don't you shut your trap Gonz? Haven't you caused enough damage to the country and your party? I read somewhere that you should NOT make any statements at this stage of your very forced short term appointment as leader of the Opposition and Nationalist Party. That is till they throw you out for good! And I tend to agree to that opinion!
Bullish Gonzi? More aptly, "FULL OF BULL"!
Emmanuel Mallia
Look who is talking about the constitution ! The man who has run a country, without a parliamentary majority !
Priscilla Darmenia
"Bullish Gonzi accuses PM of running roughshod over Constitution" Veru li l-ispizjar milli jkollu jtik. Nesa li sa ftit xhur ilu hu kasbar il-kostituzjoni u il-parlament.
Bl-atteggament tieghek, Dr. Gonzi qed tahdem biex tpaxxi n-Nazzjonalisti tal-qalba biss u dawk li huma moderati u floating qed iddejjaqhom b'dak li qed tghid; kun moderat u ghati cans biex wara t-tielet sena ta' legislatura tkun tista' tikkritika dak li jaghamel hazin u hadd ma jlumek ghax tkun tajtu habel bizzejjed biex jghallaq lilu innufsu.
maria aquilina
The consultation on the Auditor General really made me split my sides with laughter. Just ask Alfred Sant. Hallina Gonzi, you need more enlightment from the Holy Spirit. Probably He missed you altogheter this morning!!!
maria aquilina
The consultation on the Auditor General really made me split my sides with laughter. Just ask Alfred Sant. Hallina Gonzi, you need more enlightment from the Holy Spirit. Probably He missed you altogheter this morning!!!
Ha nghidlek kemm izzuffjettajt int, Dr. Gonzi, bil-konstituzzjoni:Poggejt Ombudsman kontra dak li tghid il-Konstituzzjoni ghax qatt il-Prim Imhallef Dr.S.P.ma ghamel 3 snin penzjonant qabel ma ipprovdajtlu Manca xoghol iehor;Ghamilt lil Dr. EFA President avolja kont taf li dan kien heba l-Inkjesta Muscat Azzoppardi biex jghatti lil min kien wettaq il-frame-up ta' Missieri, Karm Grima, u l-konsapevolezza tirrendieh qarrieqi kontra d-dmirijiet ta' l-istat tieghu;Hallejt lil Dr. Alfred Sant jattendi fl-ghola instituzzjoni Parlament meta kont taf li dan seraq l-Inkjesta Muscat Azzoppardi u qatt ma hadt passi kontrieh;tajt kumpens lil kulhadd anke lil Dr. Grech li qatlulu t-tifla wara zmien preskritt mill-ligi u dawru att kriminali tradejunjonist ghall politiku biex ikun jista' jiehu l-kumpens u forsi int tiehu l-manca; tlabtek biex tghini u ghidtli li mhux dmirek imma hu dmir tal-AG meta lil Dr. Grech tajtu kumpens bla tlaqlieq. u iktar imma...
Gonzi ghadu ma jistax jemmen li baqa repeater. Ma tghallem xejn.
These people (Gonzi & his Clique) will never change!! They had incurred an overdose of pure ARROGANCE when they were in power and now it's quite hard for them to resolve. How right was Dr. Muscat's reply to him..." You have learned absolutely nothing from the heavy defeat on the 9th March - General Election" !!!!!!!! Hear! Hear!
What a cheek !!. Look who's talking about"making friends and using public funds to remedy the situation". If you and your ilk have forgotten, many of us have not. Who used public funds to quieten the revolt by your backbenchers, by appointing many of them to a new post, that of Parliamentary Assistant and other posts, like that offered to JPO ?. It was YOU, Dr. Gonzi . How base can you lower yourself !. Shame on you.
To my fellow commentors - the OPPOSITION is there to voice its opinion - and that is what it is doing. In true Labour style you are all saying one thing but acting in the opposite direction - following your beloved leader!
Wara din il-kritika xejn misthoqqa li aghmel Dr Gonzi fuq il-hatra ta Anglu Farrugia bhala speaker, jidher bic-car, li Gonzi ghandu bzonn ta kors iehor ta medicina ta l-isturdament. Is-siggu ta l-oppozizzjoni ma ghammillu tajjeb xejn!
It is obvious that this is GONZI’s last stand. No one can forget how many times his administration has run roughshod over the opposition. Does the EX Prime Minister still believe that the Maltese people have already forgotten the manners, arrogance and actions of his cabinet at the way they treated and manipulated the Maltese Constitution? Now that most of his political clan has jumped ship and went into burrows counting the rewards of their political oligarchy, it must be frustrating to having to face a new administration in parliament while he sits on the opposite side. At s time when his party remains stagnant in trying to find leadership that is not continually being promoted by the cabal clique that caused such political humiliation. The nightmare for this country is finally over; unfortunately the PN cannot get itself in order to rejuvenate a new beginning with new faces and new ideas. Their nomination for new speaker only confirms that the snake is only trying to shed its skin.
gonzi is irrelevant
Jista ikun li Gonzi halla lil l-istess 'speech writer' 'negattiva'- allavolja ha tkaxkira A1? Some things never change!
Gonzi never consulted the people.All the Maltese were against the new parliament.
L-ispirtu svinta fi zmienkom Lor.
Rita Pizzuto
Dr Gonzi stop being hypocritical and accept Dr Muscat's hand of friendship. You are now in opposition and not in a. Position to dictate any more without ever seriously consulting on matters that you had already set sights on. You always appointed whomever you wished and only consulted just for the sake of doing as yours were always fait accomplish. You never changed your mind to accommodate the PL. whereas Dr Muscat is giving you, the opposition all the chance to truly liase withe the government. If you hold the attitude shown by Simon Busuttil then with him around it seems that Ll the PL wants is confrontation. That is not the way to do politics. Grow up PN
Qas taf tisthi Gonzi, mela nsejt meta ghamlu lilek speaker??? Kont membru parlamentari??? U zgur li le !!! Iva issa il-PL qieghed fil-gvern u ser jaghmel dak li jidirlu HU li huwa tajjeb. Mela insejt l-ghaziz Austin li int tant thobb x'kien qal zewg legizlaturi ilu?? Ghandna 5 siggijiet maggoranza u m'ghandniex bzonn naddu mill-Parlament????Issa qed taharqek qalbek ghall kostituzzjoni meta intkom rredikolajtu bil-kbir il-parlament??? Jidher li 35elf vot+ ta' tkaxkira ma kienux bizzejjed biex tmurilkom l-arroganza grassa li rabbejtu f'25 sena. Izda issa oqodu hemm u hudu pacenzja mill-inqas sa 5 snin ohra!!!
Il-Moviment "Malta Taghna Ilkoll" ghandu dmir u dritt imexxi dan il-Pajjiz ghal 5 snin li gejjin. Tkomplux taghmlu il-bsaten fir roti bhal ma dejjem ghamiltu ibda mis-snin 60. Issa hudu break u itghalmu min hadiehor. Il-poplu huwa sovran u qallilkom BARRA, tinsewx 39 ghal 30 u ma rabahx b'bicca sieq ta siggu imma 9 siggiejiet. 36,000 vot u mhux b'zbrixx.
What do you expect from a heavily defeated party. WE hope PN will be supportive as was PL in Opposition.
WHO IS GONZI TRYING TO KID? GONZI NEVER CONSULTED, he only informed the Opposition when he was Prime Minister of his choices and the decisions taken! He only offered to appoint a Speaker from the Opposition to reduce his ONE seat majority in Parliament ...... and continued to govern without a parliamentary majority for more than a year taking breaks and recesses!