Board to investigate Corradino prison warders that went AWOL

Home Affairs ministers appoints Civil Courts director to investigate truant warders

The director of the civil courts Frank Mercieca has been appointed chairperson of an investigative board that will report on the alleged abuse of Corradino prison warders of their employment obligations.

The board's other members will be Civil Protection director Patrick Murgo and Probation Services director Natalino Attard.

The board will establish which CCF employees had taken unauthorised leave of absence, which was uncovered in a surprise visit of home affairs Manuel Mallia to the prisons; and whether similar episodes have already happened.

The board will also established whether this abuse of the warders' position was taking place in collusion with other CCF officials.

The incident has already seen CCF director Abraham Zammit tender his resignation.

Mallia has asked CCF employees to provide CCTV footage and log books to the investigation board, which will have to prepare the report by 24 April.


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