Updated | Prisons director resigns after minister’s visit finds warders playing truant

Investigation launched into prison warders’ attendance by home affairs permanent secretary.

A surprise visit to the Corradino Correctional Facility in Paola by home affairs minister Manuel Mallia has led to an investigation in the lax attendance of prison warders.

In a statement, Mallia said that a visit he carried out in the prisons at 7:30pm on Sunday, unannounced, revealed that four warders had already left for home when their shift was supposed to terminate at 9pm.

He said a punch clock installed at the CCF administration was not being used, and that he was informed that it was common practice for warders to leave work early, "sometimes with seven or eight less officers left on duty."

Mallia said there were cases of warders going home as early as 1pm, when their shift would last till 9pm.

"This is a serious case that has taken place within an area of national security where an incident can take place, and the warders paid by the people's tax money are not present for work. The CCF director has claimed he was not aware of the abuse that was taking place, so an investigation will be carried out by the permanent secretary," Mallia said.

The minister said the truant warders will have to pay back what they received in salaries that they did not earn. The attendance book has now been sealed and given to the permanent secretary to investigate the case.

TVM news announced in its evening bulettin that prisons director Abraham Zammit was "expected to resign".

And while we're at it there should also be an investigation into some of the financial departments were government employees have "conflict on interest" doing private work while earning a decent salary from their place of work and are never found at their desks but doing other jobs in other private offices and making errands for their private jobs during office hours. Even some office computers should be checked about these abuses.
Joseph MELI
Quite right to fall on one's sword too.Now what will happen to the warders as this warrants summary dismissal?
While at it, Minister Mallia should pay a surprise visit to the Forensic Section in Mount Carmel. He may find less wardens and even less prisoners than expected!!!
At Mater Dei top officials like Bonanno give lectures at the University while on duty, so getting paid twice.
To add to the chorus of complaints, i may point the finger to pupil population in primary schools in Gozo, where some teachers have as few as five or six. This is a waste of resources, and sending Gozitans to work in Gozo (which in principle is a good thing) should not be made at the expense of 10 public officers doing the work which in Malta used to be carried out by five.
Jekk niftakar sew wara karm Mifsud Bonnici il-Gonz kien responsabli mill -habs! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Il-Kummissarju ha jerfgha din ir-responsabilita? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ HEQQ fuq kollox ittihom tort, hasbu li ghadhom that Karm Mifsud Bonnici jew Gonzi li kien ha l-Ministeru warajh! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ittihom tort, kienu jaraw il-Gonzi u tieghu jiehdu il-breaks u ghamlu bhalhom! Ghamel sena aktar mghaluq milli miftuh il-Parlament fejn il-break tal-Milied kien jibqa sejjer sa wara l'Ghid! Dawn ghal anqas immorru jippancjaw .... jew ikun hemm xi had u jipancjalhom!
Let us NOT generalise and NOT point our fingers randomly at other public officers!! All those that have enough proof of other public officers whose absence from work is unjustified can easily forward this information to OPM (office of prime minister) but please have respect of the greatest majority of public servants who do their jobs diligently and with responsibility!!
Let us NOT generalise and NOT point our fingers randomly at other public officers!! All those that have enough proof of other public officers whose absence from work is unjustified can easily forward this information to OPM (office of prime minister) but please have respect of the greatest majority of public servants who do their jobs diligently and with responsibility!!
Prosit Ministru veru qbadt il-barri minn qrunu dak li hemm bzonn fid-dipartimenti kollha tal-Gvern sew f'Malta u f'Ghawdex. Hemm bzonn dixxiplina li tibda minn fuq, u ser ikun hemm hafna dgergir anke minn supporters tal-PL ghax hafna li kienu qed jabbuzaw hasbu li ser jibqaw hekk. Jghajdu li anke hemm min lanqas jidhlu ghax-xol. Din kienet il-marda ta hafna kuwijiet u telefonati li ma jigux imwiegba. Tiskanta ta kemm naqsu nies iduru l-Belt matul il-gimgha minn wara l-elezzjoni!!!
Dan id-Direttur kif kien ma jafx ? Mela qieghed hemm ghan-numru u sabiex jiehu il-paga u l-perkacci ta' xejn ?
Dan id-Direttur kif kien ma jafx ? Mela qieghed hemm ghan-numru u sabiex jiehu il-paga u l-perkacci ta' xejn ?
Keep at it PL!!!! ACCOUNTABILITY should be the order of the day. We are so proud of this government at last!!!!!
Well done Dr.Mallia!! Nissuggerilek taghmel l-istess fid-dipartimenti tal-Gvern f'Ghawdex jew fit-toroq fejn suppost ikunu l-haddiema tal-Gvern. Ikollok tqabbad il-Korp kollu biex jinvestiga kieku ghax aktar min nofs il-haddiema ikunu d-dar ferm qabel dawk tal-Facilita' Korrettiva ta' Kordin!
And while we're at it the Minister of education should also make an inquiry into the organised abuse in the various university faculties and the excessive overtime being registered. This when the normal hours are more than enough to complete their tasks. The excessive wastage of resources in both electricity and man hours and expenditure which should be put to a better cause.
And while we're at it the Minister of education should also make an inquiry into the organised abuse in the various university faculties and the excessive overtime being registered. This when the normal hours are more than enough to complete their tasks. The excessive wastage of resources in both electricity and man hours and expenditure which should be put to a better cause.
din hija prova ta marda li tezzisti fdan il pajjizz.meta lilli tawni karriga biex nara li ll haddiema ma jaharbux u kont naghmel xoghli sewwa raw kif warrbuwni u dan hu kollu tort ta min hu imhallas biex dawn laffarijiet ma jsieruwx.pero kollox donnu jittatta u jitnessa.
din hija prova ta marda li tezzisti fdan il pajjizz.meta lilli tawni karriga biex nara li ll haddiema ma jaharbux u kont naghmel xoghli sewwa raw kif warrbuwni u dan hu kollu tort ta min hu imhallas biex dawn laffarijiet ma jsieruwx.pero kollox donnu jittatta u jitnessa.
This is how things should work! Accountibility. Well done minister Manuel Mallia! Well done new Labour government!
Go Ghawdex il-haddiema ta barra jkun fuq xi xoghol privat ghal-rashom bhall xi resturaunt jew ma xi hadd part time. Dawn lanaqs biss jersqu fuq il-post tax-xoghol mal-gvern hames minuti. Jekk ma jigix dikjarat xi overtime wkoll. U dawn ma jista jkellimhom hadd minn flus il-poplu. Hemm kazijiet li darba fil-gimgha jmur jiffirma ta gimgha shiha. U l-gahan malti jhallas it-taxxa.
Once they are at it it would be opportune to investigate why so many people are on overtime every Sunday at Mater Dei. It is well known that so many people go on overtime on a Sunday there as it is paid double time. And why the newspapers need 3 people who were originally engineers in St. Lukes still maintained their grade and now distribute the papers, milk and bread. No worries same pay and less work!!!!
Leading by example. The Dir of Prisons should be given the opportunity to explain, but if four warders were absent from duty, this was with the blessing and co-operation of their fellow warders. You scratch my back and I scratch yours ! I trust that the whole truth in the matter surfaces early, whilst the minister should also consider a visit at the Forensic unit at Mt Carmel. Surprises would be far greater, I can assure you.
Imbghad jiskantaw kif idahhlu d-droga fil-habs! Id-Direttur huwa responsabbli u jjekk ma jaghtix spjegazzjoni accettabbli ghandu jigi mnehhi mill-kariga. U jekk tridu qabda hut akbar iccekkjaw ftit fuq il-periti u s-serveyors tar-Roads Department ta' Transport Malta.