Busuttil crowdsources people’s pulse in new Facebook page

PN deputy leader launches online consultation through Facebook.

Nationalist Party deputy leader Simon Busuttil has taken his leadership bid to the social media, with a Facebook page that seeks to crowdsource comments from followers and suggestions for changes that have to take place in the PN.

Busuttil is one of four contenders for the PN leadership election, where he faces former ministers Mario de Marco and Francis Zammit Dimech, and Raymond Bugeja.

Busuttil's Facebook page followsimonbusuttil allows users to access the feedback panel or post comments to the 'My Vision' panel where Busuttil outlines his programme for his PN leadership bid.

"I'm doing this to strongly promote the use of technology in getting closer to the people, especially through the social media, so that the party opens up to a wider participation from people," Busuttil said.

Busuttil said he is presenting a five-point plan which he wants to see achieved within five years so that the PN "become a party of the people".

Busuttil said he wants a more accessible party that gives people an opportunity to be heard, and open to people of different political opinions. "I  want people to feel they are participating in immediate decision-making, not after everything gets said and done."

Simon on Facebook,what colour is the face of this crook,ops sorry book?
As far as I remember, this is one of the gimmicks that failed during the campaign, and I think it's unlikely to work now. What people mean by 'listening' is not setting up a suggestion box on facebook and pretending to answer a few comments.
I thank the Gods I don't use facebook!
Emmanuel Mallia
The usual bla bla bla from a staunch conservative !
To late Mr Busuttil,you better stay abroad.PN had the chance to become a party of the people,"YOU LOST IT"
Busuttil should ask his close aides Caruana Galizia and Richard Cachia Caruana to help him understand why the PN lost the election so miserably. Their continued support will surely lead to another PN defeat after the other. It is a promise.
Din cucata ohra minn tieghek sur busullotti ? Mela wara li tghidx kemm ftahart li il-programm elettoralu ghamiltu int, tghidx kemm ghidt bil-blue u bl-ahmar, tghidx kemm ipparagunajt pilloli neqsin ma tal-grocer meta ma jkollux incova, Minbarra dawn meta gahlt lin-nies taghkom sabiex joqodu jilletikaw ghand tal-grocer meta gonzipn baghatek tidhol fil-kcejjen, meta int bqajt tisken fl-aquarium imwerwer minn Franco Debono , meta ghamilt dil il-gabirjola fuq l-ACTA, meta hrabt diversi drabi mir-realta billi igib ragunijiet pwerili, meta dahhalt il-gonzipn gasdown f'hajt tal-konkrit u ghamilthu irmid, jien ma nistax nifhem kif ghandek il-wicc li titfa in-nomina tieghek ahseb u ara li tohlom tkun il-kap tal-pn. Ha nghidlek tal-PL qed jorku idejhom ghax lilek jixtiequ leader tal-pn ghax b'hekk jibqu fil-gvern sa l-ahhar tas-seklu.
Aw siehbi xmun,mhux ahjar tmur tara kif ser tirrispondi fuq dak li hemm fuqek??Mela issa tista tahdem ta avukat filwaqt li tkun membru parlamentari fl ewropa????insaqsi qieghed