Former health minister discarded €1 million hospital management report – government

Health Minister Godfrey Farrugia says Mater Dei’s emergency department ‘one of weak points’ inherited by previous administration.

A €1.03 million hospital management report commissioned by the previous administration was discarded by the previous minister for health, Joe Cassar.

Reacting to criticism leveled against the new government's administration of the Emergency Department, with long queues reported, the Ministry for Health said the incoming government had to make do with a sorry state in the hospital's management, which had been abandoned by the previous administration.

"Despite having commissioned a report on the hospital's management which cost the exchequer €1.03 million ($1.347 million), former health minister Joe Cassar chose to ignore it completely," the ministry said.

The report was carried out by the J. Hopkins University and had been in Cassar's possession for over a year. The government said the report listed several operational problems but the PN administration failed to commence its implementation process.

"This led to a situation which degenerated rapidly, increasing waiting lists and leading to patients being placed on stretchers in corridors. Moreover, the lack of investment in human resources led to worsening problems," the ministry said.

It added, that a week after his appointment, Health Minister Godfrey Farrugia set up an action committee which included representatives from every unit working at the Emergency Department, including porters, consultants, hospital management and workers' unions.

"This committee is looking into a number of solutions, including the ambulances' garage, with the aim of gradually introducing new plans, both short-term and long-term," the ministry said.

The ministry added that the Health Minister set up his office at MDH to be closer to both workers and patients.

"The Minister emphasizes that as a team made up of health care professionals, everyone is committed to serve the patients and their families," the ministry added.

Emmanuel Mallia
The former health minister is an honest man.
Dan li lablab tant u qal qed jistenna jgibulha il-pilloli lil-ommu issa waqa fil-muta Alla jbierek. L-aqwa li haraq il-miljuni u halla eluf jistennew fil-kurituri. Wahda minnhom ommi mara ta' 87 sena li halliha 24 siegha fi-stretcher. Ovvju li Cassar meta ma jaqbilx ghal-widneh hekk sab l-ahjar li jaghmel, bhal cowards, ma jghid xejn.
Unless the new administration recognises that there is a 100 bed shortage at Mater Dei which needs to be addressed it will go nowhere. Why not inspect St. Luke's and see what services can be developed there. The gross mistakes committed during the planning of Mater Dei - incidentally caused by PN's arrogance in brushing aside advice by the people who worked in the Health Service- have led to this chronic state of affairs. The last administration practiced only crisis management and never took the bull by the horns. THis PL administration has to carry the baby knowing full well that many will be out to sabotage it!Maybe this is the root of the minor gaffes during this past month. Obviously the Nats are expecting all problems to be solved in a month; they could not solve any during the last 5 years!
I always reckoned Cassar was a pillock. This proves it.
I expect a comment would be in order from the ex Minister of Health Dr Joseph Cassar.
What a waste of money down the drain! How shameful of the previous PN administration. I hope that their mismanagement is brought to the fore. Citizens have every right to know!