Divorce issue 'on top' of PN's agenda

The Nationalist party says it will be focusing more on the issue of divorce in the coming weeks and months, PN organ  il-mument reported.

This is going to occur as a result of the outcome of the meeting held by the Nationalist party parliamentary group last Wednesday after Nationalist MP Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando presented a bill to introduce divorce in Malta, based on Ireland’s law.

Il-mument said that Pullicino Orlando’s initiative has raised several reactions by both the local media and Maltese and Gozitans.

According to the newspaper, the 3-hour long 'divorce meeting', was described as an intensive one with a positive outcome.  At the end of the meeting, Prime Minister and party leader Lawrence Gonzi said that such an important decision should be taken by the electorate and not just by the 69 MPs.

However, the article goes on to say that the PM has not committed himself as to whether the decision should be taken during the general election or in a referendum. At the same time Gonzi expressed his opinion that Pullicino Orlando’s way of presenting the bill should not have been in that manner.

Il-mument also said that on several occasions, Opposition Leader Joseph Muscat had expressed his opinion against a divorce referendum saying that such a decision would mean a lack of good governance.

Dr.Gonzipn better be carefull from your back bencher Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando altough last time you offered him a promotion to be QUITE this time he himself is suffering fom the new Bill he presented of Divorce so come on try to SOLVE his problem before he lets you down Dr.Gonzipn
Luke Camilleri
That's what il-Mument says... : ) With such a declaration by Il-Mument, the VOICE of Gonzipn, with phrases like- According to the newspaper, the 3-hour long 'divorce meeting', was described as an intensive one with a POSITIVE outcome - is prove enough for those dazed and duped to believe it that the Gonzipn Media is certainly as credible as Dr. Gonzi with his electoral promises. The expressions and body language after that 'divorce meeting', was not really shown as being that POSITIVE..... or am I mistaken?
Kellu tant ligijiet il gvern mhux li rid Hu ghamel bhal kontijiet ta dawl u l-ilma . il kon kaditral ta San Gwann. il power station ta Delimara ma ghamel l-ebda referendum il parlament ghalhekk qied biex jghaddi il ligijiet mela tkunx COWARD MR PM ghaddi il ligi ta divorzju mil parlament bhal ma ghamilt ta RASEK fuq ISSUES ohrajn .Ghadek ma tafx kemm hawn nies qedin ibatu kemm nisa kif ukoll irgiel